Friday, March 31, 2006

Annoying Disappointments

You know what's really annoying? Girls who continually converse with you during the course of the entire semester, and never once mentioning a boyfriend in any of these conversations until the last week of school. GAH, SO ANNOYING!!!

Actually, less annoying, and more highly disappointing. But oh well. It's things like these why my hopes never run too high any longer. Highly, highly disappointing...

Until next time, I guess...


Being at BCIT just reminded me of how much better it was over there than at UBC. Everything was more structured and what not... but one thing that I forgot about BCIT was the actual facilities, the actual buildings. I mean, holy crap it's WAY nicer than friggin' Angus... and I guess I kinda knew that, but I think I kinda lost the real difference of it after the year in Kwantlen.

I should be sleeping right now.

Happy birthday to Kris! Hurrah!

Until next time, I guess...

Thursday, March 30, 2006


I have to finish up my part of the group project. I haven't started yet, and it has to be done before seven tonight. It is now 4:30pm. I should get started. But first things first...

It seems that I haven't blogged as much as I usually do. I find this rather odd. And also, my blogs are getting shorter, once again. Also very odd. I'm wondering if there are any correlations between my "short blog" stints and my normal rambly self.

It seems that Storm the Wall is an incredibly fun event in which everyone has a blast. Even if it does take a minute to lift your legs over. Hehe...

In the next week, I have 2 assignments, a group project, and a 10-page essay due. I keep stressing this on my blog, and yet I do nothing. Such is the life of a master procrastinator. However, if I can finish my assignments on the weekend, I think I'll be set. Group project I'd be afraid to let everyone down, and the essay seems to be fairly interesting. That being said, the best laid plans, and such...

After hanging out w/ the STW group for a bit, I had something to eat w/ Pritpal before he went to class. I had a spinach and cheese thing, which although was incredibly delicious, was also $2.50; however, I was still noticeably hungry after this snack. Therefore, I decided to go to 99 Chairs and have my $4 chili and corn muffin. In a word, DELICIOUS. In another word, FILLING. In fact, rEdiculously filling. It was like almost three by this time, but dang I had to lie down I was so full. So I took a nap on one of those couches outside David Lam. So not satisfying; it's so loud outside David Lam. But, my food was reasonably digested by then (4pm), so I went inside to the computer lab in the hopes of doing my work. So, here I am, of course, blogging away...

I also just spent a bunch of time catching up on the webcomics I've missed over the past few days. It seems that I really haven't been on the comp for very long in the past few days. I don't even remember how or why, really. That's slightly unnerving...

Oh crap, I just realized that nothing friggin' downloads from Hotmail in the school computers. At least, from the comps in David Lam and Koerner. And I need stuff from hotmail in order to friggin' do my part in the group project. HOLY CRAP, so not good... ... ...although, perhaps a forward to gmail account would work. Ah, this sounds reasonable. I am no longer frightened at the possible inability to do my part and therefore tick everyone off and therefore have everyone marking me down on the project and therefore getting a crappy mark. No longer frightened...

It seems that I'm starting to go back to my rambly self, at least somewhat. ...AHA! Perhaps I get all rambly when I actually have other, important, things to do. Ahhh, procrastination is a wonderfully misunderstood thing.

I'm getting bored now. It's nearly five. Time to do my work. Or rather, find some other form of procrastination. Hmmm, haven't checked my hockey pool since... yesterday...

Until next time, I guess...

[Edit, 5:23pm - Everything's all set up. Alls I gotta do now is type the damn thing up. Also, I've found that chili isn't the best meal to have right before a group gathering. Hopefully, embarassment shall not ensue...]

[Edit, 5:34pm - GAH, I have an intense and sudden urge to play the bass, and to listen to music that I do not currently have on me... GAH, I need to buy a friggin' mp3 device... also, I seem to have done absolutely nothing in the past half hour, well nothing of importance at least. Watch the actual writing take like 10 minutes, right at 6:45, lol... my goodness, I am also incredibly thirsty, but my water is in my locker, and the fountain requires me logging off the comp and going there... hopefully, thirst = quicker writing? Heheh...]

[Edit, 5:45pm - What the heck?? A group member sent an e-mail that's basically my part in a nutshell... what the heck am I supposed to do now? Do my own thing also?? I was thinking of just embellishing / nice-ifying what she wrote (i.e. get rid of the aggressive union-mgmt stuff), but I'm thinking that's kinda what we're doing tonight anyways, and redoing everything now seems rather odd... plus, messing w/ another's writing is usually the first step towards infighting... GAH, I'll figure something out...

Haha, just realized, it's not even an allnighter, and yet I'm blogging as if it is... expect to see more of such things in the upcoming week... rambly self, REACTIVATED!]

Monday, March 27, 2006


Crazy canucks game. We won. YEAH!!!

Tomorrow's my co-op interview. Hopefully I don't fudge it up with stupidness etc. Gotta practice in the mirror beforehand!

I got my bass today. It's awesome. No, wait, it's FRIGGIN' AWESOME!!! Yeah, that's more like it...

I've got tons of homework to do. I've got 2 assignments for Mgr Acct, 1 assignment for Stats, a group project, and a friggin' 10 page paper due before school ends. That friggin' SUCKS. Although, it really doesn't seem like all that much once I type it all out... perhaps I missed a few things.

I have yet to reschedule my finance final, which is on a Saturday. YIPES, I've been so lazy...

Hurray for storm the wall people! Hurray for my non-rambly postings! And (dare I say it) hurray for everything!

Until next time, I guess...

Sunday, March 26, 2006


Holy crap, Vroom posted a video of their reunion concert! That's BEYOND frickin' awesome!

Although, I'm guessing only fans would enjoy watching it, as Vroom wasn't in peak form (as they've never played together in about 2.5 years, as they disbanded at that time). Oh, and also it's an hour long, meaning it'll take a while to download. And the quality of the vid ain't that great.

But DAMN Vroom is awesome.

Until next time, I guess...

[Edit - Hey guys, anybody wanna listen to some love metal? LOL! And they're not half bad, as long as you don't start laughing at the uber corny-ness. I mean, Heartagram? That's just hilarious...]

Friday, March 24, 2006

No Sleep!

