Sunday, May 29, 2005


It's been a crazy past few days...strange and crazy...

Starting from my freaky early wakeup friday morning, I went to work, and man it was the busiest it's ever been! Insane morning, decent midday, then a nightmare last shift! The conveyor belt of herring roe went by so fast that buckets were filling up every 20 seconds or so, when it usually takes 2-3x more time! Herring roe was everywhere, filled buckets unable to be brined and lidded piling up...and what made it worse, we actually ran out of lids! First time ever! It was just rediculous! The craziest afternoon I think I ever, I had to frickin' stay overtime 2+ hrs on Payday Friday because some guy on a forklift dropped two whole pallets of roe and I had to help rebrine etc. them all! That's 3x4x3 buckets/pallet, x2 pallets, x70 lbs. each, = 5000+ lbs. of herring roe crashing down! Needless to say, the buckets were all squished and deformed, hehe..

Man, that must've been boring as hell for you guys...stupid work, I need Rob to read my blog so someone could understand me!

Anyways, I got off work at 6:15, which was kinda stupid on my part because I had to go home, shower, and drive my mom 7! So I got picked up 25 after, went home, 1 min shower to rinse off the salt, outta the house by 6:35, got caught in crazy traffic (annoying as hell), drop off my mom (who ended up being late), pick up krystle, then went to see Valen in the hospital...

Yeah, Valen, once you get internet (& assuming you read my blog), I hope feeling better! Hope surgery's going well and what not...

After visiting valen, I dropped off people at church, then krystle and I went to oakridge to buy food (since it was almost 9pm and I haven't eaten since 11:30am...), then went to church and conga'd away...

All in all, a freakin' long-ass day...

Next day, after some crazy dreams about me flying around with an umbrella during my birthday in my old house with a themesong to go along with my twists and turns, I went to church...hehe, super long interrupter right there...

Anyways, after church we had the potluck/study thing, then visited valen again, then home to rest an hour or so, then off to krystle's party! Wooo, month+ late birthday party! Hurrah!

Fun stuff right there...from "Hug the Potholder", to the awesome food (which rivaled even my own party's food!), to the crazy salsa dancing, to the cute girls in towel-like shirt/dress things (hehehe...), it was a pretty freakin' awesome time!

And now I'm home, looking forward to relaxing tomorrow after a busy past few days...just gonna sleep in, watch the Memorial Cup Finals, play some Fire Emblem, watch some family guy, and sleeeeep some more...ahh, sleep, something that at 1:46am a normal person would already be having...

Actually, by the looks of all the people on msn, sat. night seems like a good night to stay up, hehe...

But now is time for me to stop, for my ranting will continue to consume me...
Until next time, I guess...

As told through the mind of a lazy perfectionist.

Friday, May 27, 2005


Well, I fell asleep yesterday midway through the 3rd period in the London-Ottawa game yesterday...and woke up at 4:15am this morning...that was weird...

Since I'm up already, I thought I might as well blog for a bit before work, heheh...haven't had much time / motivation to blog recently...

So first things first: Work Update - Work's still fairly awesome, but I've gotta say, there's quite a bit of turnover at this place...Hamin quit like the second day I was there, Bryant got fired, plus there was like 4 new guys who came and quit since then...most notably Daniel, who actually worked there for a while (like 3 weeks) then just up and quit this now there is Wayne, Ryan, Troy, Ameer (new older guy), and Myself rotating around the different jobs...oh, and I forgot to mention the floater job before (I think), which is pretty much going inbetween the jobs, plus a ton of other little jobs getting the boxes of lids, bags of salt, filling up individual offgrade buckets, etc...

But enough about work, and onto Hapkido!

Hapkido's frickin' amazing...learned how to fall properly, and after quite a lot of misrolls, I now roll like "I've been doing this for years", or something to that effect,, the awesomeness of extra flexibility since last week is astonishing...

