Friday, June 30, 2006

Wow, Awesome Dream...

Wow, that was one of the best dream(s) I've had in a while...

First off, I remember playing some sort of variant of HOMM, which was uber colourful, and buying creatures, and stuff... don't remember too much, but I do remember that it was awesome...

Then I woke up for a few minutes... I realized it was only 8 something, so I put my head back down and went back to sleep... now that's when the truly awesome dream started...

I remember being with a bunch of friends (of whom I do not recognize now), and we were playing some sort of game in either a field or beach or something like that. Then for some reason we had to get something at someone's house, so I volunteered to go with this girl (and no, it's not that kind of dream), and we both went to the house to find whatever it was we needed. Then, this girl (who oddly enough I remember calling Julie, as in Julie Ho from minischool, very strange as I never liked her in highscool...), wait now where was I? Right, then this girl and I started talking, and we had quite the conversation... man, it was such a nice talk, it was one of those "I know we're just friends, but I'm hinting that it could be something more..." kinda talks, and the best part was she was the one doing the hinting! Very cool... made me feel kinda nice inside... so anyways, we finished talking and went back down the stairs, and for some reason I missed the last step completely and did one of those FALL-stop things (don't know why I remember that). But yeah, still in this house, we walked around, then the house started looking like it was in the middle of renovations, then I started wandering through this renovation-y part, then it suddenly became a library, and I started talking to this librarian who strangely reminded me of Gaileen (my church elder...). Don't remember exactly what was said though, but she did point me in a direction... then after walking there, she suddenly appeared again, but this time she was different, like she was younger or something, and had kind of a 60's librarian haircut (like a long pageboy, I think?) but yeah, after doing a "hey, I was just talking to you, and you look kinda different...", I realized that it was actually some kind of spirit-thingy trying to help me out for some reason... she said "are you ready for some krispy kreme donuts?" and I was like "sure", then we walked down the library, and strangely we walked passed two boxes of donuts that was sitting on top of a row of books that were against the window (a la elementary school), and it was then that I realized that she wasn't really talking about donuts... she pulled up a stool, reached for something piled away on a top shelf (not of books, but of big binders), and she pulled out a large binder from the bunch. Then she told me that I should leaf through it. So I took the binder, went to a table, and opened it up. Then I looked around and realized that she was gone. So I was like, WHOA...I gotta read this... and man, it really felt like I was getting some divine guidance here... and then Robert and Mohsin showed up outta nowhere and started talking to me... I kinda talked along, but I continued to leaf through the binder (which was kinda weird, like some sort of elementary school scrapbook of old projects), actually getting kinda annoyed at Rob and Moe for interrupting this important parusing... then some bully-type angry white guy came to our table, all pissed off, asking "hey, I lost my drawings! Tell me where they are!" and I was like, "c'mon man, I don't know where your drawings are...", and he walked away all ticked off... it was actually kinda scary, and as I continued leafing, and the guys continued talking, there was like an orchestral score playing something which signified that something scary just happened, sounding all suspenseful and stuff... kinda felt like the devil just crossed my path, actually... heheh, the score itself was actually kinda loud, kinda annoying me as it was hard to concentrate at the task at hand (the binder)... then, the bully person returned, screaming "I WANT MY DRAWINGS BACK!" and I was like, "hey man calm down, I don't have your drawings". I got up to try to calm him down, doing the "hey now, nobody's against you here", putting a hand on his shoulder kinda thing... he wasn't terribly receptive to this, however, and took a swing at me. I ducked his initial blow, which infuriated him even further, so he grabbed my shirt, wound up for a heymaker, and... and... then I woke up. It was 9:30am. I was like, DANG that was an awesome dream, but it wasn't finished yet... gah, how should I end this... then I started going through how I could've countered his grab/punch, put him in a lock, and basically beat him up. But then, that didn't really fit with my dream, so then I started going through how after I'd lock him up, I do the whole "we are your friends, we're not against you, we're trying to help you", while grabbing his face and talking right at him, thus converting him of his bullying ways, etc... but yeah, didn't realize until later that perhaps there was something in the binder that could've helped him... whoops... but anyways, yeah, THAT WAS A FRIGGIN' AWESOME DREAM. It had friggin' everything....

Coolest dream since that one I had about going to europe...


