Wednesday, May 31, 2006

I guess that wasn't a Bb

Man, days like today take awesome to a whole new level. Lets count the ways of awesomeness:

1) Got to sleep in 'til 11am, due to my lack of working (which at first was a bummer, but hey, sleep = awesome).

2) Purchased Heroes V. And let me tell you, AWESOME!!! Holy crap I've been waiting so long for another Heroes game which actually reminds me of a heroes game... and as an added bonus, crazy

3) The general laid back feeling of today. Man, having no responsibilities feels awesome. Well, there are a few responsibilities I could think of (including practicing as to not sound/look like an ass on the 16th), but those were quickly dealt with. Mannnnn, so awesome...

4) ULTIMATE! Yeah, ultimate tuesday truly is awesome. And Andrew, being the crazy person that he is, decided to bike to UBC fields (where we played today) and hence I carpooled w/ a bunch of old highschool buddies I barely hang out with anymore. So awesome. Oh, and also awesome, back to our winning ways! And, oh man, one more awesome? Yes! I'm actually feeling tons more comfortable out there, i.e. able to run around without toppling over in exhaustion! Sooo nice...

5) Bubble Tea (LA!). Yeah, after ultimate, some of us went to bubble tea, L&G at 41st and Granville. And you know what flavour I got? Freaking JACK FRUIT!!! Holy crap, they actually make jack fruit bubble teas?! SOOO AWESOME!!! For those of you who aren't Phillipino, there's this awesome flip candy made from jack fruit that I always had when I was like 8, and man it was so delicious... I haven't had this candy in like a decade or so! So when I saw jack fruit, I was all, HOLY CRAP! And maaannnnnnn, so delicious! Like sipping on pure nostalgia right there...

6) Sushi! Yeah, during bubble tea, gots me a call from Mohsin/Kris, saying if I wanted to go for sushi. My answer was an obvious YES! Haha... by this time it was like well past 10pm, heheh, but late night sushi = great (esp. when not eaten dinner). So, yeah, Kris Mohsin Scott (who I met at Kris' b-day sushi) went to Kisha Poppo in Ironwood. Sushi = awesome. Hanging out also = awesome. So nice.

7) AMERICA! [explitive] YEAH! ...yup! That's right, watched Team America again at Scott's house after sushi. Such an awesome movie! Hahaha... even if Scott and Mohsin fell asleep due to the gorging and past-1am-iness of it all. Heheh. But yeah, awesomeness continued to flow.

8) Freaking UFC 60! I friggin forgot it was on this weekend, so I was all, DOWNLOAD! And man, halfway through the show (including one non-televised event), DAMN the UFC is beyond awesome, not like crappy talk-for-half-an-hour-then-end-matches-with-run-ins wrestling... and man, there's some crazy match ups so far... and holy crap, I'm not even on the main even Matt Hughes vs. Royce Gracie! Damn, that's gonna be a kickass match! For the uninitiated, Royce (pronounced Hoise) is an old-school UFC fighter who's skinny 170lb self defeated freaking everybody with his crazy brazilian jujitsu, which was absolutely unheard of before he came to UFC, and practically dismantled and destroyed everybody he came across, including the big names like Dan Severn and Kimo and Ken Shamrock. Living legend right there. Now, Matt Hughes, all he is is the most dominant welterweight ever in the history of the UFC, with a 40-4 record, heheh... the match is basically set up as an old guard vs. new guard setting, where the old single-style focus of UFC fighters takes on the crazy well-rounded awesome fighters of today. So, yeah, tons of awesome sure to be had!

...and yeah. That's why today was awesome. And by today, I mean tuesday. Heheh, it's nearly 6am, and I'm not quite tired yet, lol... therefore, time for me to finish watching UFC 60! [hopefully I don't have to work, hehe...]

Until next time, I guess...

Tuesday, May 30, 2006

Monkey Gone To Heaven

If Man is 5
Then the Devil is 6
And if the Devil is 6
Then God is 7!

This monkey's gone to heaven.

Until next time, I guess...

Sunday, May 28, 2006

Do I always have to break out the awesome??

Hey, for those of you who haven't caught on to the crazy internet phenomenon known as "The Hey Clip", here it is...

Awesome song, and surprisingly awesome lip-synch video. And for those who are wondering, the song is called Hey by the Pixies. SUCH AN AWESOME SONG!

