The Tax exam wasn't as difficult as I thought. I'm guessing I'm only 65-70% screwed this time. Although, I wouldn't be surprised if I actually completely bombed it, a la last semester's finance midterm. I mean, the exam is out of 35 marks, and is worth 35% overall. One mc question is worth 1 mark. One wrong circling of the exam and POOF, one percent of my final grade down the drain. That's unnerving to say the least... plus, it's not like I aced the written part...
WHOA, I'm looking across from Koerner, and they're actually starting to put up windows and junk on the other half of Ikbar! Man, at this rate, it'll be done just in time for a bunch of my friends to graduate! Haha...
I still need to study, nay, CRAM LIKE HELL for my Accounting exam on friday. It's going to SUCK. But mostly because I haven't really been doing any work at all, as per the usual. And again, here I am blogging. Oh, and btw, this be post #699. That's CRAZY.
What's also crazy? It was SNOWING. At least out here it was. Like, overnight mostly. But yeah, it started snowing again like right when I walked out the door, but a couple paces later, it completely stopped and the sun started to shine. Ahh, Vancouver weather...
In youtube news, RE me of course, it seems that my Justin Timberlake cover will soon overtake my Tonic covers vid in terms of total views. I can't say I'm terribly surprised, what with popular music and all, but I'm still disappointed that my Tonic one isn't over 1k views yet, as I'm most proud of that vid. Also, kinda funny that my semi- spur-of-the-moment 3eb Jumper vid has, like, almost 3x more views than my next highest vid. Heh, iznotbad.
I can't remember if I'm working this sunday or not. I might, but I can't quite remember. Although I would kinda like the money (as Sundays aren't half as bad as everyone else says, plus I'm not closing which is nice as I don't have to worry about everything like I do when I close), I wouldn't mind not working this week as I have a CRAPLOAD of studying to do. Or, rather, I need to do my Access tutorials and junk for my "quiz" on thursday. "Quiz", because it's worth as much as the midterm. GOODNESS. Heheh. Oh, and the Law midterm on Wed night. CRAZINESS IS THAT ONE.
Speaking of Law class, I need to figure out just how the hell I'm gonna be able to go to the courts AND have enough time to write up my report. Plus there's the debate, and my like 14 other little assignments, and I have to make a website... yadda yadda...
I seem to have written more in this post than in the last, like, half dozen posts combined. Maybe it's 'cause the sun came out. Or maybe it's cause I don't wanna start studying for Friday Acct midterm quite yet...
I need to exercise more. I'm worried that the 5lbs I lost in the past, oh, month was muscle mass. I'm feeling kinda weaker now for some reason.
On a similar note, I haven't been on the drums in, like, two months now. My shoulders feel soft. Well, soft-ER, anyways.
I want to watch more canuck games, but the only one I MIGHT be able to see is the detroit game, IF I'M NOT WORKING. Aww man I hope I'm not friggin working...
I'm starting to feel that I should stop being so into hockey. Kinda the same way that I'm no longer into videogames as much as I've been in the past. i.e., I haven't really played a game since before this semester. Yeah, youtube blog etc is now taking up that time, but w/e...
LOL, Wikimisleadia... was on some guy's msn screenname.
MAN, I got like 500 people on that thing, but I only really know / talk to like 10% of that...
...okay, more like 350. But same difference...
I'm gonna quit blogging before my face falls off. Wait, that doesn't make sense... fingers fall off? ...whatever.