Sunday, May 29, 2005


It's been a crazy past few days...strange and crazy...

Starting from my freaky early wakeup friday morning, I went to work, and man it was the busiest it's ever been! Insane morning, decent midday, then a nightmare last shift! The conveyor belt of herring roe went by so fast that buckets were filling up every 20 seconds or so, when it usually takes 2-3x more time! Herring roe was everywhere, filled buckets unable to be brined and lidded piling up...and what made it worse, we actually ran out of lids! First time ever! It was just rediculous! The craziest afternoon I think I ever, I had to frickin' stay overtime 2+ hrs on Payday Friday because some guy on a forklift dropped two whole pallets of roe and I had to help rebrine etc. them all! That's 3x4x3 buckets/pallet, x2 pallets, x70 lbs. each, = 5000+ lbs. of herring roe crashing down! Needless to say, the buckets were all squished and deformed, hehe..

Man, that must've been boring as hell for you guys...stupid work, I need Rob to read my blog so someone could understand me!

Anyways, I got off work at 6:15, which was kinda stupid on my part because I had to go home, shower, and drive my mom 7! So I got picked up 25 after, went home, 1 min shower to rinse off the salt, outta the house by 6:35, got caught in crazy traffic (annoying as hell), drop off my mom (who ended up being late), pick up krystle, then went to see Valen in the hospital...

Yeah, Valen, once you get internet (& assuming you read my blog), I hope feeling better! Hope surgery's going well and what not...

After visiting valen, I dropped off people at church, then krystle and I went to oakridge to buy food (since it was almost 9pm and I haven't eaten since 11:30am...), then went to church and conga'd away...

All in all, a freakin' long-ass day...

Next day, after some crazy dreams about me flying around with an umbrella during my birthday in my old house with a themesong to go along with my twists and turns, I went to church...hehe, super long interrupter right there...

Anyways, after church we had the potluck/study thing, then visited valen again, then home to rest an hour or so, then off to krystle's party! Wooo, month+ late birthday party! Hurrah!

Fun stuff right there...from "Hug the Potholder", to the awesome food (which rivaled even my own party's food!), to the crazy salsa dancing, to the cute girls in towel-like shirt/dress things (hehehe...), it was a pretty freakin' awesome time!

And now I'm home, looking forward to relaxing tomorrow after a busy past few days...just gonna sleep in, watch the Memorial Cup Finals, play some Fire Emblem, watch some family guy, and sleeeeep some more...ahh, sleep, something that at 1:46am a normal person would already be having...

Actually, by the looks of all the people on msn, sat. night seems like a good night to stay up, hehe...

But now is time for me to stop, for my ranting will continue to consume me...
Until next time, I guess...

As told through the mind of a lazy perfectionist.


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