Haha, going on friggin' no sleep. Didn't even get a chance to blog before I came to school. Stupid me, taking my time on the super easy parts, thinking the questions'll all be easy, but then BAM the last part of the question was like, what the heck, it's like the other parts of the question, times four! Literally!

But yeah, no worries. It's done and over. Heheh. And I went to class today, which was good. Actually, allright. We were talking about the 17th/18th century philosophers today in Relg. class (i.e. Descartes, Locke, Hume, etc) and their impact on religious thinking etc. but a lot of the details just flew over my head. Good thing I read the chapter like the night (night) before, heheh... oh, and on a separate topic, having an actual friend to talk to while in (i.e. before) class is nice. I can't really say that for many of my other courses, really. Unfortunately. But that's besides the point. Point is, friends are awesome. And that includes Marcella and Joseph.

Haha, just looking outside from the past 5 minutes, it went from pouring rain to bright sunshine. Lol, gotta love Vancouver. And if the sun keeps up, hooray for interphase!

Anyways, I also went to a feedback workshop type thing (where I got $20, yay!) at 1pm, where I had to be the bearer of bad news and give some negative feedback. Apparently I scored really well, and I was able to give it in a most positive manner. So, I realized that I would be a frickin' awesome manager. SO AWESOME!!! I mean, I always thought I'd be a good manager, but to actually see tangeable evidence for something that seems so second nature to me... AWESOME!!! And all this while on zero hours of sleep, to boot! I'M FRICKIN' AMAZING!!!

[insert generic Leet speek exclamation here]

Anyways, I'm thinking that the no sleep will eventually catch up with me, especially consering I gotta friggin' do recording tonight... no wait, I'm making it sound like recording is bad, which is not the case... it's more, I don't wanna sound bad, and me sounding bad is an inevitability if I don't get some shuteye. So I'm gonna go read 'til I fall asleep at (yeah you guessed it), the Aquatic Centre!! Hooray!!


(Yeah, kinda random, but I just felt a strong urge to write it... heheh, no sleep and no water make Justin something something... "go crazy?" DON'T MIND IF I DO!!! No wait, I'm already answering my own questions, I'm already there... heheh... lack of sleep is awesome, in small doses...)

Until next time, I guess...


It's 5am.

Bargaining thing was fun, but I think my team got creamed. Highly stressful.

Woo, Interphase! Everytime I hear you guys, you seem to be even better than before!

Am doing my Stats homework. I just spent an hour on something that should've taken 2 minutes, and I didn't realize the proper way of doing it until now. That's quite annoying.

That's all for now. Surprisingly not as tired as I thought I would be. Heheh.

Until next time, I guess...

Thursday, March 23, 2006


I believe I have pulled a Reuben and left my Stats textbook at home. Although, it's just needed for homework and not a quiz. However, as I've got my Collective Bargaining Simulation tonight from 5:30 to 9:30, plus the interphase concert in Koerner Pub 'til midnight, I've essentially got no time to do my homework. Unless I pull an allnighter, of course.

But I really didn't want to, since on Friday I've got some study thing at 1pm, plus recording at 5pm. I don't wanna be all sleepy and junk for that. Oh, plus I have to drive home so I can pick up my little sister and bring her to recording also. Gah...

No matter. I guess another allnighter is due. Every frickin' time for stats, I swear. Perhaps I shall take a nap in the Aquatic Centre now... it's so warm and cozy etc etc...

GAAHH, I wanna finish my friggin homework right now. FINISH NOW!!! I don't wanna pull another allnighter. I was hoping to try out that whole "proper sleep schedule" thing, and it was working out so well this week too... Perhaps I'll do as much as I possibly can w/o the textbook, then take a nap...


Heheh, forgot to publish the post. Since that time, about half an hour ago, I've completed one question out of four. Pretty cool. Although, I do believe that it was the easiest question of the bunch. Whoa to the max, and other such 80's/90's pop references. PSYKE!!! Haha...

Uh-oh, randomness = sleepiness, not good for bargaining...

Until next time, I guess...

[Edit: Over the past 2.5 hrs, I have nearly completed one more question. This seems to be the 2nd easiest question also. Holy crap I'm so not getting any sleep tonight. And I didn't have no nap either. And making this edit reminds me of allnighters, which is what it seems like I'm gonna be doing tonight... forget about tonight, I still gotta worry about my CBA thing... crud...]

Wednesday, March 22, 2006

Another Round of Randomness

You know where my new favourite place to do my homework is? The Viewing Gallery in the Aquatic Centre. That place is so friggin' awesome. It's so nice up there, all warm and familiar smelling (what w/ the pool smell and all), brings about that awesome feeling of nostalgia. At first I was hesistant to go, as per the "ohh, you just wanna stare at the swim girls" etc, but I realized that wasn't the case for me. Besides, it's mostly 8 yr olds and old guys in speedos anyways. And this might sound odd, but there's something about watching old guys swim laps that is inherently relaxing. Haha.

Did everyone hear about the ferry that capsized near Prince George? Well, here's a cool fact. My dad used to work with this guy on the Ferries as a summer job, and he was an usher at my parent's wedding. This guy stayed w/ the Ferries while my dad went back to UBC. This guy continued to work up the ranks, becoming first mate etc, until he became a Captain. Yes, you've probably guessed by now: The Captain of the ferry that capsized was an usher at my Parent's wedding! That's pretty cool. You know, except for the capsizing part.

Last night I slept at 11 and woke up at 7. I felt deliciously refreshed. I remember having a cool dream / series of dreams, involving my grandma/aunt/uncle's house, except inhabited by "friends", and also a beach with a rising tide and sandcastles, and a camp (like strathcona-style camp), which was connected to the beach by a crazy series of treehouses. Or something like that. Man, I wish I could remember the details, I remember waking up and going "whoa, crazy dream. I gotta sleep 8 hrs more often."

I'm gonna have to wake up at six tomorrow. It's quarter to 10. Sleeptime is now. Goodnight everybody!

That's about it...

Until next time, I guess...

Tuesday, March 21, 2006

Slightly Random

Woo canucks win!

I'm getting sick. Could be because of that all you can eat thing today, ate way too much, body went into digestion overdrive, immune system suffered. Or it could be the plethora of people I know who are also kinda sick. Heheh.

