Aww, man, Vancouver freakin' won tonight! AWESOME!!! They're leading the series 3-1 now! Who want's to friggin' watch them on Sunday? I DO!!! Screw Easter dinner with the family!!! I mean, who wouldn't wanna watch Giants hockey!?!
.....yeah. No need to talk about the horridness of other vancouver hockey teams.
However, this makes me wonder, who do you think are the favourites in the playoffs? West, it's a tie for Detroit and San Jose, although the Ducks are close. Man, the Ducks are gonna freakin' OWN next year... East, it's obviously Ottawa and Carolina, although Carolina has the edge since Hasek's freakin' limping around. Any combo of my two favourites would be an awesome final.
Gah, still miffed from the loss tonight though... stupid everything...
But whatever, lets talk about rebuilding for next year. I say, trade Bertuzzi for Forsberg; it's the most obvious to start off with. I mean, forsberg w/ naslund, plus Bertuzzi plays Philly hockey, in theory. Don't know about the winger situation though. Next, I say trade Cooke. *gasp!* I mean, Burrows is our new matt cooke, and we could probably get a fairly decent trade, plus save on the 1.5mil. Don't know who for though. We should try to get Jovo back, but if not, then Bourdon's gonna hafta come in. Oh, and Cloutier. I still like cloutier, he could've been huge last playoffs. But the whole "we can't waste Auld as a backup" thing... perhaps, Buffalo situation? Hehe...
Anyways, this analysis is horribly incomplete, and is most likely a knee-jerk coping mechanism due to the horribleness of tonight. Same goes for the Giants reference at top. And the favourites comment. Man, I'm still friggin' dazed...
Until next time, I guess...
I don't think Philidelphia would accept that trade.
Perhaps, if we throw in Matt Cooke? Heheh...
I concur with Andrew. I am actually a Bert supporter; however, I think he and the canucks are better off without each other. In the east, I can say this that the only reason Ottawa will even come close is because they will get a dead-easy opponent first round. My bet is either Carolina or Buffalo, if they start picking up the slack that is. I have a feeling Anaheim or Detroit are going to meet in the conference finals.
Giants hockey rocks. My cousin actually plays for them and I've been to a few games. I've even meet all the players but that isn't that big of a deal. By the way they made it into the next round so go to a game, it's great and totally fun.
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