In other news, went to my cousin Alvin's graduation yesterday. He went to Vancouver College (VC, which is actually a catholic k-12 school, i.e. highschool grad). And yes Jake, this is the same guy that was on TV, heheh. Never been to a christian school grad yet, and let me tell you it was different. All the interspurtions of scripture was kinda cool. But then it got all catholic-y, with the father-son gesturing and the prayer chantings and what not... and I gotta tells you, if you're not catholic, and in the middle of everyone else doing these things, it gets kinda uncomfortable... I was all, I don't know what to do!! Gah!! heheh... so yeah, anyways, my Cousin won this crazy $1000 award, donated by the Archdioscese of Vancouver to a person showing greatness in academia, extra corricular, faith, etc. Now that was pretty friggin' awesome! Go Alvin! Heheh... anyways, yeah, after the grad, there was a reception afterwards, with like tons of food. And I mean TONS! There was more food here than any freaking wedding I've been to, that's for sure! And it was like awesome food too, like a large variety of sushi, these mini bagels with real salmon inside, and truckloads of fruits, and tons of hot h'or deurves (or however you spell that), and like dozens of different cakes, and all the free pop/juice/water you want (there were even giving out friggin' bottles of san pellegrino!). So yeah, realized then that VC is friggin' RICH! Haha... actually, it's kinda obvious that the school's rich, as it's in the middle of west end (just off of 41st), and what not, but yeah never truly realized until this feast they gave us... oh, plus my uncle started pointing out some people, like the owners of Pho Hoa (I forget who else he pointed out). Oh, and this is for Jake, I saw Oscar Tapia there, i.e. the crazy little runningback of VC (he won a sports award), who's friends with my cousin. Just thought I'd mention it. Oh, plus, he's not much taller than me, heheh...

But anyways, that's enough of a distraction, this post was just supposed to be about my crazy awesome dream. It was like some sort of 4-star friggin' movie, is what it was... lol...

Now, was there any of you out there that actually bothered to slog through those huge paragraphs?? Haha...

Until next time, I guess...

Thursday, June 29, 2006

Friggin' Heck...

Man, I've gotta register my classes in less than 8 hours (9:30am). I was kinda freaking out a bit because one of my extremely req'd course I picked has only 1 seat remaining, so I'm guessing I probably won't be able to snatch that extra seat. This is friggin' throwing off my entire bloody schedule outta whack! Sooooo annoying... was hoping to get to bed at like noon, wake up naturally around 8ish... but nooooo, I gotta stay up figuring out what I gotta do...

Oh well. On the plus side, I no longer have any classes starting earlier than 11:30, so no rush in the mornings. In theory, at least. Also, I gots fridays off (KICKASS!). The downsides, however, are many; although all are easily rationalized away, heheh... I shall explain...

First of all, I won't be able to take Phil 349, philosophy of religion. Man, I was so looking forward to that, as phil classes are fun... but alas, I'm thinking I won't be able to take it...
--> Upside: I could always take it next year. Or next next year, heheh...

Secondly, My classes are gonna end at like 5:30, so my day is pretty much spent.
--> Upside: Mornings are free! Well worth it... oh, plus, I've always got friday to do stuff...

Hmmm... perhaps when I said "many", I really meant two... downsides, that is... Now that I think about it, Plan C doesn't look so bad... heheh, awesome, everything works out in the end...

And now stupid ubc isn't working. STUPID UBC ONLINE REGISTRATION THINGY! Soo annoying...

I'm off to bed. Sleep now...

Until next time, I guess...

[edit, next morning - HOLY FUDGE..... ONLY ONE SPOT LEFT FOR 355 IN 1ST SEMESTER.... I'M FRIGGIN' SCREWED.... dang, and the funny thing is, the Plan C class filled up faster than the one w/ only 1 spot left, heheh...]

[edit, after registration - GAH!!! That stupid one spot left was only for exchange students... meaning, I won't have COMM 355 (Taxation) in the 1st semester (which is highly HIGHLY recommended in Co-op, i.e. better to get a job), so yeah I'm basically screwed... then again, I did already take tax courses at BCIT... then again, it was my WORST FRIGGIN' CLASS at BCIT... gahhh, indeed...

