Sunday, April 30, 2006

Continuation, Etc

Here's the pics I said I put up:

Yup, that's me in the front, my sisters behind me, and Jerome from Switchfoot. We're inside the tourbus. Heheh, my hair's a mess because I was in the "squish pit" at the front of the stage, being all incredibly cramped and squishy and sweaty and such. The redeye makes me look even funnier, heheh...

Here's another pic inside their tourbus, with Esther (Joey's wife) and Shaylene in the back walking between the bunks. I'd add more pictures of the tourbus, but it feels kind of like an invasion of privacy, and thus feels kinda icky.

Here's most of the guys from Switchfoot (minus lead singer Tim) with Joey and Esther. If you haven't already figured it out, Jerome and Joey know each other. In fact, they're childhood friends, growing up together in California. We were supposed to meet Switchfoot too, and got as far as inside the Green Room, but the security people were having a fit and said that only Joey and Esther could see them, and thus kicked us out. "Oh, sure, you're old friends, two can say, you four leave." So instead, Charissa, Shaylene, Diana (Charissa's friend), and I went to Cafe Crepe for some delicious goodness. [p.s., there's one at UBC now! Yummy!]

Anyways, apparently Switchfoot came out, and Jerome was all "Oh my goodness, JOEY?! WOW, IT'S JOEY!!!" And the security people got super embarrassed. Heheh. Unfortunately as we were already eating, they couldn't find us outside, and instead we met up with them later. And that's when Jerome came out and showed us the tourbus. Then we all went back to Joey's place, and we went home. I must say, Jerome is a pretty cool guy, and (as expected) very normal.

Heheh, Esther was all weirded out because she had no idea how big/famous/etc Switchfoot is.

But enough about Switchfoot, that was yesterday. As for today... now, what did I do today...

Oh yes, I bought 9V batteries for my bass (as it horribly ran out of juice on Saturday, and hence I had to use the junky bass instead). I also bought a softcase, as well as a crazy expensive patchcord (is that what they're called?). I realized that I didn't really need the patchcord, and thus I'll probably return it tomorrow, before the Kits beach thing.

Today was also band practice. I must say, it's actually starting to come together quite nicely! I need to learn the covers better, and learn to sing & bass together better, etc etc, but still, our progression is quite noticeable! Soooo awesome.

Man, I can't freaking wait 'til June 16th! Because June 16th is the day of our concert! At Reuben's, on June 16th! It's a friday, June 16th is. And it'll be at 7pm, on friday, on June 16th. ...At Reuben's! ...uh, ...YEAH!

Oh yeah, as per Reuben's comment, with the non-mentioning and such, I guess it kinda slipped my mind. Heheh. Oh, but I must add, I can soooo see myself living inside one of those tour busses for six months on the road. Man, that would be so cool... A guy can dream...

Right, and after band practice, I went to Quilon with my Uncle. Dang, that place is delicious... so awesome, Quilon is...

Heheh, Charissa bought a blender today, and is going smothie crazy. She also came back from Whistler, bringing back margherita mix and other such syrups, so she's crushing ice and making drinks like crazy. She just came in and gave me a strawberry-mango slurpy-type drink. Awesome.

Anyways, I still have to finish my paper. I have to freaking do it quickly. Actually, I'm thinking if I can get through just a couple of pages tonight and sleep at about 2-3, I'd have enough sleep/energy for the Kits beach thing tomorrow. I can hopefully finish it tomorrow night, as I'm thinking sleep is more important at this juncture in time. But yeah, point is, it's now quarter after 11, and I have to get started. Yup.

Until next time, I guess...

[Edit, past midnight - Well, instead of doing any actual work, here's what I did instead:

You scored as Engineering. You should be an Engineering major!





























What is your Perfect Major? (PLEASE RATE ME!!<3)
created with

Yeah, I should be an engineer...?? However, did you notice something that I found quite apparent? Lets see... Commerce, Business, Accounting... NOPE! None of that in here. Heheh. Perhaps I'll just stick to business.]

[Edit, 2am - Yup, didn't do squat. Well, I did end up listening to music for the past 2 hours. How nice...]

Well That Was Cool

Went to the Switchfoot concert today. It was rather awesome.

I met Jerome, and saw the inside of Switchfoot's tour bus. Pictures to come.

Until next time, I guess...

Thursday, April 27, 2006


Yeah, had my double exams today, and I gotta say... not half bad! I mean, I didn't feel rushed or crazed or unknowing in 294 (which I REALLY thought I would have), and the Relg final was over in a jiffy! Plus, my prof won't be in this weekend, coming back monday night, so I have the weekend to finish my paper! Although, I shall complete it before then, for I don't wanna have do do a paper during the summer break, that's just horrible, heheh...

All in all, from incredibly lazy, to incredibly stressed, to incredibly surprised and relieved, this exam period wasn't all half bad.

And I gotta say, there's nothing better than a test in which you completely understand what you're doing. Awesome feeling. Although, stupid mistakes always seem to catch up to me, heheh...

Until next time, I guess...

Wednesday, April 26, 2006

Middle of studies

Turns out that I spent most of today studying for Relg, cause DANG there's a lot of christian history in the past 700+ years... I now realize that studying relg is still important, since it's 30% of a 6 credit course (i.e. 60% of normal)... then again, Comm 294 final is worth 55%, so it's right up there... I'm just hoping that (again) my wits will be enough to get through the test with a 70%... and if it's anything like last exam, alls I need is a 50% cause it'll get scaled like crazy, heheh.

