Wow, it's like summer '99 all over again...
Well then, I spent my entire afternoon playing Vagabond's Quest, an online rpg-type thing that I used to play all the time in the, it's awesome, but it eats up so much time! I just start playing, and I can't seem to stop...Actually, I guess it'd be kinda dull for most normal people, since it's mostly just a bunch of stat maneuvering, but that's the only thing that keeps me interested in RPG's at all, the number crunching...yes, I'm a geek, I know...but hey, seems to work to my advantage for becoming an accountant, eh? Heh...
It's 5:30. Interphase concert in about an hour. Only slept for roughly less than an hour...because first of all of that orc seige game last night, and now today with the nostalgic Vagabond's Quest...that's how addicted to RPGs I am! It's like I'm reverting back to high school or something...that can't be good...
Well, what's done is done...I'm off to take a nap before the concert, cya guys there or something...
Until next time, I guess...
--> As told through the mind of an introverted extrovert.
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