Of course, there are upsides in all of this. For example, I don't have any freaking classes on monday! SUH-WEEET! No wait, scratch that, I switched my classes... now I'm taking a 6/4 classes per semester schedule... less headaches for both Tax and Advanced Accounting... then again, is that worth not having a 4-day weekend?! GAH!! DECISIONS! ... yeah, 4-day weekend it is. 394 isn't supposed to be terribly difficult anyways... No wait, it's not like I don't already have a 3-day weekend to begin with... GAH, stupid me, plus also I wanted to keep 2nd semester open for electives I wanna take once that credit cap is lifted in august... time to switch back... NO WAIT, GAH!!! I need that spot open to see if I can weasel my way into the 355 class that has that stupid one foreign exchange seat left... gah, then again, what're the chances of me actually doing that... gah... stupid too many Plan D options...

So yeah, the upsides...
I don't have any freaking classes on monday! SUH-WEEET! Hahaha... oh, plus I'm able to take that Phil course I wanted also! Awesome! And I don't have to take scary tax with scary accounting! Double-plus-coolness!

Aww, dang... hopefully that'll be worth having to take 6 hrs of classes on tues/thurs, the only break being a 1.5hr lunchtime from 1-2:30... awwwww no, which most days I'll have to take those dumb "pre-employment training workshops" for co-op, which means 7.5 hrs of straight classes! MY GOODNESS! And these are like the crazy difficult courses to boot... actually it's more like horrible marketing teacher / crazy difficult cost accounting / lunchtime workshops / crazy difficult financial accounting / super boring business computer lecture (i.e. not a comp lab). So yeah, man my tuesday/thursdays are gonna suck royally... lol, royally, such a throwback... Anyways, I hope it's worth it. If push comes to shove, I can always switch my easily-switcheable classes...

Hmmm, perhaps I shall write an e-mail to the co-op/registration thingy about my 355 situation now, see if my bcit courses will be enough to attract a job and what not... either way, it's time to stop blogging and time to start doing something more productive...]

Wednesday, June 28, 2006

Today Was Nice...

Today was nice... actually, I'd go so far to say that it was fairly awesome. Had ultimate today, and although we failed to achieve victory twice, I found out that my footspeed is returning! I'm actually getting back to my "top" form that I was during Gr. 12! That in and of itself is rather awesome...

Another awesome thing that I just found out is that even though none of my classes at BCIT transfers to University, as it turns out they're still perfectly transferable for both the CA and CGA programs. Meaning, I don't have to retake annoying Auditing courses, 'cause it's not required to complete the degree! Supercalifragilisticexpiali-AWESOME!!!

***4 hrs pass***

After a lengthy discussion with Reuben, metal music will now be referred to as the ketchup of music genres... lol...

Until next time, I guess...

Monday, June 26, 2006

Once Again...

Slept past 5am. Woke up at 2ish. I spent the past few hours reading and re-reading sports articles.

I'm wasting the last free summer I'll ever have. That's fairly depressing.

I'd go outside, if it weren't for the inability to breathe the air w/o severe hayfever. It's like 10x worse this year than in the past 5 yrs, for some odd reason. Just adding to the sucking...

I could've gone out w/ my uncle again tonight, but I didn't really wanna watch the Sentinal tonight. Didn't feel like it. Speaking of tonight, I should go to Hapkido. Considering how poor my mood's been the past week or so, I REALLY should go to Hapkido. But my mom hasn't washed my uniform in like 3 weeks, even though she said she would like 2.5 weeks ago. What really gets me is that I couldn't find it last Wednesday (when I wanted to go to Hapkido), and apparently she put it under a pile of other laundry. I found it the next day under there, and I was all DANGIT, well, at least it'll get clean by monday. And, lo and behold, it's NOT washed. So, back to the point, I could go to Hapkido tonight in a dirty uniform, or spend another wasted evening at home...

Oh well. I guess it's my fault for not knowing how to launder. It's just annoying when somebody says they'll do something, WEEKS ago mind you, and never do.

Until next time, I guess...

p.s. - Andrew, I have no idea what the hell you are talking about, and you're starting to really piss me off by your lack of explanation.

Sunday, June 25, 2006

So out of it

Yeah, this past week has not been great. I seem to have masterfully separated myself from all reality. Proof pudding: I slept in and didn't go to church today. That's fairly depressing.

Constant distractions have made me less of a human being. Or something to that effect.

Until next time, I guess...