It even gots its own site, with the obligatory spoofs and junk, and even Kevin Smith did a freaking spoof for a Clerks 2 trailer! Sooo cool...

So what if I posted it a while back on my lyrical explications site, seems to me that nobody visits it. Even if it is chock full of awesome. Heheh.

[Edit #2]
I was called in to work tomorrow. GWAHH?!? I'm not laid off?? NICE!!!

[Edit #1]
Man, the Pixies are awesome live...

From a tour of the UK in 1988. Dang, the Pixies are an old band...

Until next time, I guess...

Friday, May 26, 2006

Whoa, it's FRIDAY?!

Wow, where did the week go... I haven't blogged in FOREVER! My goodness... and it's not like I had a lack of things to blog about, it's more that I haven't found the time to sit and do it. Not like I have any time at the moment... Gah, whatever, super-short rundown of what I can remember, then onto awesomeness.

Monday, morning = looking through mp3 players w/ Shaylene, then watched playoffs of 3 different leagues.

Tuesday, ultimate games. Rather cold and windy, and played in a vancouver park that's about 3 meters away from the road, meaning a few stray discs flew into oncoming traffic. Not cool. Also not cool, we lost both games rather handily I thought. Oh well. I still enjoyed my time there.

Wednesday, practice @ Andrew's, learning covers and what not, which went rather well. Also, a game of 1-on-1-on-1 basketball. That was rather awesome, even if I suck tremendously at this sport. Haha...

Thursday, practice @ Reuben's. And also 1-on-1-on-1 basketball afterwards. Rather awesome. Also, earlier in the day, purchased my mp3 player, the creative one. Soooo awesome.

Friday, i.e. today, work was extra slow and boring/relaxing. (I worked every other day this week too, minus monday, btw). Also, as it was the end of herring season, I got laid off today. That was rather annoying. Considering I didn't get laid off last year until another 3 weeks, I realized that I'm gonna earn at least $2k less than last year. That SUCKS. Although, this does mean that I pretty much have a month of free summertime vacation, if I don't end up getting another job first that is. But really, the point is, I've realized that I don't have enough money to buy all the things I wanted to buy as I previously planned, which is rather annoying. But enough whining, and onto the awesome!

Soooooo... awesome!

I mean, yeah it's another Mario song, but it's on a freakin' ELEVEN-STRING BASS!!!

Until next time, I guess...

Sunday, May 21, 2006

More Victor Wooten Madness!

Crazy Sunday

Summer is awesome, especially when accentuated w/ days like today. But apparently "this is how my day went" blogs aren't terribly entertaining, but as I like to actually be able to remember the awesome events in my day, I feel that I must blog. So basically, here's a quick rundown of my day:

Sushi - Me, Mohsin, Kris, then just me and Kris, then Rob came, then Mohsin came back. Long-ish story. But not really.

My Place - For a stopoff, as Mohsin was on the job, had to leave for patrols, or something. Dropped us off at 5 and williams, heheh. Walk today was nice and sunny/warm.

Tom Lee - So Kris can search around for his future acoustic guitar.

Loitering - Then, went to Richmond Centre, where we just so happened to see Reuben and friend (Darren?) walking outside of sportschek/coastmt. So we talked it up a bit. Then Jake and Angela showed up. Completely spontaneously awesome hanging out and loitering.

EB/Mall - Went to EB, but unfortunately Heroes V isn't in until the 26th. Kind of annoying, as everywhere else in the world it's already out. Including the US, I believe... but no matter. Parusing the store w/ everyone = nice. People eventually went their separate ways.

Pet Store - Only Me and Kris remained, and of course, we went to the Pet Store. Koi ponds are relaxing, if somewhat useless. Lizards are cool. So are hedgehogs. Bunny's are cute. Guinea pigs make funny noises.

And that was my day. Kind of. Can't believe it ended up raining buckets at the end of the day, it was so nice around 3ish.

Tomorrow, I'm gonna get my sister an MP3 player, kind of an early b-day present (as her bday's end of July), but really it's the crazily belated birthday present from last year (as I promised her last year that I'd buy her an mp3 player, heheh...)

I decided to get myself the creative one. Way more bang for my buck. Don't know what my sister wants yet.

I still have to buy me a bass amp. Although, I have been researching a bunch on the different kinds of amps and such. I've also found that amps are expensive, and it's hard to find a good one on the buy & sell...

Is it me, or are bass solos just inherently cool?

Concert on June 16th!!! That's like, less than a month away... CRAZY!

