Friday, June 09, 2006

Bloggers works again!

For the past few days it seems like every time I tried to blog, stupid blogger's been down. Switching servers, or something like that. But no matter, it's working now! Hurrah!

Crazy dream last night, went to europe with my family. First stop, france, to this cathedral place which suddenly became a museum. And, while there, it turns out that a bunch of my friends were also on a europe trip and just so happened to be in the same museum! [some friends include Rob, Mohsin, Tim (alan's roommate), and Kyla (who oddly enough became blonde and ran with some other tour group)]. But yeah, I remember it being a crazy awesome dream. CRAZY AWESOME! I think I wanted to take the elevator to the top floor (36th floor), but every time I did I saw new exhibits on the 1st floor to see and/or a bunch of friends showed up! Haha, wonder what that meant... but yes, near the end of the dream, I wandered into what seemed to be the daycare area, and it turns out that Joey/Esther + kids were there too! And, for some odd reason, cuya bobet (sp?)... that was kinda funny. But yeah, the point is, I remember the dream as being one of the best I've had in a while.

Now I feel like going to Europe... except this time, with my friends... man, that'd be awesome... but crazy expensive... ahh, decisions...

Little sister had her spring concert yesterday. Batteries died on both cameras midway through each performance, though. That was kinda annoying. But dang, she's good! Oh, and also, I saw Jenn performing also (i.e., tall blonde Jenn that you guys know). She was selling 50/50 tickets also. Never did get a chance to talk to her though. Nor music teacher Ms. Berman (as I kinda wanted to show off that I'm lead singer / bassist in a band now, hehehe...). Nor Mr. Lancaster, who used to be my ultimate coach in McNair and Math teacher for 8/10/12, who's now the principle in Steveston, I believe (or, maybe not steveston, maybe some other highschool). But yeah, point is, never really got to talk to anyone. Although, I was super grubby and allergy-stuffed nose-d, so perhaps I wasn't trying too hard...

I've been staying up WAY too late recently, many times I've had my own version of the tequila sunrise. Kinda annoying, actually. Last night I fell asleep around 4ish watching tv. Man, without structure my summers turn to crap fairly quickly...

Onomata po-eee-ayyyye-aaaeee.... (is the sound of my crazytalk...)

Stupid Heroes V, making me waste precious time for no reason. Especially the stupid 4th map in the 1st campaign. It's freaking called "The Trap", so I obviously thought there was going to be come super crazy-powerful hero at the end who'll attack me, in which I'm supposed to lose (i.e. starcraft zerg attack style), so I spent an extra 6 hrs (and 4 months in-game) building up my creatures and levelling my hero. So, after I though my army was powerful enough (with like dozens of angels, for example), I decided to go on. I pass the point, a cutscene happens, and the scenario ends. WTF?! No crazy-huge fight?!?! WHAT A FRIGGIN' WASTE OF TIME! Gahhh...

Although, the next map is rediculously awesome... yes, rediculously... that was for you, Gautam... hehe...

Next friday! Reuben's! Concert! Be there! Man, it's so friggin close already... my feet are getting a little chilly... but oh man, can't wait!

Until next time, I guess...


Blogger andrew said...

Change your signature.

4:28 p.m.  

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