Friday, June 23, 2006


To Vancouver:

- G Roberto Luongo
- D Lukas Krajicek
- 6th Round Pick

To Florida:

- RW Todd Bertuzzi
- D Bryan Allen
- G Alex Auld

...As stated previously, HOLY CRAP!

And I thought for sure they were gonna give Bertuzzi another run in Vancouver, what with the new Coach and all...


Let me elaborate...

First of all, we got friggin' Luongo?! AWESOME!!! I thought for ages that this would happen, and it finally did! And trading Bertuzzi was obvious, even though I really thought w/ the new coach who's harder on top players and what not... but anyways, yeah. Not a huge surprise that Bert got traded. What really got me is that they traded Bryan Allen! I mean, he's friggin' top 4 material right there! And each year he just gets better and better, and this year he was a friggin freight train, running over everyone in sight! Gahh... but no matter. After researching this Lukas Krajicek guy, it doesn't seem all that horrible to lose Allen (as Lukas was picked #24, and has offensive upside, etc...).

So, yeah, pretty good trade for both teams! I mean, Florida gets a HUGE boost to their team while still having a relatively good netminder in Auld (who, btw, I'm not a huge fan of), and Vancouver can stop friggin' whining about how we never have a good goaltender! And as an added bonus, we can pretty much throw around Cloutier wherever we want in a trade and not worry about a goaltender in return... plus, it frees up a bunch of cap space, what with Cloutier/bertuzzi/allen gone... hmmm, speaking of cap space, perhaps I shall go into what I believe next year's roster will be for Vancouver... hooray for speculation!

Nits' Projected Canucks 06/07 Roster: [in millions]

Sedin Line:
LW Daniel Sedin $ 2.8 (? - Guess on $$)
C Henrik Sedin $ 2.8 (?)
RW Anson Carter $ 3 (?)
Nassy Line:

LW Markus Naslund $ 6
C Brendan Morrison $ 3.2
RW Martin Havlat $ 2.6

Kesler Line:
C Ryan Kesler $ 1
LW Alex Burrows $ 0.5 (?)
RW Trevor Linden $ 0.8 (?)

Interchangeable 4th Line:
C Brandon Reid/Josh Green $ 0.45 (?)
LW Jason King/Tyler Bouck $ 0.45 (?)
RW Lee Goren/Jesse Schultz $ 0.45 (?)

D Wade Redden $ 6 (?)
D Mattias Ohlund $ 3.5
D Sami Salo $ 1.5
D Luc Bourdon $ 0.8
D Lukas Krajicek $ 0.6

D Kevin Bieksa $ 0.45
D Wade Brookbank $0.45

G Roberto Luongo $ 5 (?)
G Mika Noronen $ 0.65 (?) Total Cost: $43 million

And there you have it! My 06/07 Canucks! Sure, not super stocked up, but pretty realistic (as new cap's projected to be around $42-44 mil), and still a pretty good team I think... last two lines definately interchangeable, but I was getting lazy near the end...

Notable names to discuss:
D Ed Jovanovski --> He wants to go to Florida, and Florida will be looking, and with friggin Bert going there, not to mention his defensive partner in Allen going there too, how the hell is Nonis going to keep Jovo in Vancouver? Besides, we got New Jovo in Bourdon coming in, heheheh...

D Wade Redden --> I'm thinking he's gonna ask for a ton of money, and Ottawa'd rather have Chara over Redden anyways... the perfect UFA replacement for Jovo!

LW Matt Cooke --> We got friggin Burrows now, we don't need no $1.5mil Cooke! TRADE BAIT!

D Nolan Baumgartner --> A UFA, proved that he belongs in the league last year, is awesome in the powerplay... we just can't afford Baumer!

RW Jarkko Ruutu --> Also a UFA, showed glimpses of offensive awesome (i.e. the shootout goals), we're probably not gonna bother resigning him. Plus, even if we did want to, I'm thinking he'd rather go play with his brother in Chicago...

RW Martin Havlat --> Trade for Cloutier, yes?? Possibly drafts or whatever, but hey, it's my fantasy roster... Havlat seems like a good fit, to me at least...

And now it's 10pm, and I've wasted enough time on the 'Nucks.

Until next time, I guess...

Another 5am posting...

Once again, I'm staying up long enough to see the sunrise. Granted, these are the shortest nights of the year, but still. It's 5am. That can't be good.