Now, I've got about 15 hours until my exam. If I can spend even 5 of it on studying for 294, I should be fine. Calculations/formulas/etc is the easy part; using them within a situation is the tricky part. Hence, reliance on my wits to get me through it, heheh.

Awwww man, school's almost over! And I get to look forward to Ultimate, Rock Band, and freakin' loads of cash from work! Awesome!

Until next time, I guess...

[Edit, 7:33pm - Man, not having a laptop is freakin' annoying... I'm in Koerner lvl 6, and I have to stupidly get to one of the computers near the stairs to check my answers (as it's a no-print solution thing), and I have to constantly keep checking behind to where I'm sitting in case someone steals my stuff... not that I have anything to steal, but anxious nevertheless. Oh, and I probably should have studied more on 294, it's freakin' tough. Well, the material isn't, but utilizing the material IN A TIMELY MANNER is freaking impossible...]

Tuesday, April 25, 2006

Another Exam

It's about 20mins to my exam. I didn't study all that well. I didn't sleep all that well. However, I heard it was an easy test, and I'm hoping that I can rely on my wits to keep me about.

I should probably do some mondo cramming right now. Heheh.

**Update, Post-Exam**

Stupid e-mail saying the wrong room name, making me wait 10 minutes in the wrong room, then searching around for 5 minutes more... highly annoying. If it weren't for the fact that I actually finished in the alloted time, and the fact that it was a relatively easy test in which I know I'll definately get at least 70%, then I would've been furious right now.

Then again, I rushed through most of the questions, and wasn't able to double check my answers. I'm guessing I dropped about 5% because of this. No wait, maybe more. But the point is, I just don't really care. I figure with the amount of non-studying that I did, I deserve a lower grade anyways.

I'm fairly exhausted at the moment. And hungry. And wanting to go home and sleep. But I gotta study for my upcoming exams. Crap. And finish my paper. Double crap. This kinda sucks...

Anyways, new plan of action is this:

Today/Tonight - Study for Relg, Work on Paper.
Wednesday - Study 294, Review Relg, Work on Paper (hopefully completed).
Thursday - 294 Exam, Relg Exam. Afternoon Sleepage, then Finish Paper.
Friday - Allnighter paper finish, hand in paper.

It's already like 3 weeks late as it is... that's just horrible...

Oh crap, taxes are due! Heheh, I actually kinda look forward to doing taxes, heheh...

Wait, school, paper, taxes, then working?? Already?? My goodness... hopefully work will be simple, heheh...

Until next time, I guess...

Monday, April 24, 2006

Well That's a Surprising Change of Pace!

Just finished my 392 final, and man that was EASY! Well, relatively speaking that is (as I'm sure I'll still get around 75%). Considering I crammed like crazy, memorizing "key steps" and other such nonsense, that's freakin' amazing. And yes, frustrating I am, heheh...

Tomorow's my finance final. I must say, after hearing from what others had said about the exam (as the took it on saturday), I don't feel all too worried. They said it's mostly calculations. I'm fine with calculations (as I've already freakin' took finance before, and BCIT finance is mostly calculations anyways). However, this still means that I have to study... but, it's so pretty outside! Makes me wanna take a walk...

And then I realize I'm wearing black thick-ish t-shirt with jeans. Perhaps walk isn't the greatest idea, as sweatiness ain't enjoyable. Ug, no pun intended. But yeah, perhaps other things to do.

Just called Reuben, he's studying in McLeod (sp??), which is far away. Meaning, I can have my walk, as I have a reason to walk now... but then again, study is important, and me + Reuben = less study for the both of us. Gahh... or perhaps, I have to go home and give my sister a ride for her exam at 3? Hmmm, should phone now...

Gah, wasting time again on the blogs. But man, I haven't truly blogged consistently in a while. Hmm, perhaps I truly was depressed in the past 2 weeks... or maybe I was just incredibly lazy, heheheh. Yeah, probably the lazy.

Random Thought: I seem to be adding the word "monkey" to the semi-swear words that I say recently. For example, I realize a mistake I made on an exam, "aww, fudge monkey!" And when somebody cuts me off in traffic, "Gah! ASS MONKEY!" Etc etc... I find that rather humourous.

Hehe, ranty ranty...

Until next time, I guess...

Sunday, April 23, 2006

Sunny UBC

UBC is so nice this time of year... feels like summer... I want it to be summer now... but no, I still have four exams to go, and stupid me, I didn't study for any of them. I have to go into super overdrive cramming mode, but I fear that I've burned out. Especially while walking from b-lot to Koerner, so pretty outside... I should be outside... but now I'm cramming for tomorrow's final. Then, after tomorrow's final, I gotta cram for the day after's final. Then, I'll be burned out. But wait, I still have to finish my paper (which I don't even have a full page written yet), and I still have to study for my Relg final, and most of all, I still have to study for my Mgmt. Acct. final, which will probably be the hardest test I'll ever take in my life, both in content and in burnout-ness. Oh wait, then my relg final is after that one. Gah, I'm still so screwed...

I'm sleepy... 6 hrs sleep after an allnighter isn't enough...

hablroubluobouarb. I need to focus on 392. Labour relations. Gotta focus. Gotta cram. Gotta memorize, etc... I hate morning exams...

Until next time, I guess...

