Thursday, April 13, 2006

Paper Ramblings

It's past midnight. I haven't even started on my paper. Technically, it's due today. But I shall try to extend to tomorrow. It shouldn't be that big of a deal.

MSN isn't working right now. It crashes before it logs in. I'm to lazy to fiddle with it at the moment.

Gah, that last comment made me lose my train of though... oh right, paper due. Why I haven't started? Basically, I have yet to find a book that is somewhere in this house which I was to base the paper on. Once I have the book, I basically have my paper done, shouldn't be that long. Then again, perhaps there's an innate fear of me starting my paper, as I do not want to write about my own beliefs etc. Although, I'm doubting it's the latter. Actually, perhaps it really is because I'm the biggest procrastinator ever. I'm a dinkus...

Stupid canucks with their inability to finish it off in the end. Hooray for Giants for winning in freaking overtime, leading the series 2-1 over portland! Awesome! I so wanna go to the game on sunday... then again, it's sunday night, Easter dinner... dilemma!

Gah, I still haven't finished my main thought, stupid random other thoughts coming into my head... anyways, as for my paper, if I'm unable to find the book tomorrow morning, I shall invariably have to...

I like that word, invariably... it means, have to?? Does not vary??

My goodness, I'm so random right now... tomorrow I shall have to go to a library which has that book, which is probably going to be hard. Perhaps they have a copy at my church. Or, maybe I shall have to go to a friends place to see if they have one there. But wait, friends place during the day, when nobody is at home? Unforseen errors in planning... oh well, I think I'm done for tonight.

Wait, I still have to e-mail my instructor about my lateness... man, I don't even know if he checks his friggin' e-mail... therefore, must meet him in person tomorrow... dang, I hope it won't be as horrid as I'm imagining it to be... I don't want him to be all "you're taking advantage of my generosity!", because that would be horrible... he's a really good instructor...

The rantiness is starting to build up. I don't know if I feel up to having a good rant tonight. Dang, I wanted to say this in another way, but couldn't find the words. Perhaps it is a good idea to not do any paper writing tonight... instead, sleep time, then wake up at 7, go from there.

Just made an outline. Just realized I probably won't follow it when writing my paper. Heheh. At least it's something...

...GAH, I'm starting to look at friggin accounting firms now... stupid procrastinating, doing the things I should be doing some other time when I should be doing paper/sleep right now... can't start doing my future employer research now when so many other pressing issues are, uh, pressing... dang my grammar is so off the funniness is not there...

Dang... due to the risk of further rantage, I believe I shall stop right now...

Until next time, I guess...

[Edit - it's nearly 3am, and I got sucked into a whole bunch of readings, althought it's for my paper so not completely wasted. I figured out that tomorrow = one big excursion to many different branches of both the richmond and vancouver public libraries. Actually, just the main ones of each. My head is all crazy, and I believe the lack of sleep has debilitated my ability to coherently perceive things. I need library cards, but they cost money...? Hooray for gst credits! Already spent... man I'm rambly, must stop and sleep now.]


Blogger Spangie said...

HEEEEEEEEYYY!!! Wanna go lazertagging next week or after next week after exams?

10:30 a.m.  
Blogger bj_nitsuj said...

Next week is study for exams week. The week after that is exam week. The week after that is working, but perhaps after work (say, evening time), yes.

Can you believe that I've never been to lazertag in my life? How odd...

2:00 p.m.  

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