Sunday, October 31, 2004


Awesome party! I have to say, that party topped all other "formal" gatherings I have ever been to, by far...the roses/candles thing went pretty well for the most part, except the guy before me left before I could tap him on the shoulder, and the guy after me didn't tap my shoulder, but oh well...

For a good breakdown of the highlights, I'd like to refer you to Reuben's Blog (Sun, Oct 31, '04 post).

First things first, I was quite embarrassed when I first got on the dance floor. You see, everyone was just moving around, wimpy dancing and all that, so I decided to kick it up a notch and went crazy!, assuming that everyone would eventually join me...I was jumping around, flailing my appendages like a madman, laughing it up...however, nobody joined in, and I was left in the middle of the circle looking like a freakin' idiot, lol...
"YEAAHH! C'MON GUYS!! LETS GET CRAZY!!! ...Guys?! ......Anyone?! uh... C'MON!! YEAH!! Well that's just great..."

But I have to say, the absolute best part of the evening has gotta be when we started moshing to "Let's Get It Started" and "Jump"...and at this time, I would like to just take credit for starting the moshing :-) You see, what happened is that Ahmad had just requested Jump, so we were all getting pumped to Jump around, eh? But then the dj put on Lets Get It Started, so everyone decided to get all rowdy to it the first chorus, everyone had their hands in the air, jumping around and singing "LETS GET RETARDED IN HERE!", and earlier in the night I vaguely remember someone saying that we should start a mosh I thought to myself, "why not?", and started jumping into people! At first, everyone was like "What the hell is Justin doing?", but in the next chorus, everyone was slamming into each other and thus the mosh pit was born! Hilariously, Jump came out right after, so we continued to mosh to Jump! lol...good times...

Another thing I found hilarious was the fact that Jake and Mohsin were actually groovin' to the music! Hilarious, because of the weeks of having to listen to their whining about how they don't dance, and how horrible they are at dancing, and how they're going to spend their evening in the corner talking and drinking pop all night...however, the funniest part would be how quickly they turned around; they couldn't even last 10 minutes without having to shake their BOOTAY! hahaha...

I guess not all of the evening was such a riot, though...and Roger, I know this may not seem like much, but really, you weren't alone out there that night, eh? I feel your pain and all that... :-) I'm sure you still had a great time out there, eh?

And speaking of Roger, it's time to write down some of the many hilarious quotes that came out of his mouth that night: [I'm a computer], "Stop all the downloadin'!" --- "I don't open his mail!" --- "It's electric!" --- *sings savage garden with incredible intensity, holding his heart while falling into his chair* --- plus many, many others that I have failed to recollect...

So just to reiterate the point of this post, the party was AWESOME!!! Awesomeness, indeed! There were so many little things that made the party amazing, but of course none of this would've ever happened if it weren't for Angela! So once again, HAPPY BIRTHDAY ANGELA!!!

Until the next time, I guess :-)

--> As told through the mind of an introverted extrovert.

Friday, October 29, 2004

Wow, I've been slacking off...

Man, it just occurred to me that I haven't really updated my blog in a while...I think I've either been too busy or just too lazy to actually go post something new...but it's not like I haven't had an interesting week :-)

First off, on Monday I decided to go buy a strip of 10 tickets at watermania, thinking that I'd go to the gym / swim a few times a week...I don't know, Shar's been talking about swimming, and I started remembering how fun swimming used to be...I've been going back and forth deciding if I'd actually buy the tickets, but I knew that I really should start to be more active again...I just hope that these tickets won't just sit there in my wallet...

Anyways, after that, I went to school for a bit, "studied" a.k.a. socialized with everyone, and then left for Vancouver (on Victoria and Venebles, to be exact) friend lives out there, and earlier that morning he asked if I wanted to be in a quartet with him and two others, so of course I accepted the offer! We're actually going to be doing a couple of Beach Boys songs for the Hawaiian Luau fundraiser thing for our church; the songs are Surfer Girl and Barbara-Ann, if you guys wanted to know. I'm apparently a tenor (a story for another time), so as it turns out, they put me as 2nd tenor...which is the highest one after the super high lead. That was fun...I like being in a quartet...and having a solo, hehe...the last time I did something like this was in Gr. 12, and the song was in Mandarin, lol...

Best lyric ever! Beach Boys - Surfer Girl:
"In my Woody I will take you/ Everywhere I go...ohh, ohhhh"

Funny thing, driving back from Vancouver, I kinda had to "change my destination," as Mohsin would say...driving west on E 1st, I wanted to make a left on Clark to go down Knight bridge back into Richmond...however, it turns out that you can't turn left onto Clark from E 1st, so I kept I kinda started freaking out, because I don't really know Vancouver very well, and I'm heading down the road, watching Science World get closer and closer...(I thought I'd end up downtown or something!)...anyways, I ended up turning left on Main, thinking that I've found my ticket outta Vancouver...however, I got stuck in the left lanes, not knowing that they had to turn onto Kingsway! Now at this time I was more annoyed than anything I ended up turning right on Broadway, passing Main (and feeling like an idiot), and ended up going down Oak into Richmond and back home...

And that was my Monday.

Tuesday and Wednesday was mostly a blur, school and stuff...

From what I remember, on Tuesday we went to eat at Bo Kong, the absolute most bestestst restaurant ever! Best vegetarian food in the Lower Mainland...the seafood actually tastes like seafood! Also, with tons of food, that fed 5 people, the total ended up to be only $45! That's in-frickin-credible! Sorry about that though, Shar...still feel kinda responsible...

On Wednesday, a bunch of us went to Subway, then to Lansdowne...we ended up at Future shop, and Roger got to play his game for over an hour...that was funny, we practically had to pry him away from the controller!

Anyways, earlier today (well, Thursday...), a bunch of us went to Earls to celebrate Angela's actual 18th birthday. HAPPY BIRTHDAY ANGELA! It was good times, eating and Oh, and I got to meet Sheena for the first time (I hope, I'm spelling her name right, lol...). Also, it turns out that *you-know-who* wasn't working, so a certain someone wasn't feeling as antsy anymore, lol...
[and as a side note, I'm starting to get tired with that whole joke...I mean, it's funny maybe the first 2-3 weeks, but it's kinda getting, now she's actually getting nervous because she might actually have to face him, eh? Doesn't need all this extra pressure...]
[Oh, and for all of you that understand, I find it being as annoying as always talking about a certain other friend of ours...which means that I don't really mind it that much, it's more just being overused...]