[Edit, 10:10pm - Yeah, I'm still at UBC. Yeah, I took a break about half an hour ago. Yeah, I still gots tons more to study. Yeah, I'll probably stay 'til 1am when Koerner closes. Yeah, I'm only gonna be getting a nap's worth of sleep. Yeah, I'm pretty much screwed tomorrow, and the next day, and the next day, and the next day... but then it's Summer! Woo, and such... but first things first, gotta go cram for 392...]

[Edit, nearly 1am - Man, it must be nice to live on campus... I really REALLY would like to just walk into my bed right now... stupid drive home...]

Saturday, April 22, 2006

How Odd...

It seems that the less I blog, the less work I get done. Also, it seems that I get zero work done during the day. How odd...

Anyways, stats test was on friday, I think I pulled it off. Still did poorly, I believe. Oh well...

I still have to write my paper, and I still have to write four more exams. Also, haven't really followed my plan, AT ALL. Basically, I think I have to pull an all-nighter tonight to get any work done whatsoever. I seem to do well w/ allnighters, but having to do one on friday night is rather unnerving...

That's all I got to say for now. Yikes, lack of blogging, not a good sign...

Oh wait, I just realized something: perhaps my lack of blogging truly is correlated to my ability for work, because the more I blog, the more mentally stimulated I am, and conversely the less I blog, the lazier I seem to be. Perhaps, blogging stimulates my brain?? Therefore, must blog more! Lets see...

Oh yeah, next week's Switchfoot concert, and I'm going; anybody else wanna come??

I'm doing the 30-hr famine once again this year! Anybody wanna donate and make the world a better place?

I'm in a freaking ultimate league this year! That's freaking AWESOME!!! I haven't played competitive ultimate since I was in highschool, dag nabbit!

Oh crap, I still have to do my stupid taxes... only free time is on friday...

Wait, it's nearly May... my birthday's in freakin' May... holy crap, it's nearly my birthday! Haha, no crazy planning for it this year, stupid lack of social gatherings at UBC... man, Kwantlen was awesome... hmm, why didn't I visit this semester very much anyways?? Oh yeah, because whenever I did nobody was up there... oh well... but anyways, BIRTHDAY!!! [May 9, btw... lol]

This summer, I shall get a girlfriend. And this time, I shall actively try instead of passively doing my whole "wait and see" style. Although, I have no idea how I could possibly get a gf this summer... hmmm, wait, there are a few leads I can think of... first off, I have my ultimate team potluck on sunday, so perhaps girls I don't know from that team? Or perhaps they know friends? lol... plus, there's always girls at work... well, during salmon season though... crud, I forgot her name, that girl I liked last year and was too chicken to do anything about it... and finally, last lead, Esther (Joey's wife) asked if she could set me up... although, I'm thinking that will be last resort, as me + blind date = not good. Actually, more scared of the potential rejection than anything else... but anyways, point is, me + summer = girlfriend! ...wait a sec, isn't "summer" a girls name? Haha, I find that amusing...

Uh oh, now I'm all ranty... me + ranty = sleepy, meaning allnighter is in jeopardy?? Oh no!

...hehe, Vroom is awesome. Why nobody else feels the same way (outside of Virginia) escapes me...

Until next time, I guess...

--> As told through the mind of an introverted extrovert. Haha, haven't done that in a while...

[Edit, 3:34am - Well, this allnighter business isn't going off to a great start... shower ended at 1, then youtube surfing for quite some time, then started on work. So far, I've added 2 sentences to my paper, and I've done 2.5 questions for Finance. Yup, not so good. I'm thinking, up until 8am, I should write at least 2 more pages for my paper, finish my Finance problem set, and start doing / finish my Relg note reduction. Then at 8, I'll see if I feel like doing more work or sleeping. Then, I shall sleep until 8pm (as I work better at night), and then cram like crazy for 392 exam at 8:30 monday. Wash, rinse, REPEAT; wake up at 8pm and cram like crazy for Finance exam at 8:30 tuesday. Then, MUST finish my paper by tuesday night, because then cram like crazy time for Mgmt. Acct. AND Relg exam at 8:30/Noon (respectively). Oh my goodness I'm so beyond screwed... an entire week of "allnighters", lol...]

[Edit, 4:38am - Well, just finished my problem set for finance, and it seems ridiculously easy after learning it. Perhaps finance exam, also simple? Just read all the qualitative, non-numbery stuff (killed me last test...). Still have to write paper, plus do Relg study... but what to do first, hmmm...]

[Edit, 7:34am - I just realized that I did absolutely nothing in the past three hours... didn't study relg, didn't do anything on my paper (besides maybe one or two sentences...). How the heck did this happen?! I don't even remember what I did... gah, time to go into overdrive! But I'm sooo tired...]

[Edit, 8:20am - Perhaps I really am scared to write my paper... crisis, and such...]

[Edit, 9:24am - Yup, can't take any more of this forcing myself to work. Gonna sleep now. Then wake up, go to ubc, and cram like hell for 392. Then exam at 8:30am. HOLY CRAP THAT'S LESS THAN 24 HRS FROM NOW!!! So screwed...]

Thursday, April 20, 2006

So Screwed It's Not Even Funny

I studied for a grand total of 2 hours today. Actually, closer to 100 minutes. I have an exam tomorrow, at noon. I believe that there is a incredibly high chance of me failing this exam. How do I know this? In the time I was studying today, I had absolutely no clue as to what the hell I was doing.

Instead of studying, I ended up watching sailor moon, smallville, ultimate fighter 3, and playoff previews.

Yeah. This sucks, immensly.