Afterwards, we went to Kamikaze to eat, then mario's gelatto for Mohsin said before (I think it was Moe at least...), the four of us are having a sweet "summertime clique", heheh...or, if anyone wants to do something wednesday nights at 10 or 10:30, give us a call!

Hmmm, I could probably ramble on some more, but since it is the morning, and I have work in a while, I think I'd rather relax a bit and play some fire emblem, emblem, AWESOME...

Until next time, I guess...

As told through the mind of a lazy perfectionist.

Saturday, May 21, 2005


Wooooo, E3 is awesomest to the max!!!

Haha...Okay then, I have been thoroughly enthralled by the E3 coverage of the two best game series of all time...of course, I'm talking about Civ IV and Heroes V here! It's just fan-freakin-tastic! I'm so friggin psyched to play these games! Civ in dec and Heroes next spring, but MAN ALIVE!!! That's just awesome...that reminds me, I gots to get a frickin' new computer to run this stuff!!!

Heheh, all this drooling over games that haven't come out yet, but in the meantime I'm gonna be out to buy me Fire Emblem II for my GBA in a few, that's such a freakin' sweet game too...that oughtta keep me going through the summer, at least!

But anyways, enough of my gaming geekiness, and onto the Star Wars geekfest that shall be going on tonight! Woooo! Quilon, then star wars with a whole bunch of guys, it's gonna be awesome!

Anyways, I could rant about the goings on of the past few days, incl. seeing my Ex on wed. and going to buy the uniform thing in Surrey, but I sure as heck don't feel like ranting at the moment! Woooooo!!!

Thursday, May 19, 2005


What a day...

First off, work was good, plus I had 1.25 hrs of overtime, so it was quite long and other words, gooooood day so far...

Then I went home, had a nice long shower, then drove my mom to work in vancouver, then my sister to piano...while waiting for my sis to finish, I decided to head off to lansdown and finally cash my big-ass check! Well, after wandering around MusicWorld, nearly buying the Beautiful Letdown cd but didn't, and with only a few minutes remaining until I had to go pick up my sister, I decided to go to future shop for a bit...veerrrry good decision!

When I was there, Goon was just getting off of work and on the phone with Mohsin...Goon then decides to shove the phone in my ear, so I start talking to Mohsin...Mohsin then asks if I wanted to go to Hapkido later that night, and since I wasn't really doing anything anyways, I decide to know, 'cause Moe and Chui and Reuben's gonna be there, and hanging out with those guys are always cool...but I'm rambling...

So I pick up my sister, drop her off at home, then proceed to go to the Hapkido place...parking was kinda annoying, 'cause they all said reserved and confused me, so I parked in lansdown and walked over...borrowed some shorts from Mohsin, and off I went!

Man, that was a great experience...first half with the fast punch and kicks and stretching etc etc, then a quick rest, then the 2nd half with the joint locks and arm bars and stuff, man its pretty cool...needless to say, I wasn't terribly great at anything, but at least I was keeping pace, heheh...however, talk about how super sore I'm going to be tomorrow is kinda freakin' me out, I mean with work being so labourous and all...

But who cares! Hapkido was fun! In fact, it was awesome! Actually , it was so awesome that I decided to use some of my mondo check to pay for weekly lessons! Awesomeness, with 4 months of lessons for 100 bucks, coooool! Oh, plus I had to buy that badge thing, twenty bucks, plus I have to buy my uniform...which is gonna be an adventure in itself, going tomorrow with Mark and Reuben to the Martial Arts supply store in surrey, heheh...

...I'm finally taking Martial Arts! And Hapkido to boot! The complete, original martial art...awesome! Very, I'm taking it with friends! Awesomeness, indeed!

Anyways, to round out my entirely awesome day, Mark Reuben and I (Mohsin went off to Toronto) decided to go eat...went to Quilon, but it was we settled for Boston Pizza (open late to taste great, or something!), and we had some barbecue chicken pizza...awesomeness! (actually, nowhere near the awesomeness of Flying Wedge bbq chickin, but food wasn't the main awesome thing about the evening! The hanging out, completely awesomeness to the max! Main reason why I joined up with hapkido to begin with! Heheh...)

