Monday, August 15, 2005


Well, I'm officially taking linguistics, I hope I know what I'm getting myself into, it being the extra class and all...

So, why take linguistics? Well, I've always seemed to have a natural aversion to learning languages, and as such I haven't learned squat in the french/spanish classes I took in high school...sure, I ended up with decent to superb grades, but I take these classes like I take math: learn the formulas (i.e. verbs etc), then cram cram cram! This is the main reason why I didn't end up taking some cool language at ubc, like Swedish or Japanese or German...

Anyways, I'm hoping that taking linguistics would make me be able to actually learn new languages...or, at the very least, give me some insight into languages in general (which I find completely enrapturing, since I don't get non-english languages at all, heheh...)

Besides, Linguistics seems easy enough, and GPA boosters are always nice, hehe...

Until next time, I guess...


Blogger bj_nitsuj said...

Niiice, yeah that sounds alright (but meeting doesn't have to be soon or anything, linguistics not 'til 2nd semester)

Good to hear that it's supposed to be interesting, but the whole "lot of memorizing" bit is a little distressing (me not being the greatest memorizer)...well, I'm hoping that I'll be able to memorize when it's interesting, that's pretty much what I did in my ethics class...

All in all, making me feel better about takin' freakin' linguistics! Yeah!

9:13 p.m.  

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