Things To Do Before Next Week:
- Do insanely long and arduous math assignment (stupid graphing!)
- Study for English Midterm, incl. reading crazy amounts of sh.stories/othello, watch othello, work out problems to given essay topics, etc. etc...
- Study for Philosophy midterm, go through big list of topics from "study guide" sheet.
- Do psych group project research, go to meeting, etc etc...
- Study for Econ quiz (although not terribly important, even if it is work a sizeable chunk of my mark).
- Get a haircut
- Go to anime, remind Kris to go, possibly be a man for once and at least ask for info...
- Watch movie cd Mojda let me borrow, esp. Napoleon Dynamite and Robin Williams.
- Switch banks to the no-charge CoastCapital thing (although this can wait also)
- Exercise!!!
- Start cleaning out garage/my future room (can wait, but hey I might as well put it down too, never hurts to know what you gotta do...)
- Crap, buy graphing paper for my math assignment! IMPORTANT!!!
There's probably a bunch I missed, but this seems to be the general list...don't wanna go off into a rant, and this seemed like the best way to get what's on my mind without going off on tangents...
So with that, I gotta bunch of schooling I gotta start waking up to! Study study study!!!
Until next time, I guess...
--> As told through the mind of an introverted extrovert.
[Edit: Hmmm, it was supposed to be numbers, and not this weird flowery thing...wanna sleep, so I'm not gonna figure out a way to fix it tonight...oh well...although, this does make me wanna either change my layout, or just go onto a different blog altogether...]
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