Thursday, July 27, 2006

Crazy Couple of Days

Past couple of days = crazy. As per my title.

Tuesday was my cousin's bday. Happy bday pito! Then I stayed up all night watching movie channel movies. All were good. Watched House of D, Proof, and another I forgot what it was. Then I went to bed at around 8:20am.

Wednesday, my work phoned in around 8:50am to come in. And yes, that means I only had 30 mins of sleep, lol. Funny thing is, I actually felt kinda rested, heheh... still only ended up w/ 6 hrs of work though, kind of annoying. Don't remember doing anything afterwards. Oh yeah, decided not to go to Hapkido, AGAIN, due to my lack of sleepage. And I slept relatively early too, like, before midnight! Haha...

Thursday = Work. Overtime. Although they had an extra stupid lunch break (which aren't paid) instead of the normal paid coffee break, so I only ended up getting 1.5 hrs of overtime instead of 2. Argh. Then I got home, and did nothing of particular importance, and definately nothing of what I should've done (i.e., warranty on faulty mp3, buy shoes, activate visa...). Although, I did figure out that I'm driving both Krystle and Karla to camp tomorrow. No longer alone in the carride! Hurrah!

Okay, so maybe not so crazy. But they've been bluring by, 'cause wow, tomorrow I'm already driving up to camp hope! CRAZY! Man, I can't friggin' wait for the weekend... and hopefully, I won't make a complete ass of myself either, heheh... although, dang tomorrow's going to be busy... leave work at 4pm (i.e. no overtime), finish packing (as it's like midnight now and I haven't even started!), pick up Krystle, pick up Karla (both in vancouver), get to Nate's bbq thing (yay bbq!), then drive to chilliwack, buy more supplies, then drive to hope! And hopefully, it won't already be 10pm! Heheh...

Speaking of busy, I should probably get going, start packing and what not... but first.........

GAH! YOUTUBE'S DOWN!!! Stupid scheduled maintenance...

Until next time, I guess...


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