Thursday, August 10, 2006

Deluxe Combo Platter

Man, that is an AWESOME movie. In the states, it's called "Love On The Side", though... but yes, SOOO INCREDIBLY CHEESY!!! And yes, I do admit it, I do like cheese... and, okay, it's a bit of a romantic-y chick flick, but still... cheese is awesome... I'm such a sap...

One thing that wasn't so great in this movie is the obvious lack of character development. But, I don't really mind movies (and other forms of media, in fact) that lack character development, 'cause then you can just fill in the blanks yourself! It's awesome, and makes many poor movies come alive, lol...

One thing about this movie that was super great, however, was Marla Sokoloff. Pretty pretty pretty...

And that's enough of that. Look it up etc for yourselves, too tired/lazy to link things. And by "it" I'm referring to the movie. Just to clarify. Heheh.

Until next time, I guess...

p.s. - Yeah. I'm a dink. Didn't do anything today, as per my last post. Dink dink dink...


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