I realized today that it's been quite a while since I watched a movie in the theatre. I mean, during it's 1st run, at least. More specifically, I still haven't seen X-Men. In fact, for the past few weeks I've completely forgotten that it was even out in theatres, heheh... but yeah, point is, anyone out there who still hasn't seen it / wants to see it again, gimme a call or whatever.

This week's gone by way too fast. That kinda really sucks. Basically, monday = soccer + game 7, tuesday = ultimate, wed. = dentist, thurs. = today (for me) = dentist, then out w/ uncle to food + movie @ hollywood. 16 blocks, w/ Bruce Willis and Mos Def is rather good. But I digress; this week has gone by far too quickly.

I like youtube. I spend way too much time surfing the vids... here's my most recent youtube craze:

Speaking of youtube, the video of Zombie Battalion is not yet up. In fact, I haven't even seen it yet... apparently Mohsin's having some trouble w/ the video conversions and what not, so it might take a while for it to pop up for the public, unfortunately...

So, yeah. As it turns out, I still feel rather separated from reality. Perhaps it has something to do with my incredibly horrible sleeping habits... perhaps I shall wake up at 10, then sleep at 9pm tomorrow... gah, I don't know. Doubt it'll happen. Heheh...

Here's to hoping that I don't completely waste the weekend...

Until next time, I guess...

Tuesday, June 20, 2006

What You Are Experiencing is a Temporary Distorion of Reality...

Thanks to all those who showed up for the concert last friday!

Reboot is awesome... thought that line kinda fit my mood of the past few days...

Things are up and down, and what not...

My time is now mostly spent on Heroes V, although there are a few notable breaks here and there. Like, soccer, hockey finals, church, shar's birthday... but overall, everything's kinda been a blur... that kinda sucks...

You know what doesn't suck? YOUTUBE!

I really like this vid for some reason... perhaps the awesome song is a big reason why... I mean, besides the whole Captain Planet being awesome thing... Song's "The Remedy" by Abandoned Pools, the band who did the Clone High theme... yeah, soooo awesome...

Also, Reboot is awesome, as stated earlier.

I seem to be more disjointed in this post than usual.

Until next time, I guess...

Wednesday, June 14, 2006

Woooo Concert!

Just another reminder...

Our Inaugural Performance!
Friday, June 16th, 7:00pm @ Reuben's House
With Interphase, Unplugged!

Click here for a map.

Zombie Battalion will be performing for the first time ever! This will definitely be a very special performance. And opening for Zombie Battalion will be the one and only Interphase, playing their first ever all-acoustic set! This night's sure to be one for the ages, and definately one you won't wanna miss!

We hope to see you all there!

[and thanks to Jamieson for my blatant thievery of his post, heheh... although, for some reason it doesn't look quite as nice as his...]

Cheeky Monkey!

Okay, so I've been posting a bunch of youtube vids for no reason recently... but man, I can't help but put this one on!

Monday, June 12, 2006

Nits the Lazy Perfectionist

I've come to realize that I truly am a lazy perfectionist.

"But Justin, what's a lazy perfectionist?" you might ask...

Well, I'm thinking there're several definitions, but here are a couple I came up with:

la·zy per·fec'tion·ist
  1. One who gets annoyed when things aren't exactly perfect, but is too lazy to do anything about it.
  2. One who tries to make things perfect, but only if it's easy; when the going gets tough, the perfectionist gets lazy...

So, there ya have it, my definitions of a lazy perfectionist. Any other definitions you come up with are welcome also.

Now, as for the reasons why I believe I'm a lazy perfectionist, well, it's kinda long and boring, and I don't really feel like blogging at the moment...

p.s. - I was gonna go all out w/ the definition thing, and add the crazy pronounciation key thing with the upsidedown e's and what not, but then I got lazy... and looking at the bland-ish dictionary-esque title kind of annoys me... like I'm gonna do anything about it...

And now... youtube awesome! Was that a KFC bucket on his head, with steam shooting out of it?? Gah, whatever, the fight's crazy awesome!

Friday, June 09, 2006

Bloggers works again!

For the past few days it seems like every time I tried to blog, stupid blogger's been down. Switching servers, or something like that. But no matter, it's working now! Hurrah!

