Friday, August 04, 2006

Unexpected Awesome: The Best Kind!

I was gonna get sooo much stuff done today. Instead, Mark phones me up, tells me it's his birthday, and that he's having a gettogether at his place. FRIGGIN' SWEET! Screw my dinky plans...

Anyways, party = awesome. Guitar Hero, met Sally, nachos, lots of other friends, burnout3, spaghetti, more burnout3 and guitar hero, then for those who stayed: freaking Personal Preference! Best board game EVER!!! Oh man, soooo much fun... enough fun to make me stay an extra 3 hrs, and leave at 2:15am! And I gotta get up at 6:30... Awesomeness... (it's just past 3am, btw...).

Man, board games are awesome. We should all play tons more board games. SUPER fun.

All who wants to go to fireworks, i.e. with me, gimme a call and what not! I've never been to the fullblown supercrowd that is the actual fireworks (I've only been from across the river), so I think heading over there would be nice. Then again, I have a church bbq/potluck thing at 5 at the planetarium park, so I'm gonna be there for a while also... so, I don't know if I can truly go to the downtown thing anymore... I'm so friggin torn...

But whatever. I'll worry about that later. For now, though, HAPPY FREAKIN' BIRTHDAY MARK!!! Awesome party, as friends are cool... even if aging isn't, apparently... lol...

Until next time, I guess...

[p.s. - Man, I really gotta get crackin' on my Things To Do list, it's starting to really pile up...]


Blogger McAnerbot said...

What was aging less cool than again?
As i recall that one was one of the "they all suck" ones...

2:25 p.m.  
Blogger McAnerbot said...

Oh, and like, thanks and stuff ^_^

2:26 p.m.  
Blogger bj_nitsuj said...

Man, I don't remember... a whole lot of stupidly hilarious ones is alls I can think of, heheh... they were activities, and not like one of each, I think... somewhat helpful, yes?

12:01 a.m.  
Blogger Rohbit said...

All i remember is how mark would go to jail before donating blood..

or atleast I claimed he would.

5:05 p.m.  
Blogger bj_nitsuj said...

HAHA! Oh man, that's right! Stupidly hilarious!

1:43 a.m.  

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