Until next time, I guess...

[Edit, 11:45pm - Whoa, it seems so early... but anyways, yeah, I believe that this stats crap is actually coming together... rather nicely, actually... hopefully, in my lightning cramming (of about 3 hours) tomorrow, I'll be able to understand enough stats to get a 70% on the test. That would get me a 77% average overall. As long as it's more than 75%, it's good enough... good enough meaning that employers require 76% average for cutoff... but now I'm getting ranty... gah, STATS STATS STATS!!!]

Wednesday, April 19, 2006

Revised Plan

Yeah, that sleep plan of mine, it didn't work. Woke up at 11:15. After food, plus shower, it is now noon. I need to freaking study for my exams, dammit! Gah... oh laziness, why must you mock me so...

Therefore, my newly revised Plan of Attack:

Today - "Finish" Paper, Study for Finance
Thursday - Study for Stats, "Finish" Paper
Friday - Cram for Stats, Stats Exam, Study for Relg, Recording Session, "Finish" Paper
Saturday - Church, Recording Session, Direct to UBC, Study for Relg, "Finish" Paper
Sunday - Study for Labour, "Finish" Paper
Monday - Labour Exam, Study for Finance
Tuesday - Finance Exam, Finish Paper, Study for Mgmt Acct
Wednesday - Study for Relg, Study for Mgmt Acct
Thursday - Mgmt Acct Exam, Relg Exam
Friday - Maybe not streaking... perhaps, Bubble Tea and Beach Volleyball?? Hmmm?

Yeah, main difference being my lack of confidence in finishing my paper... but dang, I gotta at least finish it before the freaking final... GAH!!

But anyways, I plan to work on my paper for the next hour or so, then head off to UBC for some good ol' fashioned studying. I'm actually looking forward to that, heheh...

Until next time, I guess...

Tuesday, April 18, 2006

Plan of Attack

My life is planned out for the next 10 days:

Tonight - Finish Paper
Tomorrow - Finish Paper, Study for Finance
Thursday - Study for Stats
Friday - Stats Exam, Study for Relg, Recording Session
Saturday - Church, Recording Session, Study for Relg
Sunday - Study for Labour
Monday - Labour Exam, Study for Finance
Tuesday - Finance Exam, Study for Mgmt Acct
Wednesday - Study for Relg, Study for Mgmt Acct
Thursday - Mgmt Acct Exam, Relg Exam

Well, besides that last one, I've pretty much have to stick to this plan, lest I fail miserably. Or, if not fail, get a decidedly less-than-average mark, pulling my total grade under 72%, and thus kicking me out of Co-op. Yikes...

Stupid youtube videos, why must you be so awesomely addictive...

Anyways, first things first, time to write my paper... heheh, probably wouldn't have even started had I not realized that the books I took out are due tomorrow, lol...

***An Hour Passes***


[Edit, 3am - Well, things are not going well... just how bad is it, you may ask? Well, about a minute ago, I realized that I have to write a thesis statement. I don't believe I've done that. So, let me reiterate: I HAVE NO THESIS STATEMENT!!!

I'm screwed... stupid forgetting how to write a proper essay...]

[Edit, 4am - Instead of actually creating a proper thesis statement, I spent the last hour writing up my bibliography. Apparently, VERY slowly. With many distractions. Plus, I'm incredibly tired. Perhaps I shall sleep for a few hours, wake up around sevenish, then continue on with my paper. And by "continue on", I actually mean starting the paper. My goodness, I get distracted so easily. Well, in the initial stage, yes. Once I get going, I really get going... I just need that freaking PUSH. Which I don't seem to have at the moment. Since I renewed my books, and are therefore not due tomorrow. Oh yeah, that's also what I did in the past hour, cool...

Yeah!! Just checked my mark for my Psych 205 class, and I ended up with a freakin' 78%!! Now, normally I'd be quite annoyed at my less than 80%, esp. with my sis beating me by 5%, but I just don't care anymore! I'm in Co-op, alls I need is my grades to be above 72% and I'm set! (actually, more than 76% is desired by employees, but still, 78 is higher!). Anyways, my realization that my elective courses are no longer GPA boosters, and rather are GPA maintainers, make me less inclined to actually try to do well on tests. And apparently essays, dag nabbit... Heheh, ended up with the mark I thought I'd get, with minimal amounts of study. Cool...

Man, I'm ranty. Me so sleepy... and now it's quarter to 5, with nothing done. Just perfect... sleep 'til 8, then wakeup, then work. Yup.]


For the upteenth night in a row, or so it seems, I have stayed up to a rEdiculous hour for no good reason, and have been perfectly unproductive while doing so.

Paper, 5 finals still to go.

I'm an idiot...

Until next time, I guess...

p.s. - I need to increase my socializing, immensly. I miss childhood. I miss missing it. Without A Paddle exacerbated the feeling. Etc etc.

Sunday, April 16, 2006

Random Movieness

I've been fairly random today. So, here's a compilation of random video clips playing along to some awesome music! And yes, on "thursday" that is RHCP playing ska! Well, ska-ish... but still, cool!

More updates to come, as I can't see myself doing anything productive anytime soon, lol...


Okay, I've been looking at music videos for the past few hours, but after all that time, I feel like I gotta post this song... I know this song is incredibly simplistic, and very poppy, and has inane lyrics, but even so, I love it! I still love M2M, lol... "I really, really do!" haha...
It was dinnertime, september 22nd, sunday, twenty-five after nine...

