Wednesday, March 08, 2006

I Blog Too Much...

I just caught the last few innings of Canada beating down the US in baseball. BASEBALL, for crying out loud! That's fricktastic!

I find that I always tend to daydream during my afternoon mon/fri classes. They're just boring, and I learn nothing, so my mind wanders.

Why do girls with really thin pants walk right in front of me when I'm starting to lift my arm, thus having my hand whack their behind? That's just akward and embarassing for both parties...

"Why do I fall in love with every woman I see that shows me the least bit of attention?"
--> Awesome line from the most awesomest movie of all time. Very applicable.

Man, after reading a bunch of other quotes, I realize just how freakin' awesome that movie really is. And even moreso how it is EXACTLY how I was about 3 or so years ago. I so gotta buy me the DVD of Eternal Sunshine...

I got past the first round of Co-op applications, gotta sign up for the interview. I actually found out a while ago. Kinda surprised that I'm not super estactic and what not...

Got my stats test back today. Turns out that I got an A. In other words, I'm 2% over the average. Also meaning that I'm about .4 SD away from the mean. Or something like that.

I'm hungry, and yet I'm really not. It's quarter to five, and I had fried chicken breast w/ wedges for breakfast at about 10. I guess my non-hunger isn't terribly surprising...

I wanna go buy a bass. Preferably with a thinning neck a la Pneuma's bassist's bass. I'm guessing it'll be expensive. I'll probably go shopping around today, or at least look inside noteworthy music, see what they got. Selection at Tom Lee = less than desireable.

I should do homework right now. Or study. Or something other than ramble on in my blog. Perhaps a good "going home" is in order...

Man, you know what's really annoying? That I'm not able to read my friggin' blog because of some stupid 403 forbidden error. I'm able to read other people's blogs, but nooooo, not mine...

Holy crap, is that sun I see outside? YES! So awesome...

Yeah I'm done now. Until next time, I guess...


Blogger Gautam said...

ETOSM was awesome, indeed. And there's nothing wrong with a little ass-touching action--albeit, unintentional.

5:38 p.m.  

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