Danged pepsi...
Stupid wanting to drink pop then drinking half a can of pepsi before I realized it's caffeinated, and being past 11pm, and that I'm highly succeptable to caffeine...
Yup yup, it's past 3am now, and I need to wake up at 9, and of course I'm wide awake...however, this can't all be blamed on the caffeine, 'cause I did skip class and sleep in 'til 12:30 today, so I don't know...
Oh right, and on a side note, I'm still sick, but much less so after the long sleep of mine...hopefully this relapse into semi-insomnia won't worsen my condition...
Also, a few weeks ago I realized something, something of semi-importance, but something that would probably create a flurry of comments (at least if it were on jamieson's or mohsin's or whoever's blog, cause I doubt tons of comment would be pouring outta mine...)
God is omnipotent, otherwise known as allpowerful. It's assumed there is no limit to this power, by definition of allpowerful. However, there are logical limits to this power, such as God having to love good and hate evil, or making a round square, or 1+1=3, or the rock so big he can't lift it, etc etc...therefore, if God is limited by logic, a belief in an allpowerful God is illogical.
I believe this completely and wholeheartedly, but I'll use a much nicer euphamism of the above statement: A belief in god is beyond logic, or defies logic, if you will. God cannot be contained by mere logic. This is why human beings cannot understand the awesomeness that is God, for we are bound by the rules of logic. This troubles many people, and rightfully so, for many people believe that this rationality is the basis of not only human beings, but the height of humanity itself. However, when you throw logic out the window and just believe something because you know it to be true, this is the true height of humanity [as stated by some philosopher my teacher mentioned in ethics class that I can't remember the name of]...in other words, the true apex of humanity is its ability to believe in faith.
That is all...
Until next time, I guess...
--> As told through the mind of an introverted extrovert.
[Edit, Sun., March 5th, 4:51am: Just wanted to remind myself about my other philosophical ramblings on Sheena's blog]
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