Extreme Lack of Motivation
My test is in about 3 hours.
I spent the past hour surfing the net. Mostly on previews of Heroes V.
Heheh, I'm so screwed... then again, all MC... not so hard...
Until next time, I guess...
***an hour later***
Haha, yeah, I'm a lazy butt, as my sister would say. Haven't gotten up and studied yet. Did my practice test, and got well enough for me to not be worried (9/12). Anyways, here's a few pics from last weekend. So awesome!

Grass jelly is delicious! It just takes a while for the deliciousness to sink in, lol... and man I look so asian in this pic, hahaha...
Yeah, I got lazy again. Perhaps I'll post a few more pics when I'm no longer lazy / no longer mere hours before a test. Man I should really get crackin'...
HAHAHAHAH!!! Everytime I read your blog it's always about you procrastinating. HAHAHAHHAHAH!!!
he is Justin the Procrastinator, after all. Yeah, I have 2 tests in 24 hours, and I am giving it less attention than I did for my midterms; case and point, I haven't studied. Meh, like I care.
I have one thing to say to you:
Bubblleee tea laaaaaaa
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