Crazy dream last night, went to europe with my family. First stop, france, to this cathedral place which suddenly became a museum. And, while there, it turns out that a bunch of my friends were also on a europe trip and just so happened to be in the same museum! [some friends include Rob, Mohsin, Tim (alan's roommate), and Kyla (who oddly enough became blonde and ran with some other tour group)]. But yeah, I remember it being a crazy awesome dream. CRAZY AWESOME! I think I wanted to take the elevator to the top floor (36th floor), but every time I did I saw new exhibits on the 1st floor to see and/or a bunch of friends showed up! Haha, wonder what that meant... but yes, near the end of the dream, I wandered into what seemed to be the daycare area, and it turns out that Joey/Esther + kids were there too! And, for some odd reason, cuya bobet (sp?)... that was kinda funny. But yeah, the point is, I remember the dream as being one of the best I've had in a while.

Now I feel like going to Europe... except this time, with my friends... man, that'd be awesome... but crazy expensive... ahh, decisions...

Little sister had her spring concert yesterday. Batteries died on both cameras midway through each performance, though. That was kinda annoying. But dang, she's good! Oh, and also, I saw Jenn performing also (i.e., tall blonde Jenn that you guys know). She was selling 50/50 tickets also. Never did get a chance to talk to her though. Nor music teacher Ms. Berman (as I kinda wanted to show off that I'm lead singer / bassist in a band now, hehehe...). Nor Mr. Lancaster, who used to be my ultimate coach in McNair and Math teacher for 8/10/12, who's now the principle in Steveston, I believe (or, maybe not steveston, maybe some other highschool). But yeah, point is, never really got to talk to anyone. Although, I was super grubby and allergy-stuffed nose-d, so perhaps I wasn't trying too hard...

I've been staying up WAY too late recently, many times I've had my own version of the tequila sunrise. Kinda annoying, actually. Last night I fell asleep around 4ish watching tv. Man, without structure my summers turn to crap fairly quickly...

Onomata po-eee-ayyyye-aaaeee.... (is the sound of my crazytalk...)

Stupid Heroes V, making me waste precious time for no reason. Especially the stupid 4th map in the 1st campaign. It's freaking called "The Trap", so I obviously thought there was going to be come super crazy-powerful hero at the end who'll attack me, in which I'm supposed to lose (i.e. starcraft zerg attack style), so I spent an extra 6 hrs (and 4 months in-game) building up my creatures and levelling my hero. So, after I though my army was powerful enough (with like dozens of angels, for example), I decided to go on. I pass the point, a cutscene happens, and the scenario ends. WTF?! No crazy-huge fight?!?! WHAT A FRIGGIN' WASTE OF TIME! Gahhh...

Although, the next map is rediculously awesome... yes, rediculously... that was for you, Gautam... hehe...

Next friday! Reuben's! Concert! Be there! Man, it's so friggin close already... my feet are getting a little chilly... but oh man, can't wait!

Until next time, I guess...

Tuesday, June 06, 2006

Holy Smokes! This is Delicious!

Today, I played Heroes V for hours on end, watched the hockey game (DANG that was a crazy awesome game), and played basketball for maybe 45mins. Was gonna have band practice, but my phone crapped out on me, making me think it was cancelled. Stupid phone.

I just spent the past, oh, 2.5 hrs messing around with my UBC schedule for next fall, because my goodness that's fun to do. But then the server crashed, apparently. That sucks; now I think I'm gonna hafta actually sleep tonight, heheh...

So, yeah. Alls in all, pretty much one big wasted day. Or rather, I failed to utilize the potential of this day. Oh well...

...this post is boring. Therefore, alleviation:

Not the funniest, but still rather funny. Especially the last bit, lol!

Until next time, I guess...

[edit - The server came back up. It's past 5am. But man oh man, so much fun to fiddle w/ scheduling...]