Until next time, I guess...

Dag Nabbit...

Stupid Heroes V Demo not working on my dank-ass computer... not terribly surprised, but still rather disappointed...

So, things to buy in the summer, in no particular order:

-- Laptop (which will be able to run Heroes V... and possibly Oblivion, heheh...)
-- Bass amp for my kickass bass. Oh, plus another 1/4 inch cable, my cheapo one's busted.
-- Uh... shoes? Clothes, etc?

Yeah, I guess I don't really have that many things to buy this summer. I guess that's a good thing, 'cause a good $6k's gonna hafta go towards tuition/books/etc anyways. That kinda sucks.

Turkey wasn't thawed, so we had roast beef dinner instead. Yummy. Plus, turkey is now tomorrow's dinner. YUMMY.

I have more to blog, but my lackadaisical attitude has returned. Heheh, I always pronounced it lax-sadaisical... whoops...

Until next time, I guess...


The past few days, I've been thoroughly depressed, due to a plethora of reasons. Since I wasn't able to get on a comp, however, no ranty blogposts. Yesterday, after the play was over, my mood picked up, and over the course of the day the blues were no longer. Hence, now I don't feel like blogging. Actually, right now I feel fairly indifferent towards everything. Including anything school-related. Oh well.

Oh, and happy resurrection day everybody. Woo, and such. !!

p.s. - Man, I really wanted to go to the Giants game today... oh well, there's always next round... (WHOA, I JUST JINXED THEM! Heh...)

Until next time, I guess...

Thursday, April 13, 2006


Aww, man, Vancouver freakin' won tonight! AWESOME!!! They're leading the series 3-1 now! Who want's to friggin' watch them on Sunday? I DO!!! Screw Easter dinner with the family!!! I mean, who wouldn't wanna watch Giants hockey!?!
.....yeah. No need to talk about the horridness of other vancouver hockey teams.

However, this makes me wonder, who do you think are the favourites in the playoffs? West, it's a tie for Detroit and San Jose, although the Ducks are close. Man, the Ducks are gonna freakin' OWN next year... East, it's obviously Ottawa and Carolina, although Carolina has the edge since Hasek's freakin' limping around. Any combo of my two favourites would be an awesome final.

Gah, still miffed from the loss tonight though... stupid everything...

But whatever, lets talk about rebuilding for next year. I say, trade Bertuzzi for Forsberg; it's the most obvious to start off with. I mean, forsberg w/ naslund, plus Bertuzzi plays Philly hockey, in theory. Don't know about the winger situation though. Next, I say trade Cooke. *gasp!* I mean, Burrows is our new matt cooke, and we could probably get a fairly decent trade, plus save on the 1.5mil. Don't know who for though. We should try to get Jovo back, but if not, then Bourdon's gonna hafta come in. Oh, and Cloutier. I still like cloutier, he could've been huge last playoffs. But the whole "we can't waste Auld as a backup" thing... perhaps, Buffalo situation? Hehe...

Anyways, this analysis is horribly incomplete, and is most likely a knee-jerk coping mechanism due to the horribleness of tonight. Same goes for the Giants reference at top. And the favourites comment. Man, I'm still friggin' dazed...

Until next time, I guess...

Paper Ramblings

It's past midnight. I haven't even started on my paper. Technically, it's due today. But I shall try to extend to tomorrow. It shouldn't be that big of a deal.

MSN isn't working right now. It crashes before it logs in. I'm to lazy to fiddle with it at the moment.

Gah, that last comment made me lose my train of though... oh right, paper due. Why I haven't started? Basically, I have yet to find a book that is somewhere in this house which I was to base the paper on. Once I have the book, I basically have my paper done, shouldn't be that long. Then again, perhaps there's an innate fear of me starting my paper, as I do not want to write about my own beliefs etc. Although, I'm doubting it's the latter. Actually, perhaps it really is because I'm the biggest procrastinator ever. I'm a dinkus...

Stupid canucks with their inability to finish it off in the end. Hooray for Giants for winning in freaking overtime, leading the series 2-1 over portland! Awesome! I so wanna go to the game on sunday... then again, it's sunday night, Easter dinner... dilemma!

Gah, I still haven't finished my main thought, stupid random other thoughts coming into my head... anyways, as for my paper, if I'm unable to find the book tomorrow morning, I shall invariably have to...

I like that word, invariably... it means, have to?? Does not vary??

My goodness, I'm so random right now... tomorrow I shall have to go to a library which has that book, which is probably going to be hard. Perhaps they have a copy at my church. Or, maybe I shall have to go to a friends place to see if they have one there. But wait, friends place during the day, when nobody is at home? Unforseen errors in planning... oh well, I think I'm done for tonight.

Wait, I still have to e-mail my instructor about my lateness... man, I don't even know if he checks his friggin' e-mail... therefore, must meet him in person tomorrow... dang, I hope it won't be as horrid as I'm imagining it to be... I don't want him to be all "you're taking advantage of my generosity!", because that would be horrible... he's a really good instructor...

The rantiness is starting to build up. I don't know if I feel up to having a good rant tonight. Dang, I wanted to say this in another way, but couldn't find the words. Perhaps it is a good idea to not do any paper writing tonight... instead, sleep time, then wake up at 7, go from there.

Just made an outline. Just realized I probably won't follow it when writing my paper. Heheh. At least it's something...