My future bass:

Ibanez SR500

So awesome!!! I'd go on into the specifics of just how awesome it is, but 1) I don't fully understand everything myself, and 2) getting this bass is contingent on first getting credit approval. Or rather, my mom getting credit approval. Nevertheless, SO AWESOME!!!

I got tons of homework. I have no time on wed. night nor thurs. night to do them. However, I feel like going to bed. Therefore, I'm going to bed.

Until next time, I guess...

Fuggin Idiot...

Man, I felt like such a fuggin idiot in 294. Got my assignment back, supposedly the easiest one all term, and I got 7/10. Everyone around me got perfect. WTF...

Then, during class, I kept making the dumbest remarks, essentially becoming what I most despise: the guy who asks incredibly obvious questions and waste the classes time. I'm horrible!!! Plus, with my tired state, I don't think I was quite clear on a few points... I mean, I was speaking in the viewpoint of mgmt, not the co.! Gahh......

I swear, the more tired I get, the less inhibitions I exhibit in class. Same goes in general I guess.

Actually, this isn't quite true. I still feel kinda odd, like I'm still on a caffeine rush or something... like I'm tired, but well aware of my surroundings. I don't know. I only get 4 hrs of sleep last night, and the last time I had caffeine was on sunday, so that's just odd... maybe my body's just fugged up.

Heheh, the Fuggers were a noble family in Europe that rose to prominence a few hundred years ago. Look it up.

Today there is a chance that I shall be able to procure my own bass guitar. That would be awesome.

Haha, another meaning of "procure" is "to obtain sexual partners for others." Is that not one of the goals of the band, Andrew? LOL...

I'm gonna stop now before this post gets any more random than it already is...

Until next time, I guess...

Ahh, Vroom...

I find comfort in the fact that I can still sit down and listen to Vroom for 3 hrs without realizing it.

I don't even know what it is exactly, maybe the general atmosphere of their music, I don't know, but dang I love that band. From the punky beginnings in Things Not To Do, to the epitome of a perfect CD in Throws Like A Girl, to their crazy awesome acoustic songs, to even Rosebud (which I haven't been able to download fully).

I swear, one day I shall go nuts and buy the entire friggin' Discography. Except for Things Not To Do, because that's apparently out of print. Hard to find.

Vroom = awesome. And I didn't even realize that their bassist is frickin' ridiculous either! So, it's like I've opened up a brand new appreciation for Vroom! So awesome. And I thought that there was no way I could possibly like this band even more, haha...

Until next time, I guess...

Monday, March 20, 2006

Recording Session

Recording is friggin AWESOME! Recorded on friday and saturday, at my church, for the concert we're doing on June 10th. Or rather, for the CD we shall be selling at the concert. And man, the song we recorded last week was AWESOME. Well, relatively speaking. But yes, awesome nonetheless. We'll probably be sending one song as an MP3, so I'll post that once I have it myself. Also, in said song, if you listen closely, I'm the guy harmonizing in the background. Heheh, so cool...

Oh hey, here's some pictures from the saturday recording session. Not the greatest pics of me, but it ain't bad either. Plus, it just looks cool. Heheh.

That's Valen and Alan up there in the top picture, btw. You guys probably met Alan too, he's in EECE w/ Reuben, went to my birthday, went to midnight bikeride, came to interphase's last show...

Anyways, recording's awesome. Friday my little sister toured UBC, also awesome. Went from going to my other sister's class, then we ate at University Pizza (above the Village, so good!), then we sat in the aquatic centre viewing gallery and relaxed, then went to botanical gardens. Holy crap the botanical gardens are awesome, and I'm guessing it'll be like 50x more awesome when all the flowers are in bloom. Everybody, we must some day go to the botanical gardens!

...yeah, that's about it. Woo recording!

Until next time, I guess...

Saturday, March 18, 2006


Anybody wanna be on an ultimate team this summer? My friend has a team in the VUL which I'm joining, and we could use a few more players. Preferably female, if you so desire.

So... join up! It'll be friggin awesome! Comment/e-mail/contact me if you're interested!

Thursday, March 16, 2006

Lowered Expectations

Just got my Finance midterm back. I should've friggin aced it. It was my best mark at BCIT. I am thoroughly pissed. PISSED!

I mean, it's not the worst mark in the world, and if I told you guys what I got, I would probably tick off half my readership. But still, from best marks ever, to not even in the top 25% of the class? WTF?!?!

[For those who are still wondering, lets just say that I am less than .4 standard deviations away from the mean.]

It seems to me that now is the time of lowered expectations. This is a friggin horrible feeling. I now cannot go around assuming that I can get ridiculously high marks without regular studying / reading textbooks / etc. I just can't. I'm incredibly annoyed at myself and my lack of focus this semester. But now there's nothing I can do. Except study. For finals. And not sit back and play videogames all day. I guess that leaves out the question of if I'd go to Thailand with my uncle in April before exams...

Actually, in regards to studying, I still have the upcoming psych exam to worry about. So, I must be studying that. Like, all of today. Crap... so disheartening...

I shall now vow that on tuesdays and thursdays, when I have the entire afternoons off, that I shall now head directly to Koerner after classes and sit down and thoroughly study until at least the sun comes down. Or until I get hungry. Or whatever... point is, STUDY = ME.

I miss BCIT... I was able to study without effort there...

Until next time, I guess...

Wednesday, March 15, 2006

Not again...

I've barely studied for my psych midterm on friday. In fact, I believe I've only read one chapter out of the 5 chapters/readings I have to do, and by "read" I really just mean flipped through. This exam is worth 40% of my grade. I'm friggin' screwed... AGAIN...

Plus, I've got a meeting to go to at 5:30 for my group project, and that'll probably take up my time 'til 7, and I'll be crazy hungry by then so I'll go straight home. Meaning, the odds of me studying tonight are slim to none. Not good.

Oh, before I forget, this group project thing is about a Collective Bargaining Simulation we're doing next thursday, i.e. my group's Management and the other group's Union, and we'll make a CBA. So, we'll have our discussion time from 6:30-9:30pm, i.e. 3 hrs to make an agreement. This friggin sucks. We're gonna hafta do some crazy research and stuff for it too. Rather annoying.

And yes, it's Thurs Mar. 23, so that means no Interphase pub night for me... THIS SUCKS...

But, back to my previous grievances. About my midterm on friday.

