Two down...
Not much to say...finished both midterms, they weren't as difficult as I thought they'd be, probably because I was kinda freakin out a bit and did some major cramming...
Still gots me a freaking math midterm on thursday, that kinda surpised me...stupid forgetting I had a midterm...oh, plus I'm supposed to have a group meeting tomorrow morning, about our freakin' stupid role-playing we're supposed to do, due monday, where we have to figure out a play or something and practice and what not before monday, plus we're not really able to meet, so we don't know how well we're gonna do for it...oh right, it's worth freakin 20% of our mark! That's more than any other single thing in this course! That sucks!
Although, I do get to see Priscilla outside of class, so that's a plus...
Oh, tomorrow there's the whole free money and lunch for being in the focus group thing, that's pretty freaking awesome...go Kris for inviting me! Yeah!
Anyways, unless I am mistaken, that's all I really wanted to blog about...well, I could've rambled on about my continuing social-related items, but it's either not late enough or I'm too tired from writing the Ethics midterm...either way, I'm getting off the comp! 8 hrs of sleep, here I come! Muwahahaha!!!
Until next time, I guess...
--> As told through the mind of an introverted extrovert.
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