Anyways, after dinner, we decided to rent a couple videos and hang out at Angela's for a bit. The Day After Tomorrow was alright I guess, but kinda dumb at the same time...from the shreiks from the ladies over Jake Gyllenhaal in his boxers, to the non-physics the movie presented (as pointed out by Mohsin, lol...), I barely had time to be amazed at the crappy CGI wolves that were completely unnecessary! Haha...
The other movie we rented was pretty awesome, but of course, Monty Python is always awesome! "And now for something completely different", I think was the name...hilarious stuff! Funniest part for me definately had to be the whole accounting guy skit...took hilarity to a whole other level for me, since I actually wanna be an accountant!
[As another aside, I hope you didn't get into too much trouble Shar...]

Anyhoo, it seems that I've pretty much caught up with my week, eh? Tomorrow (a.k.a. later tonight...) I'm going to the rehearsal thing for Angela's debut, then afterwards, quickly go to Vancouver to my church so I could practice with the worship team...apparently, it's just not the same without me and my Congas! lol...

Anyways, Until the next time, I guess...hehe

--> As told through the mind of an introverted extrovert.

Tuesday, October 26, 2004

Another Reposting

Anyways, just thought I'd repost another comment from the same blog...spent my blog-writing time on it, so I might as well repost...haha...

Oh yes, the buffet analogy...I've heard this one before...but if I may, I'd like to add to this analogy...

I also find that choosing a religion is much like a buffet, with many different foods etc etc, and that you'd eventually find your favourite food. But what if your favourite food is french fries? Sure, it tastes wonderful, but it's still unhealthy...

I find that many items on the buffet aren't healthy, even though I find them all very delicious. But some foods are healthier than others, and I believe that one food is the healthiest. I also find that it tastes the best.Also, some people try to tell others about this healthiest food. However, most people would rather stick to their favourites, even though I believe those foods to be unhealthy. You can't force people to be healthier. And then there are some other people who profess that their own favourite foods are the healthiest...

But anyways, enough of this analogy...the point has come across...

Other than that addition, I basically agree with Roger. And I commend him for being so open about his faith.

On another note, I have this to say to all the athiests out there: What is the reason why we're alive? I find that the most frequent answer I receive is to be as happy as you can while you're still around. Now happiness can come in many different forms: from friends & videogames to parenthood & responsibility to sex & recreational drugs. However, I find that those people who are deeply religious are the happiest people on earth. You may disagree, but for arguments sake, please follow along. Since deeply religious people are the happiest, then it makes sense to be deeply religious, because that would fulfill your reason for living. But what religion to choose? Well, according to a previous comment, in most religions, as long as you lead a decent life, then it shouldn't matter if you practice that religion; you'll end up in the good place anyways. However, again from the previous comment, two religions say to join them or go to hell. Since practicing one or the other would give a 50/50 chance of going to the good place, then wouldn't it be logical to choose one or the other? By doing so, you'd fulfill your purpose of living by being deeply religious and therefore obtaining maximum happiness, and also have a good chance of making it to heaven if your athiest beliefs were wrong...makes logical sense, no?

It sounds rediculous, I agree...but if you accept the assumptions, then that conclusion is logical...yes, there are some flaws to this, but I'll leave you guys to point them out to me...heh heh heh...

Until next time, I guess...

--> As told through the mind of an introverted extrovert.

Sunday, October 24, 2004


Just thought that I'd repost what I commented in Kyle's blog...interesting stuff, if I say so myself...even though it is frickin long...

As background to this comment, there was this big religious debate, and it kept going back and forth, so I decided to add my perspective to the conversation (you know, just to stir it up some more...)

Just thought I'd add my two cents...besides, it's more fun to continue the argument [:0)

First of all, the Quran is technically infallible to muslims because Muhammad was speaking directly from God, and scribes around him wrote everything Muhammad spoke verbatim. This means that the Quran is the exact word of God. However, that's only if you believe that Muhammad was actually able to communicate with God...

Also, everyone seems to have this notion that the bible has been watered down over the years because of the many different translations, but that idea is completely false. There are many original writings of most books of the bibles hidden away in museums all over the world, and bible scholars look at these documents when they make a new translation. But I agree that just because something hasn't changed in over 2000 years, doesn't make it automatically correct...

And another thing. I don't believe that Mohsin is closed minded, nor do I believe that anyone else in this conversation is closed minded. People just choose not to believe other people's opinions...true closed-mindedness is when people don't even want to hear others' opinions. Okay, so I have a narrowly defined meaning of being closed-minded, so sue me...and yes, I realize the irony...

Oh, and Mohsin, why don't you drink water from a bar? Is it the same reason why you're not supposed to touch someone who's eaten pork? Or is the bar tainted because it serves alcohol? I am genuinely curious, btw...

Just as an aside, there are many religions that believe that rocks have souls you's called Animism, and it's found in nearly every polytheistic religion in some form or another...

But then again, what exactly is a soul? Most people agree with the greco-roman idea that the soul is separate of the body, in which after the body's death the soul will be released and go to either a good place or a bad place, depending on how the life is lived [or be reincarnated, but whatever...]. I do not believe this idea. I do not believe that people are inherently immortal. I believe that the body is a lifeless husk, in which God puts his "breath of life", or spirit, to revive the body. This union of body and spirit creates the soul; your mind, your personality, and everything that you are. But that leaves the question as to what happens after death...

When someone dies, the spirit returns to god. However, since the spirit would be separate from the body, there would be no more soul, and no more you. This is the whole idea behind why I believe that death is like a long sleep, and where the term "Rest In Peace" comes from. Long story short, there will be 2 resurrections, in which god returns the spirit back into the body [or an exact replica]. One resurrection is for the righteous and one is for the unrighteous...the righteous will be awoken and be taken to heaven for 1000 years, pretty much all spend understanding why everyone else wasn't righteous and not with them there...then the unrighteous will be resurrected, the devil will stir then to rebel against God, and they will all be thrown into the "lake of fire" to be destroyed forever...

So why did I write all of this? Knowing that I could cease to exist is way frickin' scarier than knowing that I'd go to hell...I don't know how atheists do it. Knowing that I'm not immortal is a very daunting idea to grasp. Think about it this way: time is infinite, correct? Well, what if it wasn't? "But if time isn't infinite, what would happen after the end? If there was an end, would that mean that there's a beginning? What was before the beginning?" And saying that time loops around on itself is irrelevant, because that would mean that time would still be infinite; an infinite loop. Anyways, knowing that I'm not inherently immortal is as daunting as trying to understand what happened before time began...

