Well then, I gets to sleep in tomorrow! Wooo!! But why, you ask? Well, I'm a gonna be workin' the afternoon shift! Meaning, instead of waking up early and starting at 7:30am, I now start at 4:30pm and I get to sleep in! Yeah!! And as a plus, I gets me some overtime as well...however, overtime does mean I'll hafta stay past 1 or 1:30am...ouch...but hey, money is money! Although, missing hapkido is gonna be a bummer, but since my shoulder's still bugging me, 'tis alright...anyways, workin' late aint so bad, since Rob'll be able to drive me home...
Anyways, enough of my work banter, and more about the girl at my work banter...
Or, to be more precise, the lack-of-girl at my work. You see, since the number of lines dropped from 5 to 2-3, this girl has not gone to work at the fish plant. It's been nearly a week now, actually...the chances of seeing her again this year seems to be getting smaller and smaller. This sucks. And it's not like I have any regrets, 'cause I did end up talkin to her, and the transition from potential gf to gf was going at a phenominally perfect rate (with the last time I saw her being the "casual physical contact" stage i.e. brush on the elbow kinda thing). But since I haven't seen her in about a week, it's kinda derailed the possibility of anything more...again, this sucks. Just when things seem to be going my way...
But enough lingering on things I cannot control. If she comes back to work again, I won't hesitate to ask for a #/e-mail...
Anyways, onto other news...
As of yesterday, I have finally completed reading Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince. Good book, as usual...however, I do have some complaints about it...
Well, the plot did seem kinda predictable, and they kinda spelled out the ending right from the get-go (although it did keep you guessing 'til the climax...). I mean, it's like Harry can never have an incorrect thought or something, he's never wrong about the important stuff! That kinda ticked me off...throughout the whole book, I was hoping that Harry had become a paranoid schizophrenic or something interesting like that...
Point of contention #2: why the hell did the actual story take so friggin long to start?! I mean, the first 10 chapters seem to be a recap of the other freakin' books! To me, it didn't start to get interesting 'til about 400+ pages in...most annoying. However, once the ball was rolling, I finished it that very day/night. Interesting stuff, indeed...
One last thing about the predictability of this book...Did anybody guess wrong about who the Half-Blood Prince was?? I mean, to me it was obvious right from the start...advanced potions book, eh? Hmmmm...who could it be?!
But enough ripping apart of this book. In the end, I did enjoy reading it, and it was quite interesting. All in all, slow start, kinda predictable, but thoroughly enjoyable.
Final note - I wasn't able to read 200 pages a session this time around, so perhaps this is why it felt so slow to me...I swear, Harry Potter isn't Harry Potter unless you finish the book within a few days...
Perhaps I shall now start on that freakin' Catch 22 that I've been postponing for the past few months, heheh...
Until next time, I guess...
--> As told through the mind of an introverted extrovert.
Point of contention #2: why the hell did the actual story take so friggin long to start?! I mean, the first 10 chapters seem to be a recap of the other freakin' books! To me, it didn't start to get interesting 'til about 400+ pages in...most annoying. However, once the ball was rolling, I finished it that very day/night. Interesting stuff, indeed...
One last thing about the predictability of this book...Did anybody guess wrong about who the Half-Blood Prince was?? I mean, to me it was obvious right from the start...advanced potions book, eh? Hmmmm...who could it be?!
But enough ripping apart of this book. In the end, I did enjoy reading it, and it was quite interesting. All in all, slow start, kinda predictable, but thoroughly enjoyable.
Final note - I wasn't able to read 200 pages a session this time around, so perhaps this is why it felt so slow to me...I swear, Harry Potter isn't Harry Potter unless you finish the book within a few days...
Perhaps I shall now start on that freakin' Catch 22 that I've been postponing for the past few months, heheh...
Until next time, I guess...
--> As told through the mind of an introverted extrovert.
p.s. - PHONE BACK STUDENT LOAN PEOPLE!!! (complicated situation w/ thinking I was outta school, me being lazy, etc etc...stupid possible bad credit)
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