Wednesday, December 15, 2004

Quiz time!

Decided to do that quiz everyone seems to be doing...and don't forget, party at my place on Saturday night!!!

First best friend: Geoffrey Chan (chan?) in K-gr.3...but apparently Henry in preschool, but I don't remember that as much, lol...
First car: None personally...however, the first family car was a 1980's flesh-yellow Toyota Celica
First screen name: Nitsuj
First funeral: dad's cousin I think...
First pet: Casper and Goldie...they were goldfish.
First piercing: N/A
First musicians you remember hearing in your house: Apparently I was really into bon jovi when I was 2-3 yrs old, haha...

Last car ride: Earlier today (or yesterday to be technical)
Last kiss: About a year and a half ago
Last alcoholic beverage: Beer, at a pizzaria in Amsterdam
Last good cry: Well, I'd say 2 weeks don't need tears to cry, right?
Last library book checked out: "Rich Dad's Prophecy - How to build your financial ark" (or something like that) in august
Last movie seen: Cube 2 (a weird, horror, B-type movie)
Last time showered: A few hours ago
Last item bought: Tim Hortons French Vanilla and a Canadian Maple donut...although technically Shar paid for it, haha...
Last annoyance: Realizing that I've wasted nearly 2 hours talking on msn, then procrastinating even more by doing this dinky quiz! Haha!
Last disappointment: I guess a week or so ago..."When she smiled I thought that it meant something else" -->Vroom - Dumb Like That
Last time wanting to die: Same time as above...well that, coupled with all the friggin allnighters I pulled to finish those danged papers...
Last shirt worn: Right now, my oversized "Whistler Adventure" t-shirt to sleep in.
Last website visited: [my friend Rob's in the freakin' thailand poster thing!]
Last word/sentence you said: "How the heck am I supposed to remember the last thing I said???"
Last song you sang: "Vertical Horizon - Everything You Want" on the ride home from T-Ho's, since nothing good was on the radio, lol...

What is in your cd player?: A mix, "The Introverted Extrovert"
What color socks are you wearing?: White
What Color underwear are you wearing?: I aint's wearing no underwear! Haha...[just wearing shorts for sleeping]
What's under your bed?: I have a bed...?
What time did you wake up today?: About 12:15pm

Current mood: Lazy...[didn't think procrastinatory is a word, haha...]
Current music: Vroom - Dumb Like That
Current taste: Pancit my mom made...and French Vanilla coffee from T-Ho's...
Current hair: Kinda long, and all spiked up most of the time...
Current clothes: "Whistler Adventure" t-shirt, Champion cotton shorts, white socks
Current annoyance(s): My stupid english paper...and being confused...
Current book(s): Aside from schoolbooks, nothing really...
Current time-wasting wish: Playing pool, or just hanging out, with everyone.
Current hate: My stupid english paper...

My favorite...
1. Color is: Light Green
2. Song is: "Vroom - Dumb Like That"...always has some meaning in my life.
3. Scent is: The sweet, sweet smell of a woman in heat