Monday, May 16, 2005

WOOOO!!! NitsFest!!!

Yeah, party today, awesomeness indeed!

Events leading up to the party today, not so good...woke up in a daze, kinda lazy, then watched Canada lose 3-0 to the Czechs, which I think brought me into a really bad mood...then when I tried to help out setting things up for the party, I ended up almost wrecking everything...stupid inability to work a barbecue, burning myself, and almost setting the grass on fire (if it weren't wet from all the rain, of course...). Definately not a good beginning...however, people came, and it was the most awesomest birthday party since Chuck E. Cheese!

Man, so many people came, and even though not all of the people I knew and wanted to come actually came, there was still tons and tons who showed up...thanks again for all of yous who came! You really did make my day in sooo many ways!

I think it really all came to a realization to me when everyone came out and sang happy birthday...I don't think I had that since my gr. 7 bday party...but man, so many friends singing happy birthday...that was awesome...

And the presents! Awesomeness as well! From posters to hilarious cards to balloons to Catch-22 to money/g.c.'s to the freakin' crazy-ass skull piggy bank from Kris, oh man it was all so awesome! Again, I've never had presents since my gr. 7 bday was all just soooo cool...and it's not even the presents, it's the having friends to give me the presents! That was just freakin' amazing! I love having friends! I love yous all out there!

And as everyone slowly trickled out, we were down to a mere few people, and a bunch of us decided to go watch Unleashed, the new Jet Li movie...well, it ended up only being Shar Reuben Chui and myself, but still it was awesome! And man, Unleashed was a surprisingly awesome movie! Kickass fight scenes, actually awesome "sappy" scenes, etc etc...just amazing! Definately more than I expected...

Anyways, here I am, 2:15 am, going to work in about 5 hours, i.e. I needs me to sleep for at least 4 hrs, so I gots ta get to bed...but I'm still so hyped up from my most awesomest b-day ever!! A decent "debut", I guess, but it was still awesomest...hmmm, Chuck E. Cheese was also kickass (eh, Kris?), but it was good in a fundamentaly different way...but I ramble once again instead of going to sleep...oh well, thanks again you guys for coming! And to those who didn't come, oh well, keep in touch and whatever, etc etc...but yeah, awesomeness indeed and such!

NitsFest - the Awesomest! Eh, mohsin?? Hehe...


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