Last midterm, I crammed like heck, studying 'til midnight, waking up at 4am, trying to learn everything. And although I ended up with a decent mark, it was below my current GPA, which is horrible because this was supposed to be my GPA booster. And what makes it worse is that I know I could've freakin' aced the midterm, EASILY, had I not procrastinated so much. And it seems like it'll be happening again. Just horrible...

Also, another annoyance about this whole thing is that the midterm is done during my 50min class. Meaning, 40% of my mark will be based on a 50min test. So much room for error if not watching the clock... I hate such crammed testing situations...

One last annoyance is that, since this is a 50min test, half of the test is based on 20 MC q's. Meaning, getting one MC question wrong means I'm losing 1% of my final grade. PRESSURE!!!

But yeah. Enough pining and more with the studying now. Wait, whoops, my meeting's in about 20 minutes. That sucks, I was thinking of taking a nap...

Until next time, I guess...

Tuesday, March 14, 2006

Dinosaur Comics

So awesome!

And somewhat relevant in the discussion, sort of... haha!

Monday, March 13, 2006

More Wonderings...

Considering my last post, today I was wondering... is the opposite also wrong?

Basically, I was wondering, is it wrong to be with someone because she fits exactly with your "perfect girl" description, but don't love her?

It's weird, 'cause I was thinking this on the way to UBC, and lo and behold, this topic was raised in my Psyc 205 class. Basically, more individualistic societies put emphasis on "passionate love", meaning that you shouldn't marry someone who you don't love. Collectivist cultures, i.e. including cultures with arranged marriages, place less emphasis on the "passionate love" and instead focuses on the negative aspects it brings; you "learn to love" the girl, for example. Anyways, my point is, my question above (substitute "marriage" with "be with") was surveyed, and something like 80% from western countries said that they wouldn't marry, while about 35% from places like india and thailand say that this wouldn't be a problem.

As for me, personally, I'm more in line with the collectivist mindset, in that as long as you two are compatable on paper, you'll learn to love each other. It's a lot easier to change your feelings for a girl than having your feelings change the girl. As I've said before, I wouldn't mind arranged marriages... I'm only afraid because of who would do the arranging, i.e. parents...

Although, this is just my theory, and there seems to be recent evidence against it...

Until next time, I guess...


I was just wondering...

Is it wrong to like someone who already has a gf/bf?? I mean, knowing that you'll never wanna get inbetween, or interfere or whatever, i.e. you refuse to be a homewrecker, but still like them anyways? Because I've always found that this was an enormous turnoff...

Also, on a related note, is it wrong to like somebody who is not currently living near where you are, and are therefore unable to have anything more than a long-distance relationship? Because I never really saw the point; take internet relationships for example, so not right...

And is it wrong to like somebody who is completely the opposite of what you're wanting to find in a parter, for the reason that you find her(him) ridiculously incredibly beautiful? Because I always thought that looks should be relatively far down in my list of what I'm looking for, trumped by things like personality and intelligence...

Anyways, as written above, my answers to these questions used to be a resounding YES, it's wrong. Emphasis on the "used to." Now, I'm not so sure... stupid short-term infatuations...

Until next time, I guess...

Sunday, March 12, 2006


I'm afraid it's gonna be another week w/o Hapkido. I'm actually missing it quite a bit now...

My ribs are still friggin' bruised. It's been, what, a week already? How long does it takes for ribs to heal anyways? ...3 to 4 weeks?! Dag nabbit...

January was pulled teeth. February was a mix of school and laziness. March has so far been about midterms. And injuries. Along w/ my ribs, my left thumb is also hurting for some reason; it feels like it's bruised right at the joint, which hurts and is annoying, which is also made worse by the fact that I tend to crack my knuckles as a nervous habit, so from time to time I crack my thumb, which then causes excruciating pain. Okay, slight exaggeration, but whatever.

I blame it on my inactivity. So, I should be more active and thus reduce injuries. However, how can I be active if injured? Oh, chicken and egg complex, why must you be so pervasive...

Oh. And in other news, I wasted another sunday with my slothness. Don't even remember what I did, it was so unimportant. Mostly videogames/tv, I'd imagine.

Crap. I just remembered. I have a psych midterm on Friday. Which I have done absolutely no readings on. Which was what I was gonna do today. And it's already 10pm. Uh-oh... OH CRAP, I have a friggin assignment due tuesday, which I won't have any time on mon. to do, unless I wanna pull another allnighter again, stupid me... most likely scenario is allnighter... gah, I'm useless...

Uzelezz... haha, I miss BCIT... it's an erazer! Haha... heh... I haven't spoken to those guys in 2 years. I'm a dink...

Next saturday night, must sleep before 7am. And/or wake up before 3. Stupid allnighter ruining my biological clockworkings...

Randomnimity. I like that word. I just made it up right now. Wanted to use it, but didn't know how. Perhaps I shall google it.
Turns out that there are tons of sites out there using the word "randomnimity". Stupid other people, thinking of the word I made up before I made it up...

It seems like my mind has once again turned to mush. I should go to bed, except I've only been awake for like 8 hrs. Oh well...

Until next time, I guess...

Anti-Starforce News

Well, to all you people who hate Starforce, here's another reason to loathe that contemptable program/company.

While looking at Celestial Heavens, a HOMM site, there was a news item at the top which caught my attention. About Starforce.

Apparently, the administrator of a Starforce forum made a link to a torrent site with Galactic Civilizations II, as "proof" that piracy hurts sales. Starforce, linking to a piracy site? Illegal and immoral. Subsequently, that link was removed. Stupid Starforce people...

Stardock, the publisher for Galactic Civilizations II, made an editorial on their site in response to this, as well as to a related newsblog article. Basically, they're doing the awesome thing and not putting any draconian anti-piracy software on their games. Instead, they're relying on the awesomeness of their game to sell copies. And considering that they have exceeded sales expectations with minimal advertising (and not even with many reviews up yet), they have succeed. Some say that piracy has increased their sales, through the increase of word of mouth advertising. That's friggin' awesome. Kudos to Stardock.

Why can't all companies realize this?? More importantly, WHY CAN'T UBISOFT REALIZE THIS?! I don't wanna have Starforce on my comp when I buy HOMMV...

Until next time, I guess...

Bunch of Stuff

First off, what's w/ the canucks? So close to not reaching playoffs that it's scary...