Anyways, just thought I'd share my perspective in here...hopefully to start up more debates on more topics and what not...

[p.s. - since when did Kyle's comments become a religious forum? haha...]

Until next time, I guess...

--> As told through the mind of an introverted extrovert.


Well, I just came home from watching The Grudge...that movie is frickin' scary...the kind of scary that really gets into your head, not any of the jumpy slasher crap kind of scary...however, it really would've been a lot scarier if everyone in the theater wasn't laughing at everything..."I sleep in a bed!"

Anyways, when I got home, everyone was practically already sleeping...some lights were on, but it didn't look like anybody was there...called out, but nobody answered...then BOOM! my dad walks around the corner! Scared the hell outta me!


Man, it's so late...I've gotta get up early tomorrow too...I have to be in Vancouver at 10 a.m. to help edit a video for'd ususally be fun, editing videos and all, but I'm going to be bone tired tomorrow morning...And he hasn't even sent an e-mail telling me how to get to his house or anything either, so I'm gonna have to find that out in the morning as well...

And as it turns out, my dad needs the car tomorrow, so I'm not going to be able to drive myself to Vancouver...that just sucks...I don't wanna be stranded there waiting for a ride for half an hour...but nothing I can do about that, I guess...

[EDIT: I just got the e-mail right now, at about 3 a.m., go figure...also, I could probably leave a little later as well, so I might be able to take the car after all, hehehe...]


Anyways, I think it's time for me to get some sleep now...for once, I'm actually glad that I don't sleep in a bed :-)

Until next time, I guess...

--> As told through the mind of an introverted extrovert.

Saturday, October 23, 2004

More random thoughts...

Hey, thought that it was about time for some more random thoughts...

People don't get why guys think lesbians are hot...but isn't it obvious? Guys are hardwired to be aroused when they see a woman aroused...and when they see two aroused women, it's just that much hotter...I don't know if I personally feel that way myself, but that's my theory on why most guys like girl on girl action...

The same doesn't apply when girls see gay men though...nobody likes man on man except gay people themselves...

And has anyone stopped to consider why people are so nonchalant when it comes to swearing? I mean, it's used in everyday conversation now...that's just an improper use of swearing. Swearing should be confined to extreme situations of anger/anguish/anxiety. Any frivolous use, and swearing starts to lose it's umph...

I remember watching an episode of south park where my views on swearing were reflected...I think it was the one with that swear counter or something...Anyways, I think it was Stan who made this rant about how swearing should be used in certain situations and that it'll start to lose its meaning if used too much...after I watched it, I was like "oh man, that's exactly how I feel about that!"

And I've noticed that even though south park is very crude, the show always has some relevant point that comes across...excellent vehicle for "biting social satire", as my english teacher would say...

It's been a while since I've been in a real fight...grade 8 I think...and as strange as this may sound, I really do miss it. I guess it was a way to release my tension or anger or something. I remember the last guy I fought, he was like a foot taller than me (but considered a wimp).

He put a kick-me type sign on my friend's friend wasn't doing anything, so I took the sign off and threw it out...Nav (the bully) didn't take too fondly to that, so he tried intimidating me by shoving me around...I was pissed off at him and started shoving back...before we knew it, we were brawling in the hallway. I remember him knocking off my glasses, while I remember putting him in a headlock and ramming his head against a windowsill, making his head bleed...I think after a while he got pissed off that I was doing more damage than he was, because he then took my glasses from the floor, ran away into the bathroom, and threw my glasses against the wall and into the garbage can. I didn't really mind though, because most people agreed that I pretty much won the fight :-)

Anyways, I think that was my last big fight...haven't gotten into a serious brawl since then...I guess that's the consequence of getting along with everyone. However, in all the big fights I've been in, it has mostly been me fighting back against bullies...and lets just say that they usually stopped afterwards...

However, I've fought more than just bullies...if you name any of my guy friends during elementary school, both Ferris and Sidaway, I've pretty much gotten into a fight with each for some reason or another...usually nothing happened after our fights, and we always made up during the same day...

Yeah, I know this post is really long, but meh...again, this blog is mostly for my own benefit, so I just write what comes up in my head...if something doesn't seem interesting to me as I reread my post, I'll probably edit it out anyways...I guess this is as good a time to stop writing as any...

Until next time, I guess...

--> As told through the mind of an introverted extrovert.

Friday, October 22, 2004


Had to wake up early this morning...For the first time in what seems like forever, I woke up before sunrise. For about a minute, I was all super disoriented...everything seemed backwards...then I realized that I woke up early to study, and I was ripped back into reality...that sucked.

Anyways, I've been studying for a few hours now, so I decided to take a of course, I'm blogging, lol...

Actually, a few minutes ago I decided to check my bank account, hoping that I still had $50 left from my medical refund...but to my amazement, it said I had 100 bucks! That's frickin' awesome! As it turns out, my GST cheque is now direct deposit into my account...who knew...Maybe now I'll tell my mom that I don't have one anymore so she'll stop "borrowing"

Until next time, I guess...

--> As told through the mind of an introverted extrovert.

Wednesday, October 20, 2004

Nice...oh what?!

Oh man, I completely forgot about my project due for tomorrow in econ! Oh man! And I forgot my textbook! Oh no!!! This sucks, that means I gotta get to school early tomorrow and finish everything off...and since it's due by 10 a.m., I gotta get to school at 8 to do the frickin project! This sucks ass!

Anyways...just wanted to get that off my chest...otherwise, today has been a pretty good my math exam back, and it turns out that I did pretty frickin awesome, so that brightened my mood :-) Didn't get much studying done though...however, I did start to learn to play the guitar! And that's awesome!

Shar, Reuben, and I went to Angela's place for a while, so they decided that they'll teach me how to play the guitar! I surprised myself, because in all the other times I've tried to play the guitar, it always seemed like my hands were too small, and there was no one to really push me, so every time I gave up...but since there were people telling me how to play properly, and the fact that I didn't wanna look like an idiot in front of my friends, I was actually starting to learn! That's just awesome! Although it's still kinda hard to do power & long-reaching chords because of the small hands, but I think with practice I could get the hang of this! Now all I have to do is get myself a guitar...haha

Anyways, I should stop now before I go off in a rant or something...hehe

Until next time, I guess... :-)

--> As told through the mind of an Introverted Extrovert

Tuesday, October 19, 2004

Congradulations, David and Christina!

