Cool Summer
It's been an amazing few weeks, give or take, what with the camping and the hangings out and what not. Today continued this trend of awesome.
Sushi. Rush. Rob's. Home. Scott's.
And that was my day. Yeah, I got lazy...
Although I'm trying not to put something from youtube on all of my posts, I just saw something pretty freakin' cool...
Sure, perhaps a little long and somewhat dry/boring, but man I found it soo amazingly interesting... esp. at 3am, lol...
Also, I gotta delineate myself away from just the featured items. And yeah, delineate is probably not the best term to describe this, but it's what came to mind... [edit - as it turns out, I didn't find this vid as a feature, but rather by accident looking for bass-related things; even though my memory seems fairly shot, that's pretty cool...]
Until next time, I guess...
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