Wooooo, E3 is awesomest to the max!!!
Haha...Okay then, I have been thoroughly enthralled by the E3 coverage of the two best game series of all time...of course, I'm talking about Civ IV and Heroes V here! It's just fan-freakin-tastic! I'm so friggin psyched to play these games! Civ in dec and Heroes next spring, but MAN ALIVE!!! That's just awesome...that reminds me, I gots to get a frickin' new computer to run this stuff!!!
Heheh, all this drooling over games that haven't come out yet, but in the meantime I'm gonna be out to buy me Fire Emblem II for my GBA in a few, that's such a freakin' sweet game too...that oughtta keep me going through the summer, at least!
But anyways, enough of my gaming geekiness, and onto the Star Wars geekfest that shall be going on tonight! Woooo! Quilon, then star wars with a whole bunch of guys, it's gonna be awesome!
Anyways, I could rant about the goings on of the past few days, incl. seeing my Ex on wed. and going to buy the uniform thing in Surrey, but I sure as heck don't feel like ranting at the moment! Woooooo!!!
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