Yeah, I'm not liking the small font...doesn't make too much difference, plus it's harder to

So I went to my friend's wedding today, and oh man it was beautiful! It was autumn themed, so there were colourful leaves decorated everywhere, and it was in this really nice classical church with humongeous pipe organs and was beautiful!

[As an aside, "Five Iron Frenzy - It Was Beautiful" --> Great song ]

Anyways, because I had a wedding today, I had to skip my classes today...oooooh...although it isn't really as bad as I initially thought. I skipped MicroEconomics, a class that I have already taken before at BCIT; English, which is really just a fun waste of time anyways, so it's not like I'm really missing much; and Psychology, and that was only a midterm...what? skipped a midterm?? As it turns out, my psyc teacher said that I could take the exam later on in the week in the psyc lab! Was going to get it over with tomorrow, but then the Kwantlen Ultimate Society thing was scheduled for wed. afternoon...and I'd much rather play ultimate than do a midterm! haha...That does mean that the only other time I'll be able to take the test is on friday afternoon...which sucks, cause I could have been home, but this way at least I'll be able to get some more studying in, lol...

Hmm, wanted this post to be more about the marriage...kinda getting off topic there...

So, my friends David and Christina are the ones who got married today. Christina is from here, but David is Australian! Funny thing, David came to Canada for a year to work and travel and all that, but ended up finding a wife! Now that's just cool...

Anyways, what happened was that in the summer of last year, David started falling in love with Christina, but she was kinda hesitant...she knew that he was really serious about this relationship...but after a lot of convincing, Christina finally accepted and they officially started dating. Three months later, he proposed! Yeah, everyone thought it was really fast, but they really seem meant to be together...they look so perfect for each other...and today, exactly 1 year after they officially started dating, they got married! That's just beautiful!

And to top all this off, they're going on an extended honeymoon: first to Harrison Hot Springs, then to Florida, then to the Bahamas, then to Tahiti, and finally into David's homeland! Not only that, they're actually going to stay in Australia! That's's still hard to believe that Christina's actually going to be leaving us...

There's going to be a huge gap in our church now that Christina's gone...but we'll see this through; the same thing happened when Darin left, as well as when Tess & Kyle left, so we'll manage to figure something out :-)

Congradulations, David and Christina! God Bless!

--> As told through the mind of an Introverted Extrovert

Me again...

Okay, so I decided to stay sue me...I tried to put in haloscan comments, but it kept messing up...finally worked after over an hour of manual tinkering...

Consequently, all my old comments are gone...oh well, it was mostly just a bunch of "you write too much" anyways...hehehe...

Testing Testing...

Hey, so people have given me a theory that my blogs seem really long because my font size is bigger than normal, even if it is in "normal" I'm testing it out, seeing how I like this smaller font...

I actually had the car today! Man, how I love driving...I feel so independent! I got the car today because I had my friend's wedding rehearsal to get to tonight; my parents let me use the car so I could go directly from Kwantlen to New West, which is where the wedding is gonna be.

Oh man, --> Car = Freedom , sweet sweet freedom!

Also, I was able to have the family cell phone today, and man is it ever convenient :-) It's yet another level of independence I experienced today...and today was great...

Well, I didn't get any studying done, and I got lost for well over an hour in New West, but that's okay...I'll spare you of the details; I wrote them out, but it ended up being way too boring, even for me...gotta try to trim my blogs [:O)

Anyways, today has further convinced me that I need to be more independent...having a cell phone and a car seems like a better (and cheaper) alternative to living on my own, which I had seriously considered before my family and me moved into our new house...

I have now made some new goals: 1) Get a cell phone by christmas [or for christmas, at least...haha] 2) Get a car within a year from now. 3) Actually get a job so I'll be able to pay for all of this, lol...

Of course, the way I listed these goals, I'd get a job after I have procured those items, which seems kinda backwards...however, if I had obligatory monthly payments, I would definately have the incentive to go out and get a job, for I am sorely lacking any motivation to get a job at the moment...

Anyways, it's actually really late, and I do have a wedding to get to tomorrow...which means, btw, that I'm going to have to skip school [oooh, I'm such a rebel!], but I'll get into more of all of this later tonight, after I'm back from the wedding...

Until next time, I guess...

--> As told through the mind of an introverted extrovert.

Sunday, October 17, 2004

Ahh, Clarity...

Strange as it may sound, I seem to have left something out of my previous blog, lol...

I talked about how I would get myself a girlfriend, but I hadn't talked about my philosophy of when I'm actually in a relationship...

To sum up what I said previously, I am attracted to all women, but I won't do anything about it unless I can sense that the girl wants something more...then she'd have to be friends for a while, just to see if we'd still be compatible after she got to know me...hmmm, but if she already knows me, I guess this step could be skipped...anyways, only then would I go out with her. Don't wanna rush into a relationship...nothing good usually comes from doing that...

Once I am actually in a relationship, however, my view on women would change dramatically. I would no longer be attracted to anyone except my girlfriend; to me, I would already be with the most beautiful girl in the world, so everyone else would pale in comparison to her. I know, sounds ridiculous, but it can be done...I've actually had that mentality before, haha. As a side note, near the end of my first relationship, I started becoming attracted to other girls, but always pushed it aside with thoughts like "no! my gf is the most beautiful girl in the world! No, really, she still is..." and "well, I've already made my choice, and I guess I should be happy with it..." I should have realized it as a sign that we should've broken up...but oh well, water under the bridge and all that :-)

Also, it has come to my attention that I might have sounded like I wanted to get married right away...which is not true! Actually quite the opposite...I'm finding that I'm not in a rush to marry at all! As I tried to imply before, this is because I realized that it's alright if I don't end up getting married. So if my girlfriend has issues or whatever, I wouldn't mind waiting years for her to come around; as long as I can still see myself eventually marrying her, then I've got all the time in the world :-)

Then again, I would like to be able to run around and play with my I guess there does has to be some kind of limit, eh? Can't wait until I'm 65 to get married, lol! Hmmm, I guess it all depends on if I take good care of myself too...maybe I could be like that old guy in the juicer informercial and have a kid in my 80's! Hahaha!