Anyways, in other news, watched part of a "best/worst music videos" show on much (more, I believe) and it was about '91. This song was on it. AWESOME, albeit kinda slow and acousticy.

Didn't really do anything today, just watched 2 hockey games and random tv/movies on tv. Not terribly exciting, but I did reconfirm that television is a black hole, sucking me in. Kinda like a passive form of blogging, heheh...

Yesterday was cool, because we recorded the first song for the concert in... June? Wow, that's coming up rather fast. I thought it was in July, heheh. Oh, and just to not have any confusion, I'm talking about my Church concert, and nothing to do w/ the band. Although, I do like recording, and I wouldn't mind if we did end up recording something. Sorry Andrew, I just like hearing my voice actually sounding good, heheh...

Homework is nonexistant in my mind until the night before its due. Same with exams. And any other sort of deadline work. Horrible, horrible habbit that'll probably cost me a job or two in the future. I'm gonna miss mindnumbing labour, personally...

Hockey pool is getting tight, and once again I chose the wrong goalies. I mean, Huet got another friggin shutout? HOLY CRAP! And Lalime started instead of Stanford? What the heck?? And Legace ain't doing quite as hot as I hoped, either. So yeah, with the hockey pool being as close as it is, I was kinda ticked at myself for my lack of faith in Huet. Oh, and in my hockey pool, I'm 6th out of 14. The top six move on into the Tier 1 playoffs, and winner of playoffs = winner of pool. As of right now, I'm having a friggin' playoff race with maybe 2 or 3 other guys, and it's pretty close. Exciting!

So, that's about it. Although, over the past few blogs, I always seem to forget something to blog about and realize it only a few hours later w/o access to a computer, only to forget it once again when I'm online.

Which reminds me. As it turns out, I'm not completely invisible afterall. A bunch of my classmates know my name, and I know theirs. Perhaps I'm just good at making acquaintances...? Heheh...

Until next time, I guess...

Thursday, March 09, 2006

Frickin' Homework...

I really don't wanna do my stats assignment. It's due tomorrow. It's probably not even that hard.

So very tired. I wanna do my classic sleep-then-wake-up-at-4am thing, but I'd rather get it over with.

Came home today early. What a complete waste of my friggin time. I should've stayed at school and finish my stats. And perhaps got other stuff done. Oh well...

Can I help it that I like the snow? And oh, the expression of my feelings is so gay. Or, rather, eunuch-y?

How badly does logging damage tropical rainforests? Researchers compare plots of forests in Borneo that had never been logged to similar, nearby forests that had been logged eight years earlier. The numbers of tree species in each of 12 unlogged plots and 9 logged plots are shown below.


Haha, that was the first part of my assignment. And everyone thought that it was some type of social commentary. Hehehe...

I'm gonna stop blogging now. Hopefully start on my homework. Hopefully finish before midnight.

...whoops, midnight is like 5 mins away. Make that finish before 1am. Yipes...

Until next time, I guess...

[edit, past 2:30am - It would be correct to say that I am sufficiently screwed. Not even finished the first question of four. And on top of that, I believe I'm doing it incorrectly. I'm so friggin' depressed right now... but man, it's beginning to look a lot like Christmas...]

[edit, 3am - I'm frickin' stupid. I did the question wrong, and I know how I did it wrong. But that means I have to redo the question. That I spent the past 45 mins doing. Which should've taken 10mins to do. Did I mention that it's 3 o'clock in the frickin' morning?!?!]

[edit, 4:12am - Finally finished the 1st question. My usual uber-ticked-offiness has been usurped by the feeling of accomplishment and overshadowed by the intense feeling of wanting to finish this darned assginment]

[edit, 4:45am - I'm sleepy... I just finished Question 2. Still have 3 & 4 to do. Wait, silver lining! 3+4=0.5 page length of question, while 1+2=1.5 page length of question. Perhaps, similar time values??]

[edit, 5:30am - Finished Question 3. Took longer than expected. Then again, I was doing it rather slowly, and Charissa did come and interrupt me to print out her paper (as she was pulling a semi-allnighter doing it). Speaking of allnighters, I'm seriously considering doing so. That way, I could probably finish copying Marcella's notes (the ones I borrowed from her) and give it to her tomorrow. That, and to not end up sleeping in like what I did on wednesday. I probably would've liked it too...BAH WHY AM I THINKING AHEAD!!! I still gotta do Question 4, hehe...]

[edit, 6:45am - Finished my stats assignment. Andrew's awake. Heheh, it's like he's in Toronto again, kinda... but anyways, yeah too late for sleep now. And my hunger seems to be overriding my want to sleep. Oh well. I guess I'll go do that now then. Hurray for me finishing my assignment though. Hurray. No more blogging now.]


Walking through a snowfall is beautiful. The only thing better would be if the world was covered by a blanket of white. Or rather, a really thin kind of blanket which wouldn't be able to stick to the road.

I find myself torn between moving to a winter wonderland and a summer paradise. Perhaps, Winnipeg?? Hehe...

Wednesday, March 08, 2006

I Blog Too Much...

I just caught the last few innings of Canada beating down the US in baseball. BASEBALL, for crying out loud! That's fricktastic!

I find that I always tend to daydream during my afternoon mon/fri classes. They're just boring, and I learn nothing, so my mind wanders.

Why do girls with really thin pants walk right in front of me when I'm starting to lift my arm, thus having my hand whack their behind? That's just akward and embarassing for both parties...

"Why do I fall in love with every woman I see that shows me the least bit of attention?"
--> Awesome line from the most awesomest movie of all time. Very applicable.

Man, after reading a bunch of other quotes, I realize just how freakin' awesome that movie really is. And even moreso how it is EXACTLY how I was about 3 or so years ago. I so gotta buy me the DVD of Eternal Sunshine...

I got past the first round of Co-op applications, gotta sign up for the interview. I actually found out a while ago. Kinda surprised that I'm not super estactic and what not...

Got my stats test back today. Turns out that I got an A. In other words, I'm 2% over the average. Also meaning that I'm about .4 SD away from the mean. Or something like that.

I'm hungry, and yet I'm really not. It's quarter to five, and I had fried chicken breast w/ wedges for breakfast at about 10. I guess my non-hunger isn't terribly surprising...

