Slightly Random
Woo canucks win!
I'm getting sick. Could be because of that all you can eat thing today, ate way too much, body went into digestion overdrive, immune system suffered. Or it could be the plethora of people I know who are also kinda sick. Heheh.
My future bass:
Ibanez SR500

So awesome!!! I'd go on into the specifics of just how awesome it is, but 1) I don't fully understand everything myself, and 2) getting this bass is contingent on first getting credit approval. Or rather, my mom getting credit approval. Nevertheless, SO AWESOME!!!
I got tons of homework. I have no time on wed. night nor thurs. night to do them. However, I feel like going to bed. Therefore, I'm going to bed.
Until next time, I guess...
Cool stuff man.
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