Also crazy? Freaking Osoyoos trip is friggin' in less than 2 weeks! DANG THAT'S AWESOME!

And also, I'm curious about Kris' new tabletop *ahem* pen & paper rpg he got, Call of Cthulu?, as it seems rather interesting. And yes, I do believe that my geek level has just risen a few notches as I'm typing this. Or, rather, risen a few levels? Heheh...

Until next time, I guess...

Friday, May 19, 2006

Ahhh, Friday...

I got off work early today. Ignoring the lost wages, niiiiiiiiice...

I decided to go swimming for the first time in what feels like forever. Actually, it's more like a couple years. And, actually, it wasn't really swimming inasmuch as it was spending an hour and a half cycling between the hot tub, sauna, and steam room. Although I did end up doing some laps. Dang, swimming's so awesome, but man it seems like 20x more difficult then I remember as a kid...

And as a side note, swimming is WAY more awesome with longer hair. I believe I'll refrain from chopping my mop for at least another week. Or two.

Other stuff in the day, not as interesting. Although, I did go to future shop to check out the mp3 player I'm gonna buy (which'll be in the $250ish price range). I'm thinking the Sony one, as it's crazy sleek and cool looking. Then again, the Creative one is 8gb (which is 2gb more), at the same price. But it's also kinda dinky. Sooooooo.....? Which one should I get?

[Edit - These CNET reviews for Sony and Creative were quite helpful. Creative, not so dinky, and Sony, not so crazy awesome. But still...?]

Anyways, yeah that's about it. As usual, I'm up late again. Although, relatively speaking, it's kinda early (it's before midnight still), plus weekend sleeping in is nice to look forward to. Although, tomorrow sleeping in means 8:30am wakeup. Heheh.

Listening to "Sonic Flood - I Could Sing of Your Love Forever" right now. Such a good song, first heard it like 5 years ago. But now, it's like I'm listening to it for the first time, 'cause man the baseline is crazy awesome! Deedleadoodle dat de doo de doo, and such...

Until next time, I guess...

Wednesday, May 17, 2006

Wow, it's late again, what a surprise...

I'm so friggin' killing my body. It's nearly midnight again, and I'm not in bed sleeping. Considering all the activity I've been doing over the past three, combined with the fact that during this time I've had a combined sleep total of maybe 12 hrs, my immune system's taking a beating.

I complain, and yet I blog. Time for bed.

[Okay, wait a sec, I complain mostly about the lack of sleep. The ultimate, the hapkido, the work; they're all so worth it. Just to make things clear.]

Until next time, I guess...

Ultimate and such

Today was uncharastically hot for May. I mostly enjoyed it, heheh. Although weeding for nearly 2 hours in the hot sun was rather annoying.

Also, ultimate game today. So cool! And dang, even though it was mega fun, I've realized that I've lost quite a bit of my speed since highschool. I blame it on my newfound upper body strength, weighing me down. That, and my 5 months of inactivity probably had something to do with it also. But the point is, finding out that I've lost my ability to dip and dodge then sprint like crazy is rather disheartening.

Then again, I could blame it on my 8 hrs of arduous work earlier in the day. Hehe...

Anyways, when I got home, I had a strict plan I wanted to follow. Basically, eat shower practice sleep. As it turns out, there was a crazy basketball game on tv, and DANG I got sucked in! Awesome Suns game, so worth it. However, because of this, it's now past 1am. And I have to get up in less than 6 hrs for work. That's rather annoyingly stupid on my part. Especially considering the tiredness I'm feeling from the previous 4hr nights I've had.

Random comment: Can't wait for Osoyoos!

Until next time, I guess...

Monday, May 15, 2006

I'm Tired...

Work was rather long and arduous today. There's a 50/50 chance that I won't be going to Hapkido tonight, even though I kinda really want to. Then again, I don't wanna wreck myself the day before ultimate game, so.... yeah. Hapkido's in an hour. We'll see...

Other than that, nothing really much else to say. Perhaps some sort of philosophical question is in order...



Until next time, I guess...

Sunday, May 14, 2006

Happy Mother's Day!

Hey, it's mother's day today!

My sisters and I treated my Mom to sunday brunch at the buffet at River Rock (Runway 26, I think?), and DANG was it ever busy. Had to wait for three hours! It was like an hour waiting in line to get that buzzer thingy, then another two hours waiting 'til the buzzer went off. Now that was quite annoying... although, mother's day is supposedly their busiest day of the year, heheh. Now that's just great.