I wanna go buy a bass. Preferably with a thinning neck a la Pneuma's bassist's bass. I'm guessing it'll be expensive. I'll probably go shopping around today, or at least look inside noteworthy music, see what they got. Selection at Tom Lee = less than desireable.

I should do homework right now. Or study. Or something other than ramble on in my blog. Perhaps a good "going home" is in order...

Man, you know what's really annoying? That I'm not able to read my friggin' blog because of some stupid 403 forbidden error. I'm able to read other people's blogs, but nooooo, not mine...

Holy crap, is that sun I see outside? YES! So awesome...

Yeah I'm done now. Until next time, I guess...

Breaktime slothness

I'm in my one-hr break right now, noon to one. I'm usually lazy and waste it on fivolous matters. Today is no exception. However, I did end up sleeping in and missing my first class, which is annoying because it's basically my favourite class (as it is the most interesting). Slept in because I ended up sleeping sometime past 5am. Slept so late because I took a 3 hr nap after the montreal game. Etc.

Anyways, this random thought thing is appealing to me, as I get to verbalize my insides without writing down a crapload of junk. So...

Why the heck is it snowing/slushing/sleeting?? I mean, it's frickin' March! Time for spring and what not! But my main annoyance is that it's really coming down, and my non-waterproof shoes have made my feet wet, plus my longer-than-it-should-be pants are dragging around everywhere, meaning it's cold. Cold it is. And it was so nice only a few days ago...

I finally finished doing frickin' Marcella's notes! I've been procrastinating this since before reading break, yikes... oh, plus, I did this at 3am, finished at 4. LOL...

I thought I was finished with midterms and tests and junk and was able to slow down etc. But then there's the stupid psych midterm next friday, which sucks because it's worth like 40% of my mark, 2x the final, which means I gotta frickin start reading / studying, etc. Then again, it's worth 40% of my mark, with no other tests on the horizon...

Aw man that's right, I gotta do my stupid assignments. Stats due friday, managerial accounting due tues [thurs?]. I have such disdain for having to do assignments nowadays. Actually, this hasn't changed since the times of elementary, so nevermind...

My elementary school is no more. Sidaway, for all those who wondered. Of my friends who attended that school, I am only in contact with Irfan, really. And that's only if I see him on the bus. And he's not even in my grade. That's kinda sad... or wait, my sisters friends I still see now and again. Although I do find it odd that my sister's best friend was the sister of my former best friend, who I do not keep contact with anymore.

Wow, I kinda lose most of my friends over the years... nobody from Ferris, practically nobody from Sidaway, hardly anybody from McNair, nobody from BCIT... I'm rather surprised that I'm still friends w/ everyone from Kwantlen. Perhaps you guys are special, or something. So hurray for you guys. HURRAY! ...

These so-called random thoughts are different from before. It's more of a rant than random thoughts. Yeah, so this is more like regular blogging than little quips, oh well.

Lol, this just came into my head:

I like bananas *clap clap clap* I think that mangoes are sweet, I like like papayas *PAPAYAS!* but nothing can beat... OH YEAH, THE AWESOME COVER FROM THE AWESOME SUMMER!!

I like McDonalds *clap clap clap* I think that Wendy's is sweet, I like Burger King, *BURGER KING* but nothing can beat, a Good Homecooked Meal!
Jazzy Rockabilly version!
I like McDon-aa-aa-lds, I think that Wendy's is sweet, and I like Burger King, Burger King, but nothing can beat, a Good Homecooked Meee-eeeee-eaaa--eaall, a good homecooked meeaall...

Hahahaha!!! This was like rediculously awesome, because we thought of this in camp, in which the food was albeit rather good, but also vegetarian. VEGETARIAN. We were all pining, heheh. Well, except for the guy who was there before and brought a bunch of beef jerky. Mmmm, jerky...

Anyways, I think that was enough random nothings for right now. I guess that last part wasn't really relevant to anything in particular, and would've been entertaining unless you either knew the original song or was actually there also. Oh well...

Until next time, I guess...

Tuesday, March 07, 2006

More Randomness

Some other thoughts I missed and/or thought up throughout the day.

How long does it take bruised ribs to heal?? Ouch...

Papercuts on knuckles are annoying. Kinda funny that I got one the day after discussing this at BP...

Why the heck do I always put the wrong goaltender to put on the bench in my hockey pool?! And why does it always seem that whenever I pick up a high-performing player, they immediately turn to crap? Stupid Huet...

I haven't even looked at my tax stuff that I gotta do... then again, due in April?? Heheh, laziness rears its ugly head once again...

It seems that I am a lot like my grandfather. And we both watched the montreal game. That was cool. Too bad they lost...

There ain't no party like a west coast party 'cause a west coast party don't stop, apparently...

Yeah, I was kinda reaching for that last point right there, lol... time for sleep, or at least time for stoppage of blogging.

Until next time, I guess...

Random Thoughts

Some random thoughts while (not) paying attention in class:

Apparently gay people are attracted to me. I'm cute or something. Too bad I like dem girly parts.

Children love me. I'm guessing it's because I give them attention. Perhaps the reverse is true also...?

If I become a teacher, I would have summers off. That would be cool. Then again, accounting work in the summer is next to nil, so it'll be like having summers off, only getting paid while doing so...

I'm hungry...

How am I able to have my mind wander and still be completely attentive in class?

I miss big lecture halls, in which I could sit in the back and fall asleep without anyone noticing. Unless I snore. Or do that whole head bob thing. I still miss Telus theatre though...

Hmm, I seem to be having the same kinda dry coughing that Reuben has/had, and it doesn't seem to be going away, like Reuben again... Dangit Reuben, 'tis annoying, this cough...

Who would be phoning me at this time?
[look at phone]
Why would a telus texting advertisement be sent in the middle of class?

And yeah, that's about it... so much wandering in a span of under 3 hrs...

Until next time, I guess...

Monday, March 06, 2006

Post-Midterm Ramblings

My belief in my powers of cramming have increased. Fail turns into pass, and pass turns into an average mark. YEAH that's awesome. However, future exams are now in peril of failure, as one day this cramming technique will catch up with me. But not today!

