So Screwed It's Not Even Funny
I studied for a grand total of 2 hours today. Actually, closer to 100 minutes. I have an exam tomorrow, at noon. I believe that there is a incredibly high chance of me failing this exam. How do I know this? In the time I was studying today, I had absolutely no clue as to what the hell I was doing.
Instead of studying, I ended up watching sailor moon, smallville, ultimate fighter 3, and playoff previews.
Yeah. This sucks, immensly.
Until next time, I guess...
[Edit, 11:45pm - Whoa, it seems so early... but anyways, yeah, I believe that this stats crap is actually coming together... rather nicely, actually... hopefully, in my lightning cramming (of about 3 hours) tomorrow, I'll be able to understand enough stats to get a 70% on the test. That would get me a 77% average overall. As long as it's more than 75%, it's good enough... good enough meaning that employers require 76% average for cutoff... but now I'm getting ranty... gah, STATS STATS STATS!!!]
you watched sailormoon?
haha, my sister downloaded all the episodes of sailormoon (200+ subbed!), and she watched an episode before smallville, and I just had to watch it!
I mean, it was the episode where sailor moon & tuxedo mask reveal their identities to each other, serena finds out she's the moon princess, and zoisite dies! Awesome episode!!
Sadly... I too watched Sailor Moon somewhat religiously when I was in gr.6.
Who am I kidding... I loved that show.
WOOOO!!! Sailor Moon!!! She was hecka annoying. My fave was Sailor Mars. She was awesome!
Sailor Mars was hot...
WOW... she was also the most Asian of them all... I just traced back the roots of my yellow fever
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