Monday, February 21, 2005

Well then...that was unexpected!

I've gotta say, today was a bunch of unexpected awesomeness, that's for freakin' sure!

First things first, you know that english essay I had to do a while back? The one on the Shakespeare sonnet? The one I pulled an allnighter to do?? Well guess what......I GOT A FRICKIN A!!! That's insane!!! First of all, the fact that I got that in english is amazing enough...secondly, I did it in one freakin night, and really late at night to boot, so wassup wit dat?!? I don't feel like I deserve this mark...but whatever, an A is a freakin' A!

However, this truely is a mixed blessing...although the A does stand for awesome, as in how freakin' awesome that A is, the way of achieving this mark does tend to lead me toward even worse study habits...I mean, if I can pull off an A by doing an allnighter, why the hell should I start my work any earlier than that?? This is exactly the kind of thing I wanted to get away from in high school...But you know what? I know the exact reason why I got an A. The answer's so simple that it's almost rediculous...I got an A because I was actually interested in what I was doing for once...I know, rediculous! But that's what happened to me in Engl 12, that's what happened to me in business (well, some business classes), and that's what happened to me on this essay. Period. That being said, why the hell don't I get more interest in things that should be important to me?? Haha, that's a question that I'll probably never stop asking...

**Mental Note**
->Must remember to blog later on about my realization that the only reason why I liked math so much in high school was because it came so easily to me. It's not coming so easily anymore, and now I'm starting to loathe it...and is this because it's no longer easy, or because my teacher is horrible? Oh, and also blog about the fact that I have always had great math teachers...
->And that thing I realized about the everyone having a set amount of happiness, and that new things that seem to give more happiness are really just replacing the last happiest thing you did...
**End Mental Note**

Anyways, moving right along here, my next unexpected awesomeness occurred right after I got my essay back. What I am talking about is my psych test. I spent the greater part of this afternoon cramming for it, close to 5 hours I think, and even though I had Engl. before my psych test, thus nullifying my extremely last minute cramming I usually do, I feel like I aced it! That's a freakin' awesome feeling, since last time I felt like I didn't know jack...that was a horrible feeling, 'cause of the whole knowing I could've aced it if I tried a bit harder dillio...but the point to remember is that studying actually pays off! Well, again with the cramming on the day of instead of before, with the bad habit formi-ness...but whatever! Ace!

However, not all the unexpectedness was awesome, oh no...I realized at the end of engl, before my essay was returned, that I still had to do my Economics homework due tomorrow at 8am, as well as my freakin disasterous math assignment that keeps getting postponed like hell...that was not a fun realization at all...basically saying that I'm most likely gonna have to pull at least one all nighter this week...but then I got my essay back, and WOOOHOOOO!!! WHO CARES!!! Heh...

And that was my unexpectedness...or so I thought, up until a few minutes ago when I was listening to Audio Placebo...well anways, I was listening to it, and I realized that the last song kept on going even when the music stopped, and at that instant I realized something profound...SECRET TRACK!!! SECRET TRACK!!! KICKASS!!! Oh yes, I found the secret track, and what a track it is! LOL! Screaming eagle! HAHAHA!!! I mean hell, you could probably sell the cd based on that alone! Haha! Hmmm...perhaps there should be a comedy cd of sorts in the future for these guys? Or any of yous guys reading out there in T v...uh, Internet land?? Haha...

So anyways, that was my day, and now I'm potentially off to do my economics! Gnite everybody!

Until next time, I guess...

--> As told through the mind of an introverted extrovert.


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