Thursday, August 03, 2006

Out of It

But first, I'm guessing that I'll have to be more proactive if I want people to go to the fireworks then... indirect blog invites never work!

Anyways, it seems that my wednesday has come and gone WAY too quickly. Work ended at 6, after going home and shower it's nearly 7, food 'til 8ish, then channel surfing 'til 11... although, I did find a marx brothers marathon on channel 46, that was fairly amusing... ahh, 1930's comedy... oh, and some food channel awesome thrown around too... plus the beginning of serenity... but yeah, total waste of my time, really.

And now I wasted the past 2 hrs on the comp, doing didly squat also.

I've also come to realize that if people wanted to, I'm very succeptible to hackers. Or, not me, but anything with my passwords. People are actually starting to know me... and now I'm paranoid! ARgh! But I've had my password since like grade 10... infotech class... so awesome...

Anyways, the next paragraph or so is going to be about completely random junk, and I mean like first-week-of-this-blog rambly... you know, just for relaxation... total thought-to-page kinda thing...

I'm not working tomorrow... stupid lack of fish... I usually work by myself... I think alot then...

Okay, I kinda got lazy... either that, or I ran outta thoughts. Most likely the latter. So much for awesome 80-line rambly paragraphs...

As I have no school tomorrow, I should probably get some things done tomorrow... such as, stupid mp3 warranty thing, and my CACEE form for accounting career, and my student loan, and a haircut... and hopefully, all of these will actually get done...

Anyways, as is to be expected, here's some more youtube awesome!

Yes! Respect of one's self! This body is a SHRINE!

Until next time, I guess...


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