Although, food was DELICIOUS! Man that was yummy... and oddly enough, best omelete EVER! Sooo good... worth the wait? Well, maybe not, but it's awfully close... actually, yeah, worth the wait. It was nice relaxing and such.

Anyways, wasted the rest of the day on unimportant wanderings. Although I did end up preordering Heroes V today (finally!), so at least I did something that I wanted to get done this weekend. [Although, it's not like I'm gonna be able to frickin' play the game once I get it, stupid non-recent home computers...]

Man, I still can't believe how busy my weekdays are this summer, what with Hapkido mon/wed, ultimate tues, band thurs (or wed now?), and church practice on friday. And weekends usually get booked up rather quickly as it is also. Heheh. But busy = awesome, so I'm not complaining.

Also, I heard that herring season is over on wednesday, a good month or whatever earlier than last year. Meaning, I could be out of a job much sooner than expected. My goodness, early break is cool, but no money isn't... then again, I've been working groundfish somewhat regularly, which is apparently year round, so perhaps no break for me, heheh...

Oh, and apparently my sister didn't know that she was on the Dean's List, as she didn't know that it's under the "sessional grade report" thing at UBC. Heheh, that's pretty cool. Funny thing, the name's different for each faculty; for example, in my faculty, it's Dean's Honour Roll. Heheh, it's like highschool again...

And speaking of school, congrats to Mohsin for getting into freakin' UBC! Awesome! And after all that downplaying UBC, and the whole "SFU's closer" etc excuses he was flinging about, all unnecessary! So yeah, good job Mohsin!

Until next time, I guess...

Saturday, May 13, 2006

Yeah, nevermind...

Yeah, it's not gonna happen. Birthday dinner, that is. Too last minute for tonight, sunday = mommy day, etc etc...

Those who still wanna do something and hang out, give me a call. Other than that, no other plans.

Gah to it all...

Although, on the plus side, I found a whack of cd's that my mom hid in a faraway cabinet in the house, which held quite a few of the cd's that I thought were lost forever. Cool.

That, and getting a $200+ paycheque for two days of work is pretty cool.

Until next time, I guess...

Friday, May 12, 2006

Final: B-day Dinner!

Change of plans! It shall be Sunday night!

Why the change? Because I just wanna go to Old Spaghetti Factory!
Why Sunday, at OSF? Because my little sister is gonna be working then!

[Yes, THAT sister... gah...]

But the point is, tip her well as she has yet to buy me a present!
(Perhaps, your present would be to tip her well? Hehe...)

But yeah, evites being sent tonight! [me sleepy...]

Until next time, I guess...

Thursday, May 11, 2006

Birthday Dinner

Birthday dinner, Saturday night, around 8 or 9-ish...

Here's a couple choices (in Richmond, 'cause driving = expensive!):

Pisano's - Italian Restaurant, delicious food, somewhat pricy
Mongolie Grill - Uh, mongolian restaurant? Never been, Reuben says it's cool, I'm interested in going.
Quilon - Indian Restaurant, sooo good, but group order = annoying, apparently?
Kisamos - Greek Restaurant, so yummy! But fairly cramped and busy...
Various Sushi Restaurants, if all you can eat sushi is to everyone's liking
Various "North American Cuisine" restaurants, but as with BP, we always go there...

Anyone have a preference? I shall be deciding tomorrow, so tells me!

And, for that matter, if you're coming, let me know!

Also, feel free to pass the word along about birthday dinner thing. More = merrier, and such!

(Sorry guys for the last-minute-ness of my dis-organization of my Birthday Dinner. Been kinda busy... and tired. Oh so very tired. Worked 11 hrs today. Shoveling ice, among other things. Yup.)

Until next time, I guess...

Tuesday, May 09, 2006


Yes, it is my birthday today. Woo! and such.

First things first, I've decided: I'm having my birthday dinner on Saturday night; who wants to come, and any non-BP suggestions? (We always go to BP, lets go someplace else for a change!)

Today = work + ultimate league game. Both were surprisingly awesome.

Work is cool. I work groundfish in the morning (shoveling ice, packing fillets of various fish, etc), and after that's done I go back to pail up (i.e. what I did last year, somewhat) until work is over. Also, the infamous Alex St. Pierre (a.k.a. the guy who wanted to beat up Jake) is now working with me. He seems like an alright guy. Why the wanting to beat up, again?