To sum it all up, 9+ hrs of working, driving around, kinda shopping, hapkido, and boston pizza! All in all, one of the better days fact, I shall go so far as to say that this is shaping up to be the best summer ever! Or should I say, EVAARRRRRR!!! Heheh...

Wednesday, May 18, 2005


Forgot to mention...

To all of those who I didn't invite, it was not due to lack of wanting you to was due to lack of ability to contact! Sorry to all who didn't come and what not!

Yeah...that's about it for that...

In other news, I've been rather lazy...still haven't cashed my check, nor buy anything with my bday money...therefore, tomorrow is shopping day! Perhaps I shall buy some pants...

Well then...1am, and I'm still awake...that's not good...sleep now...yes, sleep is good...

Song of the Moment: "Arrested Development - Mr. Wendell"

Monday, May 16, 2005

WOOOO!!! NitsFest!!!

Yeah, party today, awesomeness indeed!

Events leading up to the party today, not so good...woke up in a daze, kinda lazy, then watched Canada lose 3-0 to the Czechs, which I think brought me into a really bad mood...then when I tried to help out setting things up for the party, I ended up almost wrecking everything...stupid inability to work a barbecue, burning myself, and almost setting the grass on fire (if it weren't wet from all the rain, of course...). Definately not a good beginning...however, people came, and it was the most awesomest birthday party since Chuck E. Cheese!

Man, so many people came, and even though not all of the people I knew and wanted to come actually came, there was still tons and tons who showed up...thanks again for all of yous who came! You really did make my day in sooo many ways!

I think it really all came to a realization to me when everyone came out and sang happy birthday...I don't think I had that since my gr. 7 bday party...but man, so many friends singing happy birthday...that was awesome...

And the presents! Awesomeness as well! From posters to hilarious cards to balloons to Catch-22 to money/g.c.'s to the freakin' crazy-ass skull piggy bank from Kris, oh man it was all so awesome! Again, I've never had presents since my gr. 7 bday was all just soooo cool...and it's not even the presents, it's the having friends to give me the presents! That was just freakin' amazing! I love having friends! I love yous all out there!

And as everyone slowly trickled out, we were down to a mere few people, and a bunch of us decided to go watch Unleashed, the new Jet Li movie...well, it ended up only being Shar Reuben Chui and myself, but still it was awesome! And man, Unleashed was a surprisingly awesome movie! Kickass fight scenes, actually awesome "sappy" scenes, etc etc...just amazing! Definately more than I expected...

Anyways, here I am, 2:15 am, going to work in about 5 hours, i.e. I needs me to sleep for at least 4 hrs, so I gots ta get to bed...but I'm still so hyped up from my most awesomest b-day ever!! A decent "debut", I guess, but it was still awesomest...hmmm, Chuck E. Cheese was also kickass (eh, Kris?), but it was good in a fundamentaly different way...but I ramble once again instead of going to sleep...oh well, thanks again you guys for coming! And to those who didn't come, oh well, keep in touch and whatever, etc etc...but yeah, awesomeness indeed and such!

NitsFest - the Awesomest! Eh, mohsin?? Hehe...

Saturday, May 14, 2005

Famine Post!

Well, I haven't eaten in hours, and I won't eat for over 11 hungy...

But why am I starving myself?? 30hr Famine, that's why! Which brings me to my next point...

To all of those who'd like to help out, you can donate some money to World Vision at my party tomorrow! And it doesn't have to be that much either; $1 can feed a child for a day, and that's awesome!

Anyways, if you guys haven't figured it out yet, yes my party is tomorrow, so everyone come!

Until next time, I guess...

Song of the Moment: "Seals & Croft - Summer Breeze"

Monday, May 09, 2005

Happy Birthday to Me!

Birthday today...

Got off of work early, they ran outta fish...kinda sucks, lost like $15...

That's about it...perhaps I'll phone some people up and play pool or something...

