Monday, January 31, 2005

Tests are beginning to suck...

Bah, had my psych test, didn't think I did as well as I would have, since I practically didn't study...however, I do believe I got around 70%, so it could be worse...

But this is not what I'm talking about. I'VE GOT A FRICKIN' CALC MIDTERM TOMORROW THAT I HAVEN'T STUDIED AT ALL FOR!!! That sucks ass!!! I guess it's my own lazy fault though, but whatever...hopefully this will be a wake up call, motivating me to actually try in my schooling and what not...

Anyways, I haven't been blogging much recently, due to the complete lack of anything interesting to ramble on about. It seems like absolutely nothing has been happening nowadays, which is completely sucky...and once again I'm wasting my weekends away...I mean it couldn't hurt you guys to call me up now and again, eh? But I digress, I'm not really angry and anyone other than my own lazy self...

I'm really not liking my schedule now...horrible, horrible schedule...

Oh, before I forget for the rest of my life, I had dentist on friday...that's all...

anyways, I go now!


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