Sunday, June 04, 2006


Yeah, camping was crazy awesome. Some examples of the awesome:

- Driving in Andrew's car, w/ Kris & Mohsin. I was piled under craploads of bags. Andrew could only see my hair, lol.
- Friday night walk into town w/ Andrew. Also w/ Kris, but he went back before we did. Good times, good talks w/ Andrew. Hilarious excerpt: Dared Andrew to jump into the lake --> "Oh god, a car! I'm hideous!" Then hiding behind a bush for a few minutes. LOL!
- Saturday morning breakfast = delicious. Although, nothing comparable to that Man's breakfast, or whatever that contraption was last year. Heheh.
- Swimming in the lake, throwing around the disc, then throwing around the football. SO AWESOME!
- Climbed a frickin' mountain /w Andrew. First, walk through crazy brush w/ cacti that sticks into your leg, then hike/climbing up the mountain, then more climbing than anything else. But DANG that was high up. Although, right at the end it became a friggin' cliff (for all intents and purposes), and we were afraid of falling to our collective dooms. So, unfortunately, we didn't make it to the top. But I don't really freakin' care, that was crazy difficult. Also, nice views. Although I did realize that I'm not terribly amazed by awesome views. At least when I'm parched, heheh. But yeah, awesomeness indeed. Although, for next time, I shall definately bring shoes that actually grip the rockface!
- Crazy Kris w/ his campfire. Heheh.
- Saturday night walk into town, this time w/ Rob and Mo joining the party, although it was rather short and only to the DQ. The DQ was actually still open at this time, around 11:30, so we stopped and ate there. It was rather delicious, I got a butterscotch dipped cone and a blue-raspberry arctic rush. YUM. Also, I wonder if Moe's gonna put the vid of Andrew and Kris onto youtube, lol... man, I hope there was enough light, 'cause I really wanna see that again...
- Sunday now, pitch and putt. Did rather well, at least up until I screwed everything up, lol... ended up pretty good though, only +9 I think, so whatever. Still was awesome fun!
- Ride back, there is of course one stop which you must always go to: TICKLEBERRY'S! Oh yes, crazy delicious ice cream candy shop store thingy. Sooo delicious, and relatively cheap to boot. Sooo good.

So yes, camping was awesome, and boo to those who couldn't make it for whatever reason. However, to make sure that these people are not to distraught with regret over not going, here are some of the unfortunate side effects of such a trip (at least, that happened to me):

- Sunburn
- Sickness (due to weakened immune system, I'd imagine)
- Allergies
- Mosquito bites
- Bug bite, most likely by an ant, on the bottom of my foot, creating a huge itchy lump. SOO ANNOYING!

But yeah, so worth it, haha. All I gots ta say is, can't wait 'til friggin next year you guys! And yes Andrew, we will end up climbing that mountain!

Until next time, I guess...

Friday, June 02, 2006

Pixies on Letterman (Among Other Topics)

Yeah, the girl (Kim Deal) seems to have aged extremely well. But that's just me.
Oh, and btw, AWESOME SONG! (and also for those who were confused at an earlier entry I made...)

In other news, check out what I'm probably gonna buy tomorrow (er, today...). Yeah, just a little 60W Bass Amp, but hey, apparently it's pretty good. And I'm getting it from an add in craig's list. Meaning, I'm heading over to New West tomorrow morning to check it out before camping, and if I deem it worthy, then I'm puchasing it! Hoo-rah, and such. $150, not too shabby.

Oh right, camping! Don't know if I blogged about it yet. But yeah, Osoyoos-ho! But man, 2am, haven't even packed! My goodness... so, yeah. Off I go!

Until next time, I guess...

Thursday, June 01, 2006

Hapkido Ramblings

Yeah, went to Hapkido tonight. I barely go anymore, which is not good. Now, there's a bunch of good reasons why I should go more often, but there's one reason in particular that I'm gonna ramble a bit on. Basically, Sifu will make you suffer. Let me explain.

Today in hapkido, Sifu (teacher/sensei/etc) was teaching ground locks, joint locks, etc. And due to the fact that I've missed a bunch of classes, I'm guessing, he used me in all his demonstrations. And he holds a couple seconds after you start tapping. OUCH. In another word, PAIN! So yeah, little things like that, he'll make you suffer. But I don't really mind all that much, I just found it kinda funny.

But man, right at the end, he started demonstrating some of the green and blue belt joint locks, and DAMN those were painful! It was kinda funny, he was all like talking about how you could counter arm bars and stuff, and he was showing counters to the counters and whatever, then all of a sudden he said to me "okay, sit!" and I'm thinking, gwah?? Then he puts me into this crazy lock that was like 10xmore painful than the other locks and I was all "GAAHHH!" and toppled over. Heheh, now THAT was painful.

Until next time, I guess...