Sunday, April 23, 2006

Sunny UBC

UBC is so nice this time of year... feels like summer... I want it to be summer now... but no, I still have four exams to go, and stupid me, I didn't study for any of them. I have to go into super overdrive cramming mode, but I fear that I've burned out. Especially while walking from b-lot to Koerner, so pretty outside... I should be outside... but now I'm cramming for tomorrow's final. Then, after tomorrow's final, I gotta cram for the day after's final. Then, I'll be burned out. But wait, I still have to finish my paper (which I don't even have a full page written yet), and I still have to study for my Relg final, and most of all, I still have to study for my Mgmt. Acct. final, which will probably be the hardest test I'll ever take in my life, both in content and in burnout-ness. Oh wait, then my relg final is after that one. Gah, I'm still so screwed...

I'm sleepy... 6 hrs sleep after an allnighter isn't enough...

hablroubluobouarb. I need to focus on 392. Labour relations. Gotta focus. Gotta cram. Gotta memorize, etc... I hate morning exams...

Until next time, I guess...

[Edit, 10:10pm - Yeah, I'm still at UBC. Yeah, I took a break about half an hour ago. Yeah, I still gots tons more to study. Yeah, I'll probably stay 'til 1am when Koerner closes. Yeah, I'm only gonna be getting a nap's worth of sleep. Yeah, I'm pretty much screwed tomorrow, and the next day, and the next day, and the next day... but then it's Summer! Woo, and such... but first things first, gotta go cram for 392...]

[Edit, nearly 1am - Man, it must be nice to live on campus... I really REALLY would like to just walk into my bed right now... stupid drive home...]


Blogger Jamieson said...

Y'know, it's kind of frustrating how much of a procrastinator you are. :P LOL.

7:21 p.m.  
Blogger bj_nitsuj said...

Haha, you're telling me...

But I believe I'm gonna pay for it this semester. Watch my average drop like 10-15% (HIGHLY likely scenario)

12:56 a.m.  

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