[Update, 11:48pm - Decided to just spend the day at home w/ my family, roast beef dinner, uncle came, stick candles & was nice, but can't wait for this sunday! At 5pm! My place! Nitsfest!!!]

Wednesday, May 04, 2005

Work is AWESOME!!!

Oh man, I am so indebted to Rob right now for getting me this job, it's AWESOME!!! The way I see it, it's basically like my old dishwashing job, except with much better pay...

I'm working at Ocean's packing plant, where I pack herring roe into buckets of's actually quite labourous and mind-numbing, but I actually quite enjoy that...(it's why I liked my dishwashing job, 'cause it was a place where I could turn my brain off and just do menial labour).

I kinda feel like explaining my job, if only for posterity's sake...i.e., it's quite boring, so skip over it unless you really want a semi-indepth report on my job...

Anyways, there's a few main jobs at my work for me...there's:
1) Pale-up (or pile-up, I don't know...) - It's putting baskets of roe onto the side where the ladies pick it up to sort them, while placing the empty buckets onto the palette (flat wooden thingy the forklifts pick up). Sounds not too bad, but since I'm so short it's hard to pick up the baskets from the big metal bin thing, so I'm not doing this so much...the way I see it, it's the hardest job in the plant for me...
2) Brine - This pretty much consists of 3-4 separate jobs, w/ 3-4 people doing it...there's:
a) the bucket guy at the end, which catches the roe from the conveyor belt into the bucket, then you shake the bucket to pack the roe, then you place it on a scale to make sure it's 38.05 lbs, then pass it on to the next guy.
b) the salter, which takes the bucket of roe and puts water and a scoop of salt to fill it.
c) the lid snapper, who snaps a corner of the lid onto the bucket, then squishes the lid on using the lid squisher machine (i.e. the machine I don't really know the name of)
d) the stacker, which lifts the 50-60 lbs buckets onto the pallet, 3x4x3...Rob says that this is the hardest job in the whole plant, but I thinks it's alright once you know how to get the rhythm...

A bunch of guys rotate jobs etc, and there's pretty much my entire day...honestly, I don't know what Rob's saying about how it's so draining, it's not THAT exhausting, lol...although, yesterday I was crazy exhausted...aha, I'll get into what happened on the first days of my job...

Day 1: First Day on the Job
--> I started off with just rinsing the stacks of empty baskets for a few hours in the morning, washing the bins after it was empty (i.e. rediculously easy), so that was good...then after morning coffee I was doing the lid snapping & squishing, which was also quite easy...then after lunch, I believe I was doing the salting, then after afternoon coffee I was doing the stacking for the last hour or so...all in all, it was quite a long day, but it was GREAT! I made a few mistakes, but that's to be expected, but all in all it was quite awesome...oh, and the people there, i.e. my co-workers, are great too, lol...

Day 2: "Sweating like a 40-yr old wolverine"
--> Holy crap this day was LONG! I started off with stacking the 60 lbs buckets in the morning, and since I'd yet to master that technique, it was HARRRD. As in, after an hour of heavy lifting, I was "sweating like a 40-yr old wolverine", according to Colin, hahaha...(at least I think that's what he said, it being so loud at my work)...then after coffee, I started doing pale-up (with the smaller purple baskets that I'm able to easily reach down to pick up), and HOLY CRAP that was tiring...I mean, if I'm able to lift 3 baskets at a time then it would be okay, but since I could only carry two at a time comfortably I'm always so behind...after lunch, I switched over to salting (so I can rest, according to Victor), but the stacker wanted to switch halfway through so I did, and for the rest of the day I kept switching around the jobs in Brine...since I've never had so much physical activity of this magnitude, I was quite drenched and sweaty and gross...I even switched my overalls at lunch, and by the end of the day those were drenched as well...also because of such labourousness, my muscles ached with ferocity, my back killing and what, my hands were all stiffened and slightly swelly (as they still are...oh well, hopefully it'll be better by the end of the week) 3...