Strangely enough, work today seems more invigorating rather than physically taxing. Therefore, the subsequent Ultimate game was highly anticipated after work.

So yeah, Andrew picked me up at 5:30ish, went to the game at 6, and man I'm incredibly rusty and lack stamina. Other than those things, SO AWESOME! I had my "the other team underestimated me" point, and I had my "crazy jump catch in the endzone" point also. Although, I did end up giving away more points than gaining them, as per my lack of stamina. But hey, ultimate is incredibly freaking awesome!

As an aside, I can't find my checkbook. I want my checkbook to make payments on things over $40, i.e. because I don't like carrying cash around. Plus I want friggin' direct deposit for my paycheck!

That's about it... ... ... HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO ME!!!


Until next time, I guess...

Monday, May 08, 2006

Physically Taxing

I'm on the verge of sickness. Considering the physical toll I've put my body through these past few days (what w/ the starting work, allnighter, work again, 30 hr famine, ultimate tournament, and laser tag), I'm not terribly surprised. Still sucks though, esp. since tomorrow's the first ultimate game... wait, make that games... yikes...

Didn't go to hapkido, as I was incredibly tired after work today. I haven't gone in five months. That saddens me. Perhaps I'll go when I feel a bit better... hopefully, wednesday?

And man, my summer seems incredibly booked. Working morning/evenings mon-fri. Then, Mon = Hapkido, Tues = Ultimate, Wed = Hapkido, Thurs = Band Practice, Fri = Church/Practice/Recording, Sat & Sun = Various one-time events.

So yeah, this looks to be my busiest summer ever. Coooolio...

Oh, hey, and it's my birthday tomorrow, May 9. Heheh. And thanks to those who already wished me a happy birthday (you know who you are). Yup!

I'm thinking, birthday dinner @ restaurant on Saturday night, for those interested? Or perhaps, something bigger this upcoming Sunday?? Any preferences / ideas? Still a ways off this weekend is, so I'll figure something out by Thurs Friday. (Yeah. Just wanting to give myself some leeway, heheh...)

Until next time, I guess...

Sunday, May 07, 2006

Where to start...

Ultimate team potluck tonight, awesomeness, met a whole bunch of people I haven't really seen in quite some time (i.e. since highschool, i.e. since 4 years ago).

All my grades are back, scored ridiculously good.

Uh... other things? Oh, ultimate tournament tomorrow, rain or shine! Haha...

Can't think of anything at the moment, perhaps later...

Until next time, I guess...

Saturday, May 06, 2006

Wow, niiiiice sleep...

Hey. I just woke up from over 16 hrs of sleep, hehe... I put my head down at about 4:30 yesterday, and I just slept 'til then. But man, niice sleep...

Although, I'm still sore from working at Ocean's fisheries, the fish plant on rice mill road (from 5 rd, south of steveston). Heheh, see how I incorporated Vikki's question from her comment? Hehe...

Yeah, never gonna pull an allnighter between work ever again... DANG that was tough... I even had a relatively easy job yesterday, putting trays of fish that fell off the belt back into the tank, but even that was crazy difficult...

Oh, and I also hadn't eaten anything since 11:30, but that don't matter 'cause I'm doing the 30 hr famine! And on the plus side, because of my crazy long sleep, I've only got about 9 hours to go! Man, that's so like cheating...

Oh yeah, about that paper... I must've gotten at least 70%, 'cause dang, I got my marks back, and lets just say that I didn't get a B+...

Still waiting for my last grade to come in, but I think I did fairly well in that course, and considering that my GPA is already rather phenominal, AWESOME... never thought that I'd keep up my marks at UBC, especially with the nonchalantness of my work ethic... wait, did that make sense? Heheh, whatever...

Today is church, one of the rare times I'm playing the violin... aww man, my arms are still sore and my fingers are still kinda stiff! Oh no!

Potluck tonight at 6 at Carly's for ultimate team get together! Heheh, can't wait to meet everybody.

Yeah, I should probably get ready for church.

Until next time, I guess...

Thursday, May 04, 2006

So Screwed It's Not Even Funny x5

Having a paper due while in the summer makes me sad. It's friggin summer. Dag nabbit...