...GAH, I'm starting to look at friggin accounting firms now... stupid procrastinating, doing the things I should be doing some other time when I should be doing paper/sleep right now... can't start doing my future employer research now when so many other pressing issues are, uh, pressing... dang my grammar is so off the funniness is not there...

Dang... due to the risk of further rantage, I believe I shall stop right now...

Until next time, I guess...

[Edit - it's nearly 3am, and I got sucked into a whole bunch of readings, althought it's for my paper so not completely wasted. I figured out that tomorrow = one big excursion to many different branches of both the richmond and vancouver public libraries. Actually, just the main ones of each. My head is all crazy, and I believe the lack of sleep has debilitated my ability to coherently perceive things. I need library cards, but they cost money...? Hooray for gst credits! Already spent... man I'm rambly, must stop and sleep now.]

Wednesday, April 12, 2006

Girl of my Daydreams

Yeah, what's the word for when you're kinda half asleep after you wake up? Right, daydream... daydreaming for four hours is a horribly unproductive way to start your day, lol... but meh, whatcha gonna do. Besides, the daydream was pretty cool...

I was walking inside a room in the *blank* and what do I see but *a girl* who's bawling her eyes out. "Hey, what's the matter?" I say to her, but she just glances up and keeps crying. So I come up to her and put my arms around her. "There there, *girl*, it's alright. You know, I've been told that I have a good shoulder to cry on..." So, she leans over and cries on my shoulder. Then, after a minute or so, she proceeds to tell me how earlier she was horribly rejected by this guy she liked. "He said I was UGLY!" That’s when I got fairly ticked. I held her face, looked her in the eyes, and said to her, "You are NOT ugly. AT ALL. You are incredibly beautiful. You hear me? BEAUTIFUL. Don't let anyone else tell you otherwise. And if this guy doesn't think so, then he's blind. Or stupid. Or probably both. He is so not worth it, *girl*. You deserve better." And then she smiles her beautiful smile, and our eyes lock, and I lean in close...but then I catch myself and back off. "Oh, no, I'm sorry, I'm taking advantage of the situation, I shouldn't..." Then *the girl* leans over, grabs my shirt collar, pushes me up close, and gives me a kiss. And it was amazing. And then someone barges into the room, startling us both. "Hey you guys, it's almost time for *blank*, lets go!" So we both kinda laughed, feeling somewhat embarrassed. I make sure she's alright, then we both hold hands and walk out of the room.

The rest of the daydream proceeded to be our first date, etc, but it wasn't nearly as intriguing as above. Then I looked up, saw a clock, and realized it was noon. "NOON?!?!" And then I woke up, completely. It was noon, heheh.

But yeah, what I described up top has been a fantasy of mine since I was about twelve. Now, if *this girl* had been a friend/best friend of mine for several years prior to this event, then the daydream would've been complete. But even so, awesome...

[Edit - Internet was shut down for a while, but I was able to save what I wrote before it went down. Hence the lateness of this post (it's 4pm right now). So what did I do in the meantime? Watch a few episodes of my Undergrads dvd (as tv cable was out too), lol... so much for crazy paper writing day, heheh...]

Until next time, I guess...

Tuesday, April 11, 2006

Extreme Lack of Motivation

My test is in about 3 hours.

I spent the past hour surfing the net. Mostly on previews of Heroes V.

Heheh, I'm so screwed... then again, all MC... not so hard...

Until next time, I guess...

***an hour later***

Haha, yeah, I'm a lazy butt, as my sister would say. Haven't gotten up and studied yet. Did my practice test, and got well enough for me to not be worried (9/12). Anyways, here's a few pics from last weekend. So awesome!

Grass jelly is delicious! It just takes a while for the deliciousness to sink in, lol... and man I look so asian in this pic, hahaha...

Yeah, I got lazy again. Perhaps I'll post a few more pics when I'm no longer lazy / no longer mere hours before a test. Man I should really get crackin'...

Sunday, April 09, 2006


Happy Birthday Valen! Or, birthday eve, or whatever...

Yesterday was an AWESOME day. Also very long.

First off was childrens church, which went remarkably well considering most of it was done last-minute. Oh yes, I also played bass, so cool! Me likey playing bass... Oh, and Joey being enamoured while constantly saying "That's a NICE bass!" while doing crazy slap/popping was also pretty cool, lol...

Then afterwards we had potluck, good food stuffed my face, then had recording again. Or, rather, the girls were recording 'til 4 and by then it was too late for the guys to record. But dang, I love recording, even if it is just sitting around for a few hours waiting, heheh...

And then it was babysitting time! A dozen of us babysat 4 kids, which ended up being pretty fun. Kids are awesome, even if they do get to be a handful after a while.

Now, during all of this commotion, it was Valen's birthday! And we were all planning a "surprise" birthday/present/etc thing for her. So cool! So we tried to keep her busy while we decorated her cake, signed her card, etc. We all thought she clued in, but we still tried to keep it hush hush just in case, lol. Oh, and Kirsten and I ended up having to buy Valen's present at Safeway because that was the only thing that was open on a Saturday night that was nearby. Hope you're alright with candy and an easter pot Valen!

Anyways, after babysitting, everyone decided to go for bubble tea, at Dragonball on Oak and King Ed. That place is fairly nice; cheap and good. I ended up getting honeydew with grass jelly, and everyone thought it was weird. Charissa said it "tastes like the ocean!", lol... oh, grass jelly being agar-agar, used in a filipino drink... but anyways, the point is, we all had a blast there also. And then we went to Joey & Esther's place!