Anyways, I should stop now before I start rambling on...which, as you can see in my other blogs, is what I usually tend to

Until next time, I guess...

--> As told through the mind of an introverted extrovert.

Friday, October 15, 2004

Antidisestablishmentarianism, Haha...

Man, I was in the middle of typing out this blog, and then I get kicked out of the comp lab...didn't get a chance to get back on until now...but that's okay, there doesn't seem to be any way to notice that I picked up halfway through...

Oh yeah, before I forget...I just found out tonight that my friend grew up with and is friends of the guitarist of Switchfoot! That's frickin' awesome! Anyways, back to my original blog...

I'm so glad this week is over...2 papers and 2 midterms...done and over with!

Hmmm, now that I think about it, this is nothing compared to what I was used to doing at least here you don't have 5 group projects happening at the same

That reminds me...I miss having a gym on-campus like at BCIT. I was able to work out nearly every day, actually losing some weight and gaining some muscle...but then I slacked off in the summer, and have gotten a bunch of the excess back again. At least the muscle is still mostly there, it wasn't a total loss I guess.

Looking back at my random thoughts from last blog, I touched on my whole philosophy on women [excluding family, of course]. I might as well type it up now, eh? But first, I'm going to have to talk about my previous encounters with the fairer of the species...

First of all, I really wanted to be married. To me, nothing would ever give me more happiness than having a loving wife, looking into my child's eyes when they're born, raising children, etc etc...However, in my own skewed imagination, during highschool, I was having fantasies of getting someone knocked up to speed up the process of getting married and having kids. Yeah, dumbest thing I've ever heard too, lol...Anyways, just wanted to point out that marriage was really important to me...but onto the juicy details of my "female relationships"...

Ever since about grade 8ish, I made a mental list of what would be my perfect girl: short, kind, intelligent, sensitive, filipina, etc etc...Anyways, I kept this going until the summer after grade 11, when I actually found a girl who fit my description perfectly. I then realized that I looked like a slob, lost a bunch of weight, etc etc (I believe that I have mentioned this in a previous post)...the problem is, this girl really had no interest in me that way, and when she got around to telling me that, I was pretty much crushed. My completely perfect girl turned me down. So what did I do? I changed the list, of course!

I realized that I was too limiting by having filipina on the list, so I took that out first of all. Also, I realized that I had left out some other traits, such as quiet/soft-spoken, more introverted, etc etc...Anyways, with my new revamped list, and my newfound higher self-esteem due to the loss of weight, I continued the search for my perfect girl. As grade 12 started, I saw what I considered to be the most beautiful girl in school, and she seemed to fit my description perfectly. It took me about 5 or 6 months to do anything about it, but in the new year, I actually got the nerve to ask her out on a date. Well, she had to go ask her parents first of course, fitting in perfectly with my new list, but then it turns out that after having a talk with her parents, she told me that she "wasn't ready to date yet." I put this in quotations because after being shot down once again, my self-esteem fell dramatically, and in my mind I believed that the only reason why she wasn't ready to date was because I wasn't good enough for her to want to date. "She'd want to date me if I looked like friggin' Aragorn..." I remember thinking to myself. I realized that according to my revised list, she was almost TOO I sulked around for about a month or so, and started revising my list again. I got fed up with all the introverted-type traits, and went completely opposite and wanted an outgoing, charismatic, etc etc, extroverted girl. However, after about another month or so, I realized that the whole notion of having a list to describe a perfect girl was retarded, and I got fed up and completely abandoned the whole notion of keeping a list.

As a side note, I was fed up with a lot of things as my high school career was winding down, realizing that I practically wasted my youth away...but that's another story. Anyways, after abandoning my list, I decided that I would rather judge each girl on an individual basis and see if I liked them from just seemed logical. Funny thing is, about two weeks after I abandoned my list, I met a girl that was a pretty good match to that list. Another strange thing, she actually liked me back! So we ended up dating, and well that's another story for possibly another time...To sum it up, it was good while it lasted I guess [well, at that time at least], but we should have broken up maybe 3 or 4 months before we actually did. It ended up being a very bad relationship -- I've got my share of the blame that's for sure -- and a very bad breakup. Well, I think I was the one who made it a bad breakup...she was still practically my best friend (at least in my mind), and I do have a tendency to be quite clingy...long story short, I acted like an ass and couldn't take it like a man. No excuses.

Anyways, it was the summer again, after my first year at BCIT, and I was pretty much depressed for most of it. I thought I was female repellant, and that I'd probably never get married. I ended up becoming an insomniac, staying up all night playing Civ3 and listening to Vroom, then watching the early morning t.v. shows, like 90's superman and Arthur and all that...hmmm, getting off topic...

Well, by about August, I started reading the bible for a few minutes before I went to bed. One night, I stumbled across a verse that verified that you won't be married forever, negating the popular belief of soulmates, which blew my mind. After I realized that there's no such thing as soulmates, I realized that it's alright if I ended up not marrying anyone. Because of this, I started seeing women in a different light. Before, I always had that list that described my perfect girl, then realized that having a list is much too limiting. Now, after August of last year, I was able to define my exact philosophy with regards to the opposite sex [again, outside of family]:

I am attracted to all women. This includes friends, classmates, female strangers that walk by...ALL women! However, since I realize that I don't have to get married in my lifetime, I don't feel the need to follow up on my feelings. The times that I would follow up, though, would be when I realize that a girl likes me. However, I would then be friends with her for a while before we would actually start dating, getting to know each other first, etc etc, and if she still likes me after say a few months, then we'd start going out. It seems like the perfect way to start off a good relationship, eh?

Yes, I understand that this philosophy has it's pitfalls, but it's the best thing going for me at this time. I know that I still have preferences, even if I am still technically attracted to all women. I know that it's not always easy to know when someone likes me. I know that sometimes I stop being attracted to some girls because of incompatable personalities. However, I believe that this is the best method for me to find my future wife, for all dating is to me is the means to my nuptially blissful end; once I can't see marrying someone, then it's gotta be over...I know this now. To put it into churchy terms: I don't believe in "dating", I believe in "courtship"

Anyways, I think this filled up my blog fairly nicely, eh? That should be enough blogging for today...and yes, it is very late once again, and I do have church in the morning, so I should get to bed...

I swear, one day I'm going to run out of stories and my blogs will start to be of normal length...when that day will come, I don't know...but not

Until next time, I guess...

