Well then, it's been quite the social rollercoaster...
Well, I've gotta say one thing...this weekend KICKED ASS!!! ...and then sucked like hell. Yeah...
First things first, why the hell don't I ever get enough sleep?? That's just retarded, staying up for no reason! I didn't end up taking a nap before the interphase show, so all night I was kinda loopy, with the whole having only a half hour of sleep and all...however, I kinda liked being drunk on lack of sleep, kinda intensified everything there, from the whole feeling isolated at first with the bunch of people I don't know, to the awesomeness afterwards with the whole getting along with everyone so well and such...
Oh, and the music was AWESOMENESS PERSONIFIED!!! ...or something to that effect.
But really, they kicked major behind! Interphase was much better than I was expecting...way WAY better than many of the lame-o rock bands I've heard at night shift...hopefully this isn't just a bias with them being my friends and all, but to me they kicked butt no matter what! And although I came late (danged having to drive my mom to work) and missed half of Elaine's insanely talented vocals / guitariness, I heard enough to be amazed!
And then there was the afterparty thing I mentioned before, which was awesomeness indeed, and also included a trip to Boston Pizza, which was a blast in and of itself, even if I did have to mooch, just a little...first of all, the whole ice tea contest with Kris and Gautam going at it was hilarious, and the whole being with a bunch of friends was kickass, plus I talked to Mark a whole bunch; it's nice to get to know new people and the like...
Which just punctuates my point: I was having the time of my life! I love just hanging out with my friends! It makes me feel alive! Even church the next day continued with my alivedness, with the whole being with friends and such; but then, as I always seem to do, I found a way to completely disreguard this feeling of social bliss and completely ruin my entire rest of the weekend...
Somehow, and I don't remember too exactly, I ended wasting the entire rest of the day saturday...not only that, I ended up staying up rediculously late once again! For what reason? Playing freakin' M2M on the freakin' guitar!!! I'm not even that good! Why the hell do I continue to waste my precious youth on frivilousness?!? Sometimes I wonder...
And then there was today. Another sunday down the drain. Because of the lateness of the staying-upins, I woke up close to 1pm...which then led to much laziness for the entire day, incl. a few hours spent playing VG again...plus, with the All-Star weekend, and Delta State, and Simpsons, and Iron Chef America, this sunday was quite conducive to couch-potatorie...hmmm, that reminds me...
WOOOO!!! GO FEENIE!!! LUMIERE ROXXORS JOR BOXXORS!!! GO CANADA!!! Heh, Iron Chef America kicked ass...worth the wasted day?? Absolutely not...however, WOOOO!!!
But seriously, no...I had to study for my freakin midterm, read/watch freakin othello, register for UBC or risk not being able to attend fall semester...this really blows! Hmmm, I think I should register now and not waste time whining on my blog...
And, 45 mins later, done! Well, still gots ta pay for it first, but other than that, izzarreitt...man, sixty bucks just to apply to the frickin place...freakin' money-grubbery!
Riiight, before I got sidetracked with actual work...I was complaining about the lack of doing anything today. This sucks. I should've gone to UBC today and study w/ Rob like he always asks me to do. But noooooo, I had to stay up late for no good reason! And now it's quarter to 3am, I'm slightly tired (which sucks 'cause I should be uber-tired), and I still haven't done any actual schoolwork! I hate weekends, I never do anything productive...
Which could lead me into a rant about how I never get anything done because I always seem to get lazy when I'm at home, leading into how my new house is turning into my old house in the way that I'm using it as an excuse to be lazy, which would then lead me into a rant about how I should have my own place / own car / etc etc, which would continue on with a rant about how little money I have, continuing even more with my complete lack of getting-a-job-iness, and finally ending with a rant about my lack of initiative, or ambition, or drive, or whatever you wanna call it...but I'm lazy...
Until next time, I guess...
--> As told through the mind of an introverted extrovert.
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