When we got there, we were still in Valen's-birthday-hushhush mode, so we had to be careful while bringing the "box" and cards etc in so she didn't see it. Although, by then it was pretty much already known, heheh. Oh, especially when Sophia, Joey/Esther's 4-yr-old girl, walked up before everyone else and said to Valen "we're going to give you a surprise!!" Hahaha... but yeah, hope you liked your quasi-birthday-party! And Valen, you ARE disarmingly beautiful, hahaha!

Wait, whoops... I thought that came from a comment you posted on my blog a while back, but after checking, I don't think you did, and that line was from something else... WHOOPS. Uh... ... uh... ... ...yeah, awkward... ... ...but whatever, I wont take it back. Goodness, now I'm all flustered and embarrassed...

Oh well. Whatcha gonna do, heheh. Anyways, I had a whole long rant about how unproductive my day was today, but I think I've blogged enough for today... heheh...

Until next time, I guess...

Friday, April 07, 2006

Lack of Motivation

Worse fears, realized. Didn't do squat today. Except have a three hour nap. But that's just making me be awake for longer. I'm freakin' shooting myself in the foot right here... but no matter.

Tomorrow's ACF. I'm not going. Maybe next year.

At the risk of being redundant, I like Vroom. Very much. It saddens me that I have yet to have one of their albums. Or EPs. Or anything Vroom-related. Stupid laziness in getting myself a credit card...

Hmmm, I had a rant all lined up, but forgot what it was about. Oh well, maybe it'll come to me later. But in the meantime, here are a bunch of things I wanted to blog about recently, but kept forgetting. Funny how that works...

Free online tax filing for students. Pretty freaking cool, Mohsin already used it, says it's awesome. I am, however, NOT awesome, for althought I have a diploma, I have no idea how to help Moe do his taxes. Completely inept...

I ended up 5th in my hockey pool, out of 14. Not freaking bad, considering how poorly I drafted this year. Heheh, my little sister (Shaylene) ended up being #1 at the end of the "regular season", but got knocked off in the 2nd round of playoffs, and looks like she's going to be fourth. Wait, just checked, she could end up 3rd! Awesome!! Yahoo pools, so awesome.

Speaking of hockey, Brian Burke is a freaking GM genius. I mean, he practically traded away half of the Ducks, and how're they doing now? They're freaking better than the Canucks, that's how! I mean, what the hell were they thinking of not renewing his contract... ... ...IDIOTS!

Avril Skavigne! Hilarious, and also kinda good! Kinda... heheh...

I can't wait 'til May. End of school, yes. Start of work, also a yes. Warmer weather, DEFINATELY yes. Actually, I kinda want it to be beach weather, and me to actually be able to have a tan this year. Don't think I had a proper tan since Gr. 12, when I fried myself on the strathcona trip in September, then again around may/june for the ultimate tournament in Seattle. Or Tacoma. Or wherever it was, lol...

Oh yes, and having the time to freakin' play music! I shall become so proficient on the bass that people will actually think I'm playing music. And I'm not even being sarcastic, haha. Actually, to be more precise, I shall learn to be proficient on the bass WHILE SINGING. Now that is a tall order, indeed...

Tall order makes me think of coffee. Which makes me think of caffeine. Which makes me think of the glasses of pepsi that I drank tonight. It's freaking quarter after 2am right now. Stupid, stupid me...

Tomorrow, instead of ACF, I shall spend several hours after class reading a bunch of books. Research for my paper.

Now that it has come full circle, this looks like the most appropriate place to stop blogging. Stupid not being tired...

I guess I'll go on Heroes Mini then... it's so dinky, but so addictive...well, kinda...

Until next time, I guess...

Wednesday, April 05, 2006


Well that was a surprisingly fortunate turn of events. If that makes proper grammatical sense.

So, on a whim today, about 20 minutes ago, I decided to go talk to Dietmar, my Relg professor, to see if I could persuade him to give me an extention to my paper, as I really wanted to do well on it, and would rather not have to pull an allnighter over something so important (marks wise). Here's how the conversation went:

Me: "Hi, I was wondering if I could possibly have an extention for my paper."
Dietmar: "Sure, just make a note on friday saying when you'll be able to hand it in."

...gwwaaahhh??? That's it?!? ALLS I HAD TO DO WAS ASK?!?!?!

HOORAY FOR FREAKING ARTS COURSES AND THE NO PENALTY FOR LATENESS!!! I mean dang, Arts is so friggin slack... why the heck am I in commerce again?? Oh right, I'd like to have a job after graduation... but nevertheless, SO AWESOME!

The way he figures, he's not going to be reading papers on the weekend anyways, and it's not like he'll read all the papers by next week either, so he really doesn't care that much about when the paper is handed in. SOOOO FREAKING AWESOME!!! I mean, this goes so far beyond my expectations that it's rEdiculous.

I should still start my research / outline tonight though. But man, knowing that it's not due on friday, man, relieves SOOO much pressure on my part.

Oh wait, less pressure? Moved deadlines? Perhaps a return to my procrastinatory self?! Uh oh... then again, this scare could bring about motivation etc. Heheh. We'll see tonight... and hey, perhaps writing the paper would be so fun and interesting that I'd pull an allnighter on thursday just for fun! Hahaha!

Might as well get started now... so here's the rough outline about what my paper's gonna be about:

The SDA Church
-- History
-- Doctrine
-- Missionary/Global Relief Programs (i.e. ADRA, etc)

Yup, not bad for a start. Hehe...