--> As told through the mind of an introverted extrovert.

Wednesday, October 13, 2004

Gotta keep it short...gotta keep it short...

Gots to finish my paper...soon...

Just whining about how I never seem to end up studying the way I would like to...didn't get half the stuff I wanted to do today, I was either too lazy or too it really makes a difference either way...

I'm kind of worried about my midterm in Sociology tomorrow, because there's going to be a bunch of fill in the blanks, which I usually do horribly at, and two short answers which are really more like short essays...I seem to do really well in "recognizing" what I know, but I am pretty bad at "recalling" what I know...oh wait, crap! That's psyc, not sociology...hope I don't do something stupid like that on the test...

Anyways, things happened today, other things happened today, kinda was half asleep though, and I am pretty bad at recalling the actual events of the day if I don't have a schedule or something...I think I studied a bit, started on my psyc paper, and went out to eat...

Oh yes, that reminds me...I gotta keep better tabs about how much I actually spend! As it turns out, I actually spent close to twenty dollars eating out today! That's just plain rediculous! I didn't even notice that until I got home...and then I sulked because I wasted so much least I still have my $90 medical refund cheque I still have to cash, plus I'm still waiting for my GST return thing as well...oh, and I also had to borrow money from Mohsin to buy Wendy's, since I ran out of cash...apparently, Mohsin now owns my soul, and that my soul is worth about seven

And speaking of Mohsin, what's with everyone complaining about his driving anyways? He's not that scary! Yes, he does tend to speed a little, and he does seem to forget that he wasn't turning right and continue on through the red light...but at least he's actually in control! I don't care how dangerous the driving may seem on the outside, if the driver is actually in control and can read the situation, then it's fine! I mean, contrary to popular belief, Mohsin doesn't drive recklessly; every move is planned out. I'd much rather be in a car with Mohsin behind the wheel than with someone who seems safe, but is careless...

And now for some random thoughts...

Man, I want a car...but 'tis expensive...I want to have a job...but I've tried already and I get lazy...although I probably could land a job at earls, since I did use to work there...that would be funny, lol...but I don't wanna be working in the back again...I gotta be up front talking with customers...gotta get experience with customers for business experience...but I like money...I waste my weekends anyways...I gotta study this weekend...I can't study at home...I wanted to move out a while back, but 'tis expensive...I just moved into a new room is still a garage...that sucks...I wanna sleep in a bed...those new memory foam bed things are so cool, they feel so nice...but 'tis expensive...I go to school to get a good job...I could go and get a job right now if I wanted...stupid lack of using my diploma...stupid me being to lazy to do something about psyc teacher said that in the future people could be able to take a pill to get more ambition the same way depressed people take prozac to be happy...happy happy joy, I really didn't like ren and stimpy...beavis and butthead were cool for a while though...I remember liking the movie...I wanna watch the grudge...I can't even go into the frickin website because I'm so creeped out...I hate those sabotage flash animations...that matrix ping pong thing is the coolest thing I've ever seen on the internet...what's the website again? I dont' know, just search for matrix ping pong on google and it'll pop, these are a lot of random thoughts, but yet it's so's like copying down my daydreams...I would like to have a palm pilot thing so I can always be able to write stuff down during the day, so I can replace my old "palm pilot", old palm pilot being writing things on my hand...I want a cell phone...I might be able to get one for christmas, now that would be cool...don't know why my sister was able to have one and I wasn't...I probably wasn't as pushy as my sister was...not to say that my sister is pushy or anything, it's more like she has way more ambition than I do...a real type A personality, while I am a strong type B...which suggests that I'm lazy, but that I can also see the whole picture...really really strong type B's tend to be lethargic because they realize that nothing really matters in the end...I'm not that far along myself, though...although I think that's why Ecclesiates is my favourite...basically, well all turn to dust, so many things we think are important are really not...wisdom means nothing! but wisdom is better that being a fool! haha...there are no such thing as soulmates...people won't be married and will not get married after death...Jesus said so, it's in three of the gospels...aha! found them - Matthew 22:30, Mark 12:25, Luke 20:35...comes right after the give to caesar what is caesar's story...frickin surprised me about the not being married thing, I always was a romantic and believed people will be together forever...but marriage is something to be enjoyed on earth, for there's better joys later on etc...completely changed my whole outlook on getting married and dating and all that...realized that it's okay if I end up without someone, completely changed my whole philosophy on how I viewed women [outside of family of course]...don't feel like explaining at the moment, takes too much concentration...I'm just relaxing my brain, not feeling the need to structure my therapeutic after wracking my brain with school...but now I'm probably not going to do any homework or study anymore least I'll probably get lots of sleep tonight, finally...hopefully a full 8 hours...I wish I was able to get by with just a few hours of sleep...but I shouldn't drink coffee or other caffeine vehicles, so I can't artificially pep my everyday life...although, not drinking coffee does have it's advantages, like when I actually want to stay up all night finishing up a group project I can drink a mocha frap and add tons of sugar and what not and stay up for hours, crash for a few, then stay up for a few more hours...fraps are really fattening, more calories than a Big Mac...this sucks, I'm getting fat again...I gotta start running, or walking, or something at least...or maybe just eat less...eating less is, I'm back to wanting a job again...holy crap, what the hell have I been doing! It's so late, and I've got a frickin truckload of junk in my blog!

Wow...didn't mean for it to be so long...haha, my title is gotta keep it short too...oh well, typing out junk is better than staying on gamespot for hours or some other crap like that...

I write way too much in my blogs...I hope nobody gets a headache from reading my randomness. That is, if anyone actually bothers to read it, lol! But that's okay, I mostly write all this junk for myself anyways. Just trying to write down what I'm thinking...was too tired to structure by that point...

Aw dang! It turns out that I left my disk in the frickin school computer! And it had my half-written paper on it too...I don't wanna have to type it all out again! Hope it's still there tomorrow...this sucks...but oh well...'s 1am...sleep now...haha, this looks like my previous blog...

Until next time, I guess...

--> As told through the mind of an introverted extrovert.

Tuesday, October 12, 2004

Chronicle of the busy...

Today was a VERY long day...

First of all, after I wrote my blog yesterday, my little sister wanted to use the computer, and seeing that I was just procrastinating anyways, I let her use it. However, it turns out that once she was done, my mom had to use the comp, and then my aunt came over and used it for a while to type up her resume, and by this time it was already around 11ish, but my other sister came on and said that she too had a paper due the next day, except hers had to be like three times longer than mine! So being the good brother that I am *cough* I let her use it for the night and told her that I'd do my paper in the morning.

