Monday, December 20, 2004

Waste of a day...

I feel like I completely wasted my day...I got practically no studying done...I ended up socializing for most of the day, which in and of itself isn't bad, but not when I gotta study for finals...I just ended up being depressed once again at the end...

Don't really have much to say now...was thinking of putting up lyrics, but I couldn't decide on a song...I've run the gammot, with everything from linkin park to sister hazel to dogwood, but I didn't find anything that was completely relevant...

However, I did end up coming across a song I haven't listened to in a while, a song that is completely awesome, and that really took me back...I ended up doing an essay for grade 12 english about this song, ended up getting a big fat 10/10...the only time I remember getting that high of a mark in english...made me realize that I'm an awesome english student, as long as I'm interested in the subject...

And was I ever interested...this song really struck a chord with me, a crazy punk ballad that was also surprisingly melodic, with meaningful lyrics that pierced right through me...I can't imagine how relevant the song could have been to me in grade 12, but I remember that this song really stuck out...alls I can say is that it's simply amazing, no matter that everyone else I know who's heard it disagrees...

"The Rise and Fall of Belinda and Ivan"
by Dogwood

She said she'd stick with him
Until the very end,
He believed what she said
When she said that she would...
For better or for worse
That was the oath decreed,
Two years later divorced because of speed...

"Pull through"
"Work it out"
They all cried,
To no avail,
To no surprise,
Two calloused hearts
Could no longer try...
Although loved and supported
She continued to die...

By her choice,
All alone,
Her drug addiction
Has destroyed the home...
She lives her own life
By her own greedy will,
Death's grip enslaves her
And flaunts the kill...

Husband left staring at her sunken face
He weeps to himself,
"I showed her no grace!
I had every chance to swallow my pride
And tell her how beautiful she was inside..."

What have I now but memories
Death's taken the wife given to me...

We're both alone
And none to blame
Now she's gone
And the sadness turns to pain...

I'll never be the same...

Oh jeez, now I remember why this song meant so much to me...I know exactly I'm depressed...although I am kinda glad I heard it really is an amazing song...

But all that aside, I must say that dogwood is an amazing punk band. Very melodic, and very punk. They have so many awesome songs...I want to list all the ones I like, but there's gotta be at least thirty...but my favourites are probably Belinda/Ivan, Mycro, Lapchild, In The Line Of Fire, The Truth About It Is, Stairway to Sin, and of course Preschool Days...see, and those are just my favourites! So many other awesome songs from such an awesome band...

But enough ranting about how great Dogwood is, although this has been a fairly nice distraction...

Well this is crap, it's 2 in the frickin morning and I have yet to do the only thing I had to do tonight...still have to print out the stupid practice finals for math, and I've procrastinated for hours...should do that now...

Man, I thought that after I was through last week I'd actually be happy, no more english and all that, but no, it's been exactly the opposite...thought that the two parties over the weekend would push me over the top into happy land, but no, it's been exactly the opposite...hopefully this doesn't affect my final-writing...hopefully, I'll end up using school as an escape, a focus from all the other junky distractions...junky, junky distractions...

But enough of this blog writing, at least I can stop this one junky distraction...

Until next time, I guess...

--> As told through the mind of an introverted extrovert.

[Edit: It's 4am, but I finished printing out the practice finals...surprisingly, I'm feeling quite a bit better after talking to some friends, especially Ahmad just now...actually, that's kind of the primary reason why I stayed up so late, haha...kinda bad that I'm being so social during finals, but meh, I can't see myself doing that badly in these exams, so whatever...hehe, I say that now, but during the test...hehe...anyways, it's now quite late, and I no longer have any excuse to stay up, so I'm going to sleep! Hooray, I get to have practically no sleep for the next few days! Yay!]


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