Lack of Motivation
Worse fears, realized. Didn't do squat today. Except have a three hour nap. But that's just making me be awake for longer. I'm freakin' shooting myself in the foot right here... but no matter.
Tomorrow's ACF. I'm not going. Maybe next year.
At the risk of being redundant, I like Vroom. Very much. It saddens me that I have yet to have one of their albums. Or EPs. Or anything Vroom-related. Stupid laziness in getting myself a credit card...
Hmmm, I had a rant all lined up, but forgot what it was about. Oh well, maybe it'll come to me later. But in the meantime, here are a bunch of things I wanted to blog about recently, but kept forgetting. Funny how that works...
Free online tax filing for students. Pretty freaking cool, Mohsin already used it, says it's awesome. I am, however, NOT awesome, for althought I have a diploma, I have no idea how to help Moe do his taxes. Completely inept...
I ended up 5th in my hockey pool, out of 14. Not freaking bad, considering how poorly I drafted this year. Heheh, my little sister (Shaylene) ended up being #1 at the end of the "regular season", but got knocked off in the 2nd round of playoffs, and looks like she's going to be fourth. Wait, just checked, she could end up 3rd! Awesome!! Yahoo pools, so awesome.
Speaking of hockey, Brian Burke is a freaking GM genius. I mean, he practically traded away half of the Ducks, and how're they doing now? They're freaking better than the Canucks, that's how! I mean, what the hell were they thinking of not renewing his contract... ... ...IDIOTS!
Avril Skavigne! Hilarious, and also kinda good! Kinda... heheh...
I can't wait 'til May. End of school, yes. Start of work, also a yes. Warmer weather, DEFINATELY yes. Actually, I kinda want it to be beach weather, and me to actually be able to have a tan this year. Don't think I had a proper tan since Gr. 12, when I fried myself on the strathcona trip in September, then again around may/june for the ultimate tournament in Seattle. Or Tacoma. Or wherever it was, lol...
Oh yes, and having the time to freakin' play music! I shall become so proficient on the bass that people will actually think I'm playing music. And I'm not even being sarcastic, haha. Actually, to be more precise, I shall learn to be proficient on the bass WHILE SINGING. Now that is a tall order, indeed...
Tall order makes me think of coffee. Which makes me think of caffeine. Which makes me think of the glasses of pepsi that I drank tonight. It's freaking quarter after 2am right now. Stupid, stupid me...
Tomorrow, instead of ACF, I shall spend several hours after class reading a bunch of books. Research for my paper.
Now that it has come full circle, this looks like the most appropriate place to stop blogging. Stupid not being tired...
I guess I'll go on Heroes Mini then... it's so dinky, but so addictive...well, kinda...
Until next time, I guess...
NIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIITTTTTTSSSSS!!!!!! ....................... hi. Just wanted to say hi cuz I haven't said hi in a long time and I thought that if I said hi then you wouldn't get mad at me for not saying hi ever so here i am saying hi. Hi!
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