Well, morning came, but I slept in longer than I anticipated, and didn't start actually typing the paper until around 8 o'clock, so I spent the next few hours typing it up. I had Microeconomics at 10, but obviously I had to miss the first hour. However, as it turns out, they only went over the exam that we did last tuesday; the exam that I got 58/62 on, btw... :-)

So after another hour of econ, I had 2 hours of english to go to...Not that I don't like english (I actually think that that class is kinda fun), but if I'm even just a little bit tired, that class drags on, and on, and on, etc...

After that class, I spent the next few hours floating by talking with friends, half asleep...I believe that I bought a poutine made with spicy fries as well as a fresca during that time too...mmmm,'s like sugar water without the sugar and twice the

After my 2hr break, I had my 3hr Psyc that was a weird class. We were talking about neuroscience and a whole bunch of biology stuff about the brain...kinda sucks when the guy next to you has been through all of this in high school biology, lol. He's always there, muttering all the right answers under his breath, looking visibly bored, etc etc. Oh, and one more thing of interest, I HELD A FRICKIN' HUMAN BRAIN IN MY FRICKIN' HANDS TODAY!!! That's right, in psyc class, my instructor decided to spend about an hour letting us look at sheep brains, as well as passing around an actual human brain! The way I see it, I think I have a pretty cool psyc teacher, except during class he never actually seems to teach us anything! It's just a bunch of cool stories and videos *ahem* laserdiscs that somehow tie in with the class material. Again, not that I'm knocking the class, as it is kinda fun, but it makes you have to read the material and such...

Man, laserdiscs...Does anybody actually remember these things? Funny thing, my friend in that class thought that laserdiscs were just a myth! haha...hmmm? What's a laserdisc, you say? Just imagine a cd as big as a record, and you've got yourself a laserdisc. Kind of like a gigantic dvd, actually...which makes me wonder, why didn't laserdiscs replace the vhs way back in the early 90s? Was it just really expensive or something? Cause I remember my friend's parents having them...and they were really cool...

Anyways, back to my long day...After 3 hrs of psyc, I did a whole bunch of math problems, which took what seemed like forever for each question, while only making a dent in the overall number of math problems I have to get done...which sucks, because I have a math midterm on friday, and I've already gotten so behind! That, and I have a sociology midterm on thursday, a psyc paper due on friday, and a psyc midterm on monday! Man, the midterms seem to have suddenly exploded this week...didn't realize how little time I actually have...however, I always seem to have time for blogging :-)

Hmm...oh yes! I got bubble tea with a friend while doing my math problems, which did make the time pass fairly quickly I would say...good strawberry "milkshake" pearl, although it did seem more like a watery smoothy than a milkshake...however, I didn't like that fact that there were all these tiny little strawberry seeds floating around in my being slightly alergic to seeds, it wasn't so great having them stuck between my teeth while chewing on the pearls...

Anways, at around 9:45ish, my friend drove me home, I watched a bit of tv, I ate some spaghetti and cake, had a shower, watched some more tv, and now spent nearly an hour writing up this blog...again, a great means to a procrastinatory end, this blog is...

And here I am, at 12:40am, accomplishing nothing of the homeworks that I wanted to do tonight, be it starting the paper or finishing up some calculus...not that I'm terribly surprised though, I usually never seem to get anything done when I'm at least now I actually have something tangeable with my wasted time instead of just random channel/web surfing...

Man, this sucks...I really have to have my psyc paper completed asap...and I really have to catch up on my math...but more importantly I gots to make sure I'm good for my sociology midterm thursday...I should really spend most of tomorrow studying for sociology...but then there's my psyc paper...but, my head's starting to hurt...

Hmmm...lets look at this logically. My psyc paper is worth 15% and is relatively easy [it's actually more like answering 15 questions than an actual paper], my sociology midterm is worth 25%, my Calc midterm is worth 22%, and my psyc exam next monday is worth, maybe the psyc paper first off tomorrow since it's easy...then study sociology for a few hours and talk to my sociology instructor about my essay topic [I've been putting this off for almost 2 weeks now...], then try and finish off any of the calc that has to be done...maybe I don't have to study way too much for sociology, since I do have a 4hr break before my soci. class on thursday...sounds like a plan, I guess...

Man...I can't believe I wasted well over an hour writing in this blog and typing to my friend David on msn...I really should have started on my paper, or at least finish up some's pretty low when your procrastinating by writing about procrastinating...dang, that prase sounds way too familiar to be my own thought, so wherever I might have lifted this off of, forgive me...

Which reminds me, I really can be an ass sometimes...last tuesday I stole credit for and idea I told to the teacher. My teacher really liked that example, and kept referring to it as "like what Justin said earlier..." except, it was really my friend's idea. The problem was, however, that I forgot that it was his, and called it as my own! I know, I'm such an ass! All throughout the rest of the class, I could hear him mutter "you bastard" and such things, and he made of me during foosball as well...I deserved it of course, but I would like to publically apologize to Abraham about my ass-like actions of last week.

Man I'm tired...I write way too damn much in my's frickin 1:10...gots school at 8am tomorrow...gots to do work...but me to sleep now...

Sleeeeeep...sounds so good...

Until next time, I guess...

--> As told through the mind of an introverted extrovert.

Monday, October 11, 2004

Just another way to procrastinate...

So bored, and yet so lazy to do anything about it...

I gots a paper due tomorrow, so what do I do? Diligently flesh out my outline, write for hours, and proofread for a few hours more, ensuring an A+? Of course not! I've gotta write in my blog!

Honestly, I don't even know what to write...anything seems better than having to start up my homework...hmmm, it's thanksgiving today, isn't it...? I might as well write something about that...

Well first of all, everyone's all excited because they have a day off of school today, because of the whole holiday thing. I, however, am not as ecstatic...I don't have any classes on mondays! Haha...although I do usually go to school and study etc etc, so today seems like more of a waste than a holiday...I had turkey day yesterday, with all the goodness that comes along with the turkey. Did I mention that turkey dinners are my favourite food? lol...One thing that was weird is that this year we didn't have a big family thanksgiving party. Sucks, cause I was actually looking kinda forward to seeing everyone...but oh well, maybe I'll see everyone at Christmas or something...