Seriously though, if I get an average 70-ish mark, I shall be fairly joyful. Especially considering that this midterm is merely 30% of my grade, many more chances to pull up the mark. Actually, 2 chances: collective bargaining simulation [25%] and final [45%]. Oh right, forgot, this is my COMM 392 course, "Managing the Employment Relationship," i.e. my applied O.B. course, i.e. the Labour course.

So yeah, super cramming is so worth it. I'm incredibly thankful for my ability to do so. [see the subtle non-use of words like "lucky" and "fortunate"?? 0o0o0o0o0o...] But yes, my ability to focus intensifies exponentially once a deadline nears. Over the past few years, however, my tolerance towards a deadline has increased steadily, in that deadlines are no longer eliciting enough of a fear-type reaction. As today's cramming has indicated, this shows no signs of stopping. Therefore, I must stop relying on my ability to react to fear in a productive manner and instead start doing homework/readings/studying for the sake of it being there. In other

In other news, mysteries unravel. Unless you don't know what I'm talking about. Then it's still a mystery. Hehe...

Wow, looking outside the window of david lam's comp lab, I see a police car w/ flashing lights in front of Angus. On main mall, I guess. I wonder what's going on... oh right; also, while studying in Koerner, I saw a police car and ambulance outside of the library in the middle of studying... somehow related...??

I still have to finish off Marcella's notes. I'm nearly done, but alas, I have forgotten the file at home. Oh well, homeward bound I be. But man, I still wanna blog, stupid frapp running through my veins, clogging my arteries, etc etc...

So yeah. Just to reiterate, this blog is mainly for the use of posterity, a "day-in-the-life" kinda blog, if you will. I know that sometimes this blog is boring, but yes, it is because I use this blog so I won't forget the best years of my life. I mean, if by some chance Blogspot goes haywire and deletes my entire blog, then I shall probably have a nervous breakdown, akin to suddenly finding your diary/journal has caught on fire for some odd reason. Same shock value and same feeling of loss.

My eating habits have gone to junk. Junk meaning bad habits, and somewhat into junk-food. This kinda annoys me, as I usually tend to eat whatever's available at home (i.e. usually junk / fatty / etc) and whatever's cheap at school (which usually end's up being Meatball sub. Best bang for your buck in UBC!). Perhaps I shall pull an Andrew/Goon and start running. But alas, my laziness rears its ugly head again. I should at least continue going to Hapkido, having gone in 2+ months... yikes...

Hmmm, perhaps this is enough blogging for now. Ability to catch 480 = awesome. Actually spent much time adding things above my "I want to blog more" paragraph, so I'm reasonably spent as it is.

Until next time, I guess...


And only a few days after Gautam's. Heheh, I blog too much...

[another post to come in a few minutes!]

I'm Screwed

I only studied for an hour in the morning. After studying for about 2 and a half hours, I realized that I have no idea what the heck I'm doing. Especially considering it's a wordy memorization course (I call it the biology of business). So yeah, I said screw studying and went to buy me a delicious Meatball sub. But I put too much hot peppers, so I went and bought a caramel frap too. And now it's less than 3 hrs 'til my midterm, and I'm tired and full and incredibly not wanting to study. I'm so screwed that I don't even know where to begin to explain. But meh, hopefully I can scrounge up a 60% due to bullcrapping and what not. Can't rely on low averages this time around. Heheh, wow, just noticed my heavy usage of swear-replacement words instead of the actual word, it just kinda flows out that way... and now I'm rambling, dag nabbit...

It's not often that I squish everything in one paragraph. My mind's turned to mush. Uh oh...

Until next time, I guess...

[edit - After I wrote this, I spent 15mins reading webcomics... yipes... must... leave... computer...]

Sunday, March 05, 2006


Didn't study
Didn't go to hockey
Didn't do anything productive whatsoever.


Time to wake up "early" and get crackin' on the midterm studying...

Until next time, I guess...


Tonight was the greatest Nightshift concert ever. EVER!!! I mean, first band (Dominance?) started off the mood right w/ upbeat heavy metal-y music, then it was the always-awesome interphase. Good stuff so far.

And then My Paranoia went on stage. My goodness did they ever rock the house! They were spectacularly awesome. Best part: THE RIDICULOUSLY AWESOME BASSIST. Not only was this guy a ridiculously good bassist, what with the incredibly difficult and fast awesome bass playing, but he also had crazy stage presence too. I mean, with the wireless connector thing, he was like crawling on top of the counter while playing and jumping off of it too and oh man that was awesome. I was like, yeah, nothing's gonna top My Paranoia!! Best band I've ever heard at a Nightshift concert ever! By far!

And then Pneuma went on stage.

At first, I was all, yeah, they're alright. Kinda annoyed at the no singing. But then, they kept on playing. AWESOMELY. In the truest sense of the word: AWE-INSPIRING. I mean, it was the best frickin' band I've ever heard in my life. IN MY WHOLE FRIGGIN' LIFE!!! They had crazy CRAZY guitarists (old guy especially awesome, cause he was like older and stuff), along with a ridiculously amazing drummer akin to a Dave Gens on drum steroids, and to top it all off they had the crazy bassist, doing crazy bassist double tapping and other crazy incredible things of that nature. And the most amazing part is, THIS WAS HAPPENING ALL AT THE SAME TIME!!! I mean, holy crap! This was the best band I've ever heard in my life! And they just kept getting better and better... as much as I've tried to illustrate the awesomeness of Pneuma, word just do not suffice. To all of those who left early, YOU HAVE MISSED OUT ON ONE OF THE GREATEST BANDS IN MUSICAL HISTORY: Pneuma.

Other notables:

- "Better than Nickelback!", says Roger, after interphase messed something up. LOL.
- During interphase mosh, someone shouldered me right in the ribs. Hurtage ensued, but not before the little girl mosher knocks me down in front of everybody. Ribs were not the only thing bruised tonight. But yeah, I guess I'm just not used to having shoulders jammed into my ribs, as I'm usually the one doing the jamming ('cause of, you know, the height thing). Stupid little highschoolers...
- The crazy metal highschoolers grabbing chairs, sitting down in them, and actually appreciating the ridiculous musicianship of Pneuma!
- Reuben being able to tell his grandkids "I opened for Pneuma!"
- Pneuma. PERIOD.
- BP afterwards w/ Reuben and Mark. Good times.

Man my ribs are throbbing... I gotta study tomorrow... midterm monday, haven't studied, haven't read, haven't kept up... yipes... although, tonight: SO WORTH IT.