Until next time, I guess...

--> As told through the mind of an incredibly fortunate person. WOO!!!

[Edit - Yeah, after class today, I spent 2.5 hours scouring the UBC libraries for books on the SDA church. That was surprisingly awesome, and I should do this more often. Seeking books to read, I mean. And also very cool, those weird bookshelves/stacks on the bottom floor of Koerner. I mean, they're all clumped up, and you spin the handle thing to move it around, and you can end up moving like 6 stacks at a time, and it's so cool! Haha, I'm such a dork!]

Such A Fool Am I

Yeah, summertime fun-ness just a ploy for me to cheer up from the hole of despair that I've been digging myself in this past week.

It's 5am right now. I pretty much pulled an allnighter doing my stats assignment tonight (tuesday night) even though it's due on friday. Earlier today I finished my 294 hw, in aquatic centre again. So that was kinda nice at least.

Thursday night is for cramming a 10 page essay/paper/whatever together, for this is due on friday also. This is also worth 30% of my 6 credit course. So basically this paper is worth more than any of my finals this term. WHAT THE HECK HAVE I BEEN DOING ALL WEEK! Gahhhhh, and such...

Oh well, paper should be interesting to write. Hopefully it'll get me motivated, and motivated = better, faster writing. Heh...

I have other things I kinda wanted to blog about, but it's frickin' 10 after 5 in the morning. Time for a quick 3-hr powernap. Heheh.

Until next time, I guess...

Tuesday, April 04, 2006


Okay, so it's really just spring, but who cares! It's time for sunshine and picnics and such!

Wooo, must have more of the above! This was at Queen Elizabeth Park, a few summers ago, for a church picnic. [Heheh, didn't notice this before, but Roman kinda looks like a little elf trying to scarf down my food! Hahaha!]

Man, I don't seem to have very many summertime pics... nuts... oh well, just imagine me in many more summertime situations, and you'll pretty much get the gist of this post. Yeah!

Until next time, I guess...

Monday, April 03, 2006


I got into Co-op.


Continual Annoyances

Fixed now. 1:17am. Gotta do work. So tired. Daylight savings = sunny at 7:30pm = disorienting. Me not on list for ultimate team very odd, don't know if I was able to send confirmation. Gaseous compounds all around me. Angel is awesome, different than Buffy, perhaps better? (Blasphemy)! Woke up to canucks game, loss was dishearnening, perhaps reason for sedentary. Didn't check if sedentary is really a word. Sound like a disease. Dysentery. Haha. I ramble in one paragraph today. I cross my legs while sitting in my computer chair. Normal computer chair is broken, now is strange antique-ish art deco maybe chair from my uncle. Kinda uncomfortable. Uncomfortable is me tomorrow explaining to my group on my lack of doing anything. Perhaps work now. Nope, still annoyed. Better than pissed though. Perhaps pissed b/c of lack of sleep. Wait, lack of sleep = fun time? New theories. Lack of sleep + work = horrible. Lack of sleep + friends = overly energetic. Energetic? Maybe, less inhibitions? Yeah. Run on paragraph. No good. Weekend no good. Yesterday, did stuff at church, that was good. Work wise, no good. Today, ultimate fighter marathon, on and off watching for 6 hrs. No, more, b/c finale was 3 hrs, watched episodes before that. Stupid me, skipped around w/ final, missed good matches. Oh well. Gah, procrastination incarnate. Incarnate reminds me of relg class, i.e. my paper due on friday. 2 assignments due friday too. I'M SCREWED. Oh well. I blog. More now. Sleep now. No, work now. Must. Mush. Brain = mush... I wanna friggin' sleep... no, work... no more blog... dot dot dot dot dot...

I still listen to christmas music. ...Metaphor??? HahHAHhahahA....

[Edit - I believe I might be going crazy, if only for tonight...]

[Edit - I'm so indie that I don't even follow mainstream indie...]

[Edit - I calmed down around 3am. It's now 3:20. I wrote up the thing to change my final that's on a saturday. Hopefully it'll be sooner than July...]

[Edit - Yeah, I'm still surfing the net. Also, it's pretty cool when your friend knows celebrities. My friend just posted a video of his friend's christmas party in california. It just so happens that all the members of switchfoot attended this party. Heheh, pretty cool. LOL, forgot to mention, this is a Filipino christmas party. Older ladies w/ harsh flip accents. Awesome. And sorry, can't post it myself. Heheh. Wow, 4am, class tomorrow... sleep now?]

After a disappointing weekend, in which there was a complete and utter lack of anything productive, I finally decide to start doing some homework. Then I realize that my dad friggin' messed up the computer, ONCE AGAIN, and hence I'm unable to open any office file whatsoever. Now, normally I'd just get pissed and forget about it, but I have a fuggin' group project thing that I HAVE to do. Right now. So, inable to forget at the moment. Therefore, PISSED!

I thoroughly despise my sedentary lifestyle, and yet I do nothing to rid myself of it. Basically, laziness becomes sloth, and sloth exudes laziness. Then school happens again, and I get all pumped, relatively speaking.


Saturday, April 01, 2006

Whoa, that's me!

Haha, check out Valen's blog... the song that's playing is the recording we did, i.e. the pics in a previous post. Song's called "One Way." And yes, if you listen carefully, that's me harmonizing in the background! AWESOME!!

Well, as a disclaimer, if you hear any kind of powerful singing, it ain't me. I'm more of a background vocal. But still, so awesome...

Until next time, I guess...