Tuesday, April 18, 2006

Plan of Attack

My life is planned out for the next 10 days:

Tonight - Finish Paper
Tomorrow - Finish Paper, Study for Finance
Thursday - Study for Stats
Friday - Stats Exam, Study for Relg, Recording Session
Saturday - Church, Recording Session, Study for Relg
Sunday - Study for Labour
Monday - Labour Exam, Study for Finance
Tuesday - Finance Exam, Study for Mgmt Acct
Wednesday - Study for Relg, Study for Mgmt Acct
Thursday - Mgmt Acct Exam, Relg Exam

Well, besides that last one, I've pretty much have to stick to this plan, lest I fail miserably. Or, if not fail, get a decidedly less-than-average mark, pulling my total grade under 72%, and thus kicking me out of Co-op. Yikes...

Stupid youtube videos, why must you be so awesomely addictive...

Anyways, first things first, time to write my paper... heheh, probably wouldn't have even started had I not realized that the books I took out are due tomorrow, lol...

***An Hour Passes***


[Edit, 3am - Well, things are not going well... just how bad is it, you may ask? Well, about a minute ago, I realized that I have to write a thesis statement. I don't believe I've done that. So, let me reiterate: I HAVE NO THESIS STATEMENT!!!

I'm screwed... stupid forgetting how to write a proper essay...]

[Edit, 4am - Instead of actually creating a proper thesis statement, I spent the last hour writing up my bibliography. Apparently, VERY slowly. With many distractions. Plus, I'm incredibly tired. Perhaps I shall sleep for a few hours, wake up around sevenish, then continue on with my paper. And by "continue on", I actually mean starting the paper. My goodness, I get distracted so easily. Well, in the initial stage, yes. Once I get going, I really get going... I just need that freaking PUSH. Which I don't seem to have at the moment. Since I renewed my books, and are therefore not due tomorrow. Oh yeah, that's also what I did in the past hour, cool...

Yeah!! Just checked my mark for my Psych 205 class, and I ended up with a freakin' 78%!! Now, normally I'd be quite annoyed at my less than 80%, esp. with my sis beating me by 5%, but I just don't care anymore! I'm in Co-op, alls I need is my grades to be above 72% and I'm set! (actually, more than 76% is desired by employees, but still, 78 is higher!). Anyways, my realization that my elective courses are no longer GPA boosters, and rather are GPA maintainers, make me less inclined to actually try to do well on tests. And apparently essays, dag nabbit... Heheh, ended up with the mark I thought I'd get, with minimal amounts of study. Cool...

Man, I'm ranty. Me so sleepy... and now it's quarter to 5, with nothing done. Just perfect... sleep 'til 8, then wakeup, then work. Yup.]


Blogger andrew said...

Knowing how you procrastinate, I figured you'd streak down Robson Street first, then get on with the studying.

12:52 a.m.  
Blogger bj_nitsuj said...

That is so true that it's scary...

I now have a sudden urge to don a Giants tubesock and run amuck...

3:18 a.m.  

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