Tuesday, December 13, 2005

I Tried, I Really Did...

But first off, yeah Vancouver! Another win against an east division leader. Sweetness.

However, this meant that I was at home by this time, instead of studying...but, it's not like I didn't try today, I even went all the way to UBC to try to force myself to focus. Didn't help. I was just too danged tired / unmotivated, so I spent about 2 hrs just staring at the page, thinking of what I needed to study. Then, after a good 10 mins of studying, I got super tired and didn't wanna do anything at all. Oh, the agony of non-immediate deadlines...

Tomorrow should be a nice cram session. I'll start to get freaked out that I don't understand anything. Which worked well last time, relatively speaking. At least I learned how to calculate those freakin' Cournot and Stackelberg model duopolies. This is in Econ, by the way. And duopoly as compared to monopoly. Yeah. I'd explain more, but that could get as boring as Mark's radiation explanation thingy, heheh...

Anyways, I should get back to printing things out and such...

Until next time, I guess...

Edit - Okay, so I didn't end up doing what I was supposed to do. Instead, I surfed the net for a few minutes. Then I had a shower. Nice and long. And now it's time for House! Hurrah and such... and THEN I'll get down to business. Heheh...


Blogger Rohbit said...

Shouldn't have started talking to me...

12:16 a.m.  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Actually, by that time I was actually doing work...talking to ya was just a way to pass time as my notes printed out, heheh...

9:04 a.m.  

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