Wednesday, November 30, 2005


I was going to do homework. Well, more of a project. Actually, more of a GROUP project. That I'm the putter-together-and-hand-it-in person. So, if I don't finish it, my partner's screwed, and that'll make me feel bad. Sure, it's not due tomorrow, but I feel I should at least start my long and arduous process instead of leaving it 'til the last minute, as usual. But...

Yeah, it's 2:15am, and I practically had all day to do my work. Again, I could very well be king of procrastination, taking the title away from Gautam. Anyways, instead of going home and starting my work, I did that whole shopping thing, and when I got home, I decided to play some CivIV while listening to my new cd (AWESOMENESS), pretty much 'til 8. Then, I had dinner. Then, house was almost on, so I HAD to watch that. And that was at 9. After watching that, I seemed to be sucked into sportsnet news and watched that for nearly half an hour. Then I had a shower. Then I went online, surfed around, blogged my last post, etc. Then I was going to work.

But then I started talking on MSN. Basically, to Reuben. It was a rather interesting and involving discussion about various subjects. Like RFR. And other stuff. But yeah, I had not realized that I had talked for nearly 2 whole hours. Oh well, well worth doing that instead of work. Work = not good. Friends = good. Yup.

And technically I shouldn't be wasting my time here at quarter past 2, especially since I'm waking up in about five hours to catch an earlier bus. Or perhaps I should just stay up all night. It's not like I have...wait, tomorrow's my long class day, I need to be at least semi-alert. Nuts, bedtime at 3am for me tonight.

I really don't feel like doing work right now. So, I shall blog about something I failed to mention earlier. About snow. And the lack thereof in Richmond.

So...why is Richmond never covered in snow as often as Vancouver?! That's not fair...all that means is that richmond roads are even slower to plow 'cause they have to do it less often than in Vancouver. And I don't care about any geographical reasons, I just care about the fact that after leaving the winter wonderland that was UBC and coming back to Richmond, it's like suddenly the ice age had lifted. But in a bad way. My whole "it's the holidays!" mood was beginning to be lost, which is probably why I felt all giddy when I heard christmas/hanukka music at HMV and thus bought the cd. But yeah. If it snows in Vancouver, it should snow in Richmond. Only fair.

Hmmm...still don't feel like doing work. Therefore...

Oh man, I was gonna rant some more, but then I looked over at this stack of dvd's on top of my computer, and I realized that there's a ton of things I could be watching. For example, the Red Vs. Blue dvd's I got from Mohsin. Or the Outlaw Star anime I borrowed from UBC....

That's weird. I saw them, and I wanted to watch, but then I wrote about it, and now I don't feel like watching. And suddenly I'm incredibly tired. Perhaps I should go to bed now instead of doing homework. But first...

Sometimes I feel like I'm making an ass of myself in front of girls I find attractive. Or, if not in front of, in some sort of communicative medium. It's rather unintentional, of course, but it's still rather cringe-inducing, in the embarassing kinda way. Oh well.

And now for some of my personal dating/relational philosophy...

If you find yourself attracted to someone, but then you realize that you're unable to be yourself around them, i.e. get all unconfortable and akward etc, then here's what you do: convince yourself that they're not interested in you. If you think you have no chance with this person, you'll go "oh well" and move on, and therefore you'll start being yourself around said person. "Move on" meaning getting on with the conversation, not meaning you stop liking her.

Also, whatever you do, DON'T FIGHT YOUR FEELINGS. If you keep telling yourself that you're not attracted to someone, when in fact you actually are, then the next time you see them you'll fall HARD. And that's quite annoying. If you admit that you're going to be attracted to this person, then when you see them, you're not taken by surprise when you do find them attractive. And therefore, have a better chance of being yourself around her, etc etc.

Now, when would be the most opportune time to act on these feelings, you might ask? Well, I say it's best to wait until you see an inkling of interest, a glimmer of hope, from the object of your desire before any moves are made. This could be done in the form of joking around, which could lead into some slightly "oooh, I could like you" sarcastic kinda situations, in which you would then go "ohhh, well what does THAT mean, hmmm?" Then, going off of her reaction, act accordingly. Although, as good as this theory is, I find that in practice there are many pitfalls. For example, if the girl is hard to read, and/or if you're not a good reader, then this won't work. In that case, do whatever the heck you wanna do. I tend to revert back into a "she doesn't like me" mindset, as stated previously.

And one last thing. It's much easier to judge their feelings for you the more you associate with the person. As obvious as this sounds, it's much harder in practice. For example, if the main form of communication is through msn, or even worse blogs, then it's practically impossible to gauge a proper reading. So, if at all possible, hang out with this person. It'll only raise your chances of something more. Or, at the very least, you'll eventually find out if they're really not interested, or find out that you were never really all that interested to begin with.

Now, if any of the above sounds familiar, it's because I'm talking about YOU. Yes, YOU are who I desire. Unless you're a guy. Or family. Or really young. Or really old. Or have a boyfriend. Or are a drinky/smokey party girl. Or have a personality that I find repugnant. Then, you're not who I desire. You know, just to cover my bases, heheh...

And wow, it's 3am already. That's kinda annoying. I've procrastinated for a good 3-4 hours in front of the comp. That's dangerous. Now, I'm only gonna have 4 hrs of sleep (+bus, +nap in school if I am so inclined), and I'm gonna have to pull an allnighter for my project tomorrow. I hope Jessica doesn't mind that I didn't do anything yet...But, I will definately do it; I HAVE to.

But not tonight. I'm tired tonight. I'll be tired tomorrow night too, but tomorrow I have class, so I need sleep now more than tomorrow night. Thursday, I don't have to go to class (review session), so in theory I can do my work 'til around 11am, and that should be more than enough time to finish off the project and hand it in (by 1pm).

And that's enough rambly nonesense for tonight.

Until next time, I guess...

--> As told through the mind of the master procrastor. Nator. Procrastinator. Nuts...


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