Ah turkey dinners, and the reasonable facsimile of chicken dinners...brings back memories of bigger days, lol...lets just say that picky eating + lots of gravy + lack of exercise + lots of video games = growth in the wrong direction...

Hmmm, which reminds me, I haven't written about why I call myself an Introverted Extrovert, eh? Might as well be now...

A long time ago, back when I was about 4ish, I was living in a Co-op on Moffatt road, in those were the days. I had tons of friends that I always played with, my elementary school was gigantic, and I was always an active and happy child. And then at around age 9, we moved to the boondocks of Richmond called #6 road...I suddenly became cut off from all my friends, surrounded with ditches, and put in a school with less than 60 kids. Back in the co-op, I was always outside hanging around with my friends, while in #6 road, I spent most of my time watching t.v. and playing video games. I effectively changed from an extroverted funloving guy into an introverted geek. Thus, I then call myself an introverted extrovert. Deep down, I would really like nothing more than to hang out with my friends all the time, but I always end up wasting away my weekends and summers playing video games...sad, yes I know...

As a byproduct of this inactive lifestyle, I ballooned and became fairly big, considering I'm only 5'3"...I had such low self esteem, and for good reason: I saw myself as the epitomy of the short, fat, and ugly geek that I keep hearing about on t.v, movies, books, etc. However, due to some extenuating circumstances [of the female variety], one summer after grade 11 I decided to actually do something about it. I figured that I couldn't help being short, except for maybe gene therapy...I couldn't help being ugly, it's too expensive to change that...but I realized that I could do something about my weight. I went on a self-made diet of a glass of milk for breakfast, a hot dog weiner for lunch, and a small plate of whatever my mom made for supper...and to my surprise and everyone elses, it actually worked! From top weight to bottom weight, I went from 172 pounds to 132 pounds in about 4 or 5 months, with the most dramatic drop being 15 pounds in 2 weeks during the just goes to show you, with a little motivation and willpower (and a steady routine), anyone can lose weight. However, you do have to remember that losing weight and being healthy are very different things...if you wanna be healthy and lose weight, I do not recommend what I did at all...

Anyways, because I lost all that weight, I had a slightly higher self-image of myself. Actually, ever since the middle of grade 12, I've been turning myself around ever so slowly...I joined a ska band, gots myself a gf, quit my band, broke up with my gf, met a whole bunch of friends at bcit, lost touch with most of my friends at bcit, and now have a great group of friends at Kwantlen...hopefully this time I'll actually keep in touch with them after I'm out of Kwantlen...

I think that's why I usually stay so late at Kwantlen, because I'm actually able to hang out with my friends instead of coming home and wasting away on the couch or the swivel chair...which is ironically kind of what I'm doing right now, btw...hanging out with my friends just proves to me that I really would like to be an extrovert at heart, even if I do have introverted tendencies...

Oh wow, I write way wayyy to seems like I have no idea what to write at first, but then end up writing way to much...oh well, I guess you guys don't have to read it if you don't want to, eh? lol...

Until next time I guess...

--> As told through the mind of an introverted extrovert.

Man, not a good first experience with blogging...

Wow, I can't believe it. First time I've ever blogged, and I end up deleting this gigantic post that I spent well over an hour that pisses me off...I guess it's a good learning experience or whatever...but still pisses me off...oh well, I might as well try to salvage what I remember of that post...

Was bored...decided to make a blog...most of my friends have one, thought I'd try it out myself...gots to know what all the fuss is about...

So what do people do on blogs anyways? Talk about their feelings and junk? Probably nothing too personal, with everyone reading this etc etc...Write about stories and junk? Those are few and far between for me...Write the lyrics of their favourite song of the moment? Now I can do that...

Vroom - Tigers
[Live May 2002]

Don't waste your innocence on tigers,
You know that I can be alone, baby doll...

Do you remember the times that we had
As the years rolled by
And disappeared...?
Now it seems that everybody's waiting here,
They spread their lies all over town...

It's alright if you wanna tell me off...
It's alright if you want to leave...
I don't care...

Do you begin to remember the times
Of the years that went
Out and gone...?
Everybody's telling me that they don't care,
Cause they weren't there...
And the world is a sad place to live...
Is there somewhere else we can go?

It's alright if you wanna tell me off...
It's alright if you want to leave...
I don't care...

Lately, I don't feel anything
Anything in regards to you...
Cause I'm not ready for everything,
Everything will be so untrue...

Don't waste your innocence on tigers,
You know that I can be alone, baby doll...

It's alright if you wanna tell me off...
It's alright if you want to leave...
I don't care...

Lately, I don't feel anything...
Everything will be so untrue...

For those of you who don't know, Vroom was an Emo/Punk/Rock band from Virginia, and they're probably my favourite band. Unfortunately for me, they never made it big enough for major touring, so I never got to see them live. Notice the past tense? Apparently, much to my dismay, they officially broke up earlier this year. Altogether, they had 4CD's to their name, with "Tigers" being on their most recent. This may sound bad, but I don't have a single one of their cd's! However, I am eventually going to buy the whole set, which is sold for $35US on their website.

Yesterday, I found out that they uploaded a bunch of mp3's on their site. To my amazement, there was "New Song 2" [Tigers], a long-since-given-up-searching-for song that I haven't heard in over a year! Back about two summers ago, after I broke up with my girlfriend, I replayed "Tigers", along with "Untitled [I Love You/You Can't Stand Me]", over and over again while playing Civ3 all night. Those songs were how I felt at the time put into musical form. However, about a year ago, my harddrive crashed and I lost everything, including my music files. I wasn't too phased by it though, thinking that I could just download it again on Kazaa, but try as I might, I couldn't find my beloved Tigers! This really ticked me off, but somehow I was able to put that behind me and move on with my life, realizing that I would probably never hear that song when I saw that it was on Vroom's website, I went nuts! I stayed up until 4am just replaying that song; I was that happy! Sounds crazy that I'm so worked up over a song that reminds me of such a bad time, but whatever, I really love that song...

Anyways, that was a nice stroll down memory lane, lol...

I see now why so many people blog, it's almost therapeutic...that, and it's a better way to waste time than mindless surfing, eh?

So yeah, that was pretty much my post that I ended up deleting,, is it ever late...maybe I should get some sleep...

Anyways, until next time I guess...hopefully I won't delete this post as well...

--> As told through the mind of an introverted extrovert...