Day 3: Rediculous Easiness...
--> Well, Victor told me this morning that I wasn't gonna do pile-up because it's the blue baskets and therefore I'm not tall enough to do it comfortably, lol...therefore, I spent the entire day on Brine! Easy as pie! Salting, easy! Lid pressing (pressing! that's the word I was looking for!), easy! Stacking, after finding my rhythm, easy! Well, some guy left early or something, and my partners were leaving often as well, so I had to do most of the brine myself (usually a job for 2-3 people), but it was quite slow so I managed it, haha...oh, and I learned how to do the roe-catching bucket thing today, that's also quite easy too...all in all, it was the longest day ever (stayed 'til 4), but since it was so easy, it was AWESOME! Although, I feel kinda bad, 'cause it's not particularly fair to the other guys that I didn't do the pale-up, but I guess I'm just not able to do it, so whatever...haha!

Other things of note:
- Colin & Victor are practically my supervisors, and they drive around in forklifts all day...they're pretty cool...
- There's Wayne, Hamin (or Hameen, I dunno...), Ryan, Bryant, and Troy, all my co-workers, and they're all pretty cool as well...
- I start at 7:30am and end around 3:30-4pm, from Monday to Friday.
- My breaks are from 9:30-9:45 (morning coffee), 11:30-12:00 (lunch, not paid for...), and 2:00-2:15 (afternoon coffee). Basically, I work 4 intervals of 2 hours (or whatever it actually is...)
- My breaks are actually quite short, considering it takes like 5 mins to take off/put on my raingear/gloves, so it's like 5 mins removal, 5 mins sitting down, then 5 mins getting everything on again...
- My "uniform" is basically my overalls (provided), my steel-toed rubber boots (I bought myself), raingear (i.e. suspendered pants/coverall thingy), and my gloves (i.e., inner white gloves or lining, then rubber gloves, then "sleeves" which are plastic things that cover my arms from elbow to wrist).
- On tuesday they gave me huge work gloves which didn't fit at all and I ended up getting a blister on my left index before I switched to gloves that more guitar playing for me for a while!
- As for the cute girls that work there, there's not really much to choose from (unless your thing is older chinese ladies...) but there are a few quite nice ones...there's this white girl (I think Dawn, that's the name written on her apron) that's quite cute, and she actually talked to me! Unfortunately, it was because I was soaking wet from my own sweat, so not a good thing, heh...and then there this cute japanese girl that I always see at the counter place where we get our gloves etc, but that's only at the time we're leaving, so it's not like I talk to her or whatever...but anyways, it's not like I wanna date or anything, I just find these two women that was a long point...
- This was my first time in forever that I actually had the chance / felt like blogging all week...hence the longness about nothing...
- I guess this is it...

Well, that was a long and arduous posting...promise my next post'll be more exhuberant (heheh, hope I'm spelling that right...). So until next time, I guess...

[Edit - thought I might as well put this up too...]

Your Birthdate: May 9

Your birth on the 9th day of the month adds a tone of idealism and humanitarianism to your nature.

You become one who can work easily with people because you are broadminded, tolerant and generous.

You are ever sensitive to others' needs and feelings, and you are very sympathetic and compassionate.

Your feeling run deep and you often find yourself in dramatically charged situations.

This 9 energy always tends to give more that it gets.

[Haha, am I really??]

Your Taste in Music:

90's Hip Hop: Highest Influence
90's Rock: Highest Influence
Ska: Highest Influence
80's Alternative: High Influence
90's Alternative: High Influence
90's R&B: High Influence
Adult Alternative: High Influence
90's Pop: Medium Influence
Alternative Rock: Medium Influence
Punk: Medium Influence
80's Pop: Low Influence
80's R&B: Low Influence
80's Rock: Low Influence
Classic Rock: Low Influence
Country: Low Influence
Dance: Low Influence
Gangsta Rap: Low Influence
Old School Hip Hop: Low Influence
R&B: Low Influence

[Just about right on the money with that one!]