How Odd...
It seems that the less I blog, the less work I get done. Also, it seems that I get zero work done during the day. How odd...
Anyways, stats test was on friday, I think I pulled it off. Still did poorly, I believe. Oh well...
I still have to write my paper, and I still have to write four more exams. Also, haven't really followed my plan, AT ALL. Basically, I think I have to pull an all-nighter tonight to get any work done whatsoever. I seem to do well w/ allnighters, but having to do one on friday night is rather unnerving...
That's all I got to say for now. Yikes, lack of blogging, not a good sign...
Oh wait, I just realized something: perhaps my lack of blogging truly is correlated to my ability for work, because the more I blog, the more mentally stimulated I am, and conversely the less I blog, the lazier I seem to be. Perhaps, blogging stimulates my brain?? Therefore, must blog more! Lets see...
Oh yeah, next week's Switchfoot concert, and I'm going; anybody else wanna come??
I'm doing the 30-hr famine once again this year! Anybody wanna donate and make the world a better place?
I'm in a freaking ultimate league this year! That's freaking AWESOME!!! I haven't played competitive ultimate since I was in highschool, dag nabbit!
Oh crap, I still have to do my stupid taxes... only free time is on friday...
Wait, it's nearly May... my birthday's in freakin' May... holy crap, it's nearly my birthday! Haha, no crazy planning for it this year, stupid lack of social gatherings at UBC... man, Kwantlen was awesome... hmm, why didn't I visit this semester very much anyways?? Oh yeah, because whenever I did nobody was up there... oh well... but anyways, BIRTHDAY!!! [May 9, btw... lol]
This summer, I shall get a girlfriend. And this time, I shall actively try instead of passively doing my whole "wait and see" style. Although, I have no idea how I could possibly get a gf this summer... hmmm, wait, there are a few leads I can think of... first off, I have my ultimate team potluck on sunday, so perhaps girls I don't know from that team? Or perhaps they know friends? lol... plus, there's always girls at work... well, during salmon season though... crud, I forgot her name, that girl I liked last year and was too chicken to do anything about it... and finally, last lead, Esther (Joey's wife) asked if she could set me up... although, I'm thinking that will be last resort, as me + blind date = not good. Actually, more scared of the potential rejection than anything else... but anyways, point is, me + summer = girlfriend! ...wait a sec, isn't "summer" a girls name? Haha, I find that amusing...
Uh oh, now I'm all ranty... me + ranty = sleepy, meaning allnighter is in jeopardy?? Oh no!
...hehe, Vroom is awesome. Why nobody else feels the same way (outside of Virginia) escapes me...
Until next time, I guess...
--> As told through the mind of an introverted extrovert. Haha, haven't done that in a while...
[Edit, 3:34am - Well, this allnighter business isn't going off to a great start... shower ended at 1, then youtube surfing for quite some time, then started on work. So far, I've added 2 sentences to my paper, and I've done 2.5 questions for Finance. Yup, not so good. I'm thinking, up until 8am, I should write at least 2 more pages for my paper, finish my Finance problem set, and start doing / finish my Relg note reduction. Then at 8, I'll see if I feel like doing more work or sleeping. Then, I shall sleep until 8pm (as I work better at night), and then cram like crazy for 392 exam at 8:30 monday. Wash, rinse, REPEAT; wake up at 8pm and cram like crazy for Finance exam at 8:30 tuesday. Then, MUST finish my paper by tuesday night, because then cram like crazy time for Mgmt. Acct. AND Relg exam at 8:30/Noon (respectively). Oh my goodness I'm so beyond screwed... an entire week of "allnighters", lol...]
[Edit, 4:38am - Well, just finished my problem set for finance, and it seems ridiculously easy after learning it. Perhaps finance exam, also simple? Just read all the qualitative, non-numbery stuff (killed me last test...). Still have to write paper, plus do Relg study... but what to do first, hmmm...]
[Edit, 7:34am - I just realized that I did absolutely nothing in the past three hours... didn't study relg, didn't do anything on my paper (besides maybe one or two sentences...). How the heck did this happen?! I don't even remember what I did... gah, time to go into overdrive! But I'm sooo tired...]
[Edit, 8:20am - Perhaps I really am scared to write my paper... crisis, and such...]
[Edit, 9:24am - Yup, can't take any more of this forcing myself to work. Gonna sleep now. Then wake up, go to ubc, and cram like hell for 392. Then exam at 8:30am. HOLY CRAP THAT'S LESS THAN 24 HRS FROM NOW!!! So screwed...]
hmm.. i wonder who esther's thinking of.. hehe~
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