Wednesday, April 05, 2006


Well that was a surprisingly fortunate turn of events. If that makes proper grammatical sense.

So, on a whim today, about 20 minutes ago, I decided to go talk to Dietmar, my Relg professor, to see if I could persuade him to give me an extention to my paper, as I really wanted to do well on it, and would rather not have to pull an allnighter over something so important (marks wise). Here's how the conversation went:

Me: "Hi, I was wondering if I could possibly have an extention for my paper."
Dietmar: "Sure, just make a note on friday saying when you'll be able to hand it in."

...gwwaaahhh??? That's it?!? ALLS I HAD TO DO WAS ASK?!?!?!

HOORAY FOR FREAKING ARTS COURSES AND THE NO PENALTY FOR LATENESS!!! I mean dang, Arts is so friggin slack... why the heck am I in commerce again?? Oh right, I'd like to have a job after graduation... but nevertheless, SO AWESOME!

The way he figures, he's not going to be reading papers on the weekend anyways, and it's not like he'll read all the papers by next week either, so he really doesn't care that much about when the paper is handed in. SOOOO FREAKING AWESOME!!! I mean, this goes so far beyond my expectations that it's rEdiculous.

I should still start my research / outline tonight though. But man, knowing that it's not due on friday, man, relieves SOOO much pressure on my part.

Oh wait, less pressure? Moved deadlines? Perhaps a return to my procrastinatory self?! Uh oh... then again, this scare could bring about motivation etc. Heheh. We'll see tonight... and hey, perhaps writing the paper would be so fun and interesting that I'd pull an allnighter on thursday just for fun! Hahaha!

Might as well get started now... so here's the rough outline about what my paper's gonna be about:

The SDA Church
-- History
-- Doctrine
-- Missionary/Global Relief Programs (i.e. ADRA, etc)

Yup, not bad for a start. Hehe...

Until next time, I guess...

--> As told through the mind of an incredibly fortunate person. WOO!!!

[Edit - Yeah, after class today, I spent 2.5 hours scouring the UBC libraries for books on the SDA church. That was surprisingly awesome, and I should do this more often. Seeking books to read, I mean. And also very cool, those weird bookshelves/stacks on the bottom floor of Koerner. I mean, they're all clumped up, and you spin the handle thing to move it around, and you can end up moving like 6 stacks at a time, and it's so cool! Haha, I'm such a dork!]


Anonymous Anonymous said...

the history and doctrines of the SDA church???

sounds like block A Bible. =P use the 27 Fundementals book! LOL.

and no, not going to a faraway college.. actually not going to ANY college.. going to ART SCHOOL! =D

9:43 p.m.  
Blogger Shar Shar said...

haha! you art student wannabe! J/K. I'm just jealous of your work extensions.

12:33 a.m.  

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