Until next time, I guess...

Saturday, March 04, 2006


I believe that I shall be getting rid of my categorization of "potentials", because that implies that I have some chance of ending up with them. Instead, I shall just call potentials "the girls that I kinda like." I mean, I could possibly like a girl in which I have a perceived zero percent chance with. But whatever, here's a quick [i.e. non-exhaustive] list of girls I like at the moment, in no particular order:

***Blanked For Their Own Protection (from embarassment)***

[Girl A]
[Girl B]
[Girl C]
[Girl D]

[Girl A] is practically the perfect mate, tops in all conceivable categories. Same with [Girl B]. Also same with both is that I highly doubt either one would a) like me, and therefore b) would ever go out with me. Oh well.
Now, as for [Girl C], I don't really know her all that much, but we seem to get along rather well, and I'd like to get to know her better. As of right now, however, WAY outta my league. But I guess that goes for all of 'em.
Anyways, last on the list is [Girl D], who is quite a bit younger than the others (but meets the 16 yr old threshold). I wouldn't have thought so until [even which would reveal her name], in which we seemed to get along rather well.

Each girl has their own particular reasons why I find them attractive, but this is the basic rundown. You can try to guess as to who they are, but it's kinda pointless really. It's more than likely that the guesses will be completely off anyways. But yeah, just felt like posting...

Until next time, I guess...

Friday, March 03, 2006


I should be doing many things right now. Like, study for my midterm, or type up notes for Marcella, or sleep. But instead I'm doing squat. Oh well, at least I'm "relaxing"...

I find this song awesome. If I had a credit card, I'd probably buy all the Vroom / Wilderness albums right now. I really like this stuff, for some odd reason.

So tomorrow afternoon is spanish banks. So far it's Me, Andrew, Nate, and Mark if he decides to walk down at 3. It'll be awesome! Everyone come along too! Come to think of it, I'll probably invite Marcella to come along too, although I'm not so sure she'd wanna come, as she'd be the only girl... oh well, no harm in asking.

Yup, starting Marcella's notes. I've been procrastinating for 3 weeks now, so I'll do that first. Instead of studying, or sleep, heheh...

Until next time, I guess...

[Edit, 2:45am - Talking online means late nights for Justin. But I ain't complaining, talking equals good.]

Thursday, March 02, 2006

Walk Along the Beach?

Hey, so Andrew and I are thinking of walking down to the beach again tomorrow. Tomorrow meaning Friday, sometime past noon. The beach being spanish banks, the walk down being on that road which connects UBC to spanish banks. The name escapes me at the moment.

Anyone wanna come along?

It's supposed to be variably cloudy [a.k.a. sunny breaks, lol], so it'll be a nice day for a walk. Yup.
How could you NOT wanna go? ...classes? BAH to classes... come anyways!

Until next time, I guess...

Strange to Odd to WHAT THE FRICKIN' HECK?!

Last night, I slept before 8. Or, rather, I went to bed before 8, then played my gameboy for an hour and a half. How strange.

I set my alarm to wake up at 4am, as to print out notes etc that I failed to do last night. I didn't get up 'til 6:40. How odd.

At some time past 7, I drove the car to the park 'n ride, got on the bus, went to school, and bought a pack of mints. It was about then that I realized that I've lost my keys. WHAT THE FRICKIN' HECK?! How could I have lost my keys?!?!?! Not good not good not good...

Some time inbetween me driving the car to buying the mints at ubc, I lost my keys. Seeing that I usually just stuff it into my pocket after I take it out of the car, the most likely occurrence of me losing my keys would be when I take my wallet out of my pocket. Now, considering I took out my wallet only twice, there are only two (or 3) logical places where my keys could be:
1) When I bought my mints at that smokeshop place in the SUB.
2) Right at the busstop at the park n' ride.
[3) Inside of the bus, if the keys didn't quite fall out right away at the busstop.]

I don't believe it's #1, therefore it's gotta be the other(s). Already phoned my sister to check, but she was still sleeping. Hopefully she remembers to check it.

It is paramount that I get my keys back. Many of the keys (i.e. 3-4) are not really mine, and I have to eventually give them back. Not good. AT ALL.

***Edit, 11:30am***

Yeah, as it turns out, I'm an idiot. Apparently there's an option 4) I left the keys in the car.

The reason why I didn't think of it before is because I assumed that if I left my keys in the car, I would've left them in the ignition; my car won't allow the doors to lock if the keys are still in the ignition. Since I was able to lock the cardoor, I assumed that I didn't leave them in the car. But nope, I realize now that I dropped them in the space between the front seats where the emergency brake is while reaching over to get my backpack (which was in the front seat). I guess I just forgot it in there. Whoops...

I wasn't actually all that worried, really. I have a firm belief that everything'll work out in the end. Such as today; even though I lost my keys, I thought that I'd get them back eventually. Somehow, someway.

Other times, such as when I lost my agenda last semester, I didn't freak out or anything. I just got another agenda. Did I feel bummed that I lost it? Of course. Did I harbour over that fact and make it ruin my day/week/month/even my year? Nope.

So in closing, I say this: RELAX! Everything'll turn out fine in the end, even if it isn't what you wanted in the first place. Extra stressing over problems will only cause more problems.

Until next time, I guess...

Wednesday, March 01, 2006

Late Night

It's 2:15am. I went on the comp at around midnight to print out some notes. I then surfed the internet, hockey pool, blogs, etc etc. It was about 2 when I realized that my dad screwed up the computer again, and thus there's no microsoft office on the computer. Meaning, no note printing. I'm perhaps going to be screwed once again...

I think my post-midterm doldrums have begun... and I still gots one more on monday, yipes...

Vroom - Dumb Like That

Best song ever. As I've probably said before. Kinda random, and it doesn't really relate to anything relevant in my life right now. But awesome nonetheless.

You know what other song is awesome that nobody ever talks about anymore? Sum41 - Fat Lip. That was a good song. Although, I was more partial to Summer. Good memories. 'Twas the summer of my 'awakening', so to speak. '01. Hehe...

I'm hungry. Midnight snacky time, perhaps... but no. Sleep time is now. Incoherence is key to understanding the misunderstandings of yesteryear. Or something to that effect.

Until next time, I guess...