But I have to hand in my paper tomorrow, and it is half completed, but it's already freakin' nearly 11pm, and I've got work tomorrow at 7:30am, and I'm freakin' tired from today's 1st day of work, and I wasted craploads of time today as it is, and I don't freakin' really know how to do my paper correctly, and my brain doesn't even seem to be functioning very properly (dang, what about in 2 hrs from now?), and I have to go to church tomorrow night for the practice for the concert in June, and to top it all off tomorrow's the freakin' start of 30-hr famine!

Yeah, I suck...

However, on the plus side, Phoenix over Lakers in OT! Meaning game 7, awesome! Then again, this just highlights the stupidity of myself and my procrastinatory ways in that I could've freakin' watched this game and relaxed but instead I freakin' was lazy and non-papery in my actions during the past month of extension time. Dag nabbit.

You know what? Screw it. I'm just going to write my paper stupidly, with as little research and crap as possible. I'm just gonna write down the doctrines as I remember them, without research nor double checking. Then I'm gonna find the chapter which describes what I wrote, then insert a footnote for that page. This is the absolute last thing I wanted to do, but meh I get what I deserve. But no, low marks is not what's gonna bug me, it's the fact that I probably will be misrepresenting the information about my beliefs throught this rushedness etc...

Gaaahhhhh, WHY AM I BLOGGING?!?!?!?????

Stupid freakin' idiot am I...

Until next time, I guess...

[Edit, 2am - Woo, I'm getting so much work done! And yet, I'm nowhere near finished! GAH!!! I guess this means allnighter for me, heheh... I'm so screwed; see above]

[Edit, 5am - Oh my goodness, nearly finished my paper. Oh my goodness, I'm getting no sleep whatsoever tonight. Oh my goodness, I hope I don't injure myself on the job tomorrow due to lack of judgement... oh my goodness, I'm blogging when I only have a couple of hours before I have to leave for work... d'oh...]

Wednesday, May 03, 2006

Cool Summer

This summer seems to be shaping up to be one of the best. What with work, band, ultimate, hapkido, etc etc... I can't freakin' wait for everything to start!

I just gotta get this danged paper out of the way... prof said I had 'til friday to hand it in... although, I've got no time to do it on friday, and I'm working as of tomorrow, so basically I gotta finish it by tonight... meh, I say. However, this time I've gotta start relatively earlier, as I'm working at 7:30am tomorrow, meaning I gotta wake up at at least 6:30, meaning I gotta sleep at least by 4, meaning I have limited time if I were to start as usual at 1:30am, meaning I'm somewhat screwed, meaning...

Heheh, starting to ramble already, and it's not even five...

Anyways, point is, next week looks to be the best week of the entire year, with craploads of events planned out. And as a bonus, it's my freakin' birthday next Tuesday! Awesome! Although, no parties seem to be in the works this year, but oh well.

Until next time, I guess...

[Edit, 12:38am - Yeah, my brain's not functioning well enough to work on my paper tonight. Not good, not good... tomorrow = work, then band, then allnighter w/ paper (just making it coherent, nothing fancy). I figure, if I get a 60% on this paper, which is quite the long shot, I'll be alright. But as my sister said, it's gonna kill my GPA... gonna drop by at least 3%, yikes...]

Another Paper-Writing Allnighter

It's kinda funny. I've done more in the past 4 hours than I did in the entirety of my previous paper-writing sessions. I just wrote about 2.5 pages. Yeah, research papers kinda suck, I get so distracted in reading divergent material...

So basically, four pages down, six+ to go. Although, if I decide to lessen the scope of my paper, I could potentially have merely 3 pages left to write. But not including the controversies within my religion seems kinda like missing the point...

I'll see how I feel like in a few hours. I really really gotta finish this stupid paper, as the stupid marks have to be in before some stupid deadline, and getting 16/30 is better than getting 0/30, as my sister keeps mentioning...

I know I'm gonna update this quite a bit in the next few hours or so. I just find it kinda funny that I did not start a blog before starting on my paper, as I usually seem to do... heheh, no italics quite yet, I suppose...

Until next time, I guess...

[Edit, 7:46am - Yeah, I pretty much gave up a couple hours ago. Wrote up an e-mail asking if it's better to just hand in my paper unfinished. I've come to the conclusion that I shall never write a paper again whatsoever. Well, that, or start on the paper earlier. But whatever. This blows... it's supposed to be summer and all that... I'm going to bed...]

Monday, May 01, 2006

Kits etc.

Yeah, today was incredibly awesome. Kits beach is fun, even with the uber wind.

Yup, incredibly awesome.

Until next time, I guess...