Tuesday, November 29, 2005

Wow, pretty...

UBC is beautiful in the snow...

It's really coming down now too...pretty....

As the computer was starting up, I was staring outside from the lab window, and I did what I've always done since I was a child: look up. And no, it's not 'cause I'm short, it's cause I just love looking up to the sky when it's snowing. It's just so peaceful and beautiful and wonderfully serene. Makes me think of happy times.

That, and if you stare long enough, you start to feel like you're in an elevator. Hehehe...

I love the snow...

However, there are some consessions that I need to make in order to fully enjoy this snow without any drawbacks:

1) Shoes! I needs me some non-soakable shoes, or more preferably boots, so that my feet don't freeze in the snow. These sneakers just aren't cutting it. Especially in UBC, where NOTHING is cleared, and I had to dredge my way through piles of slush. Not pleasant.

2) Gloves! Man, my hands were freakin' cold! Funny thing was, when I went to Old Navy, I was originally going to buy me a pair, but then decided on the l.s.-shirt/sweaters instead, thinking that it'll still be alright in November. Boy, was I wrong; it's cold!

3) Pants! Or, to be more specific, some sort of warming agent for my legs. Because right now, alls I got to wear are baggy khakis and blue jeans, both of which are not great at keeping in the warmth. Plus, I ain'ts got me any long underwears, so I could probably go that route as well.

4) Toque! I needs some head warmth! Sure, I got my big ski jacket on, and it does have a nice hood, but it isn't terribly warming. And I like toques. I haven't worn a proper toque since gr. 10 ski trip. Well, if you don't count that toque-on-cap phase I had at BCIT. But that's another story...

And yeah, that seems to be it. Meaning....SHOPPING SPREE!!!

...if only I had the cash. Oh well, I'll try to mooch when I get home today. Shouldn't be too difficult, just tell my mom "my feet were soaked today! I was so cold! My toes were getting numb!" "Oh my goodness Justin, you can't be doing that every day!" "Yeah I know mom, I need to buy some waterproof boots..." "Yeah, go buy some right now! Goodness, my little boy's walking around in the snow getting his feet wet..."

Hehe...so simple, in theory...

Oh, and another note - TAKE AN EARLIER BUS. I took the 9 o'clock bus, as usual. I had a 10 o'clock class. I got to school at 10:30. You do the math.

Although that was quite a nice little nap I had on the bus...coast mountain busses are so comfy...

Hehe, looked outside again...izzo pretty...

Until next time, I guess...


Blogger Jamieson said...


At least, I hate it when I have to be somewhere and it is standing in my way.

And when I have to walk through it all day.

5:22 p.m.  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

i went out in my runners this morning and then halfway down the block i decided to go back and change into my dress shoes.
dress shoes really do grip the snow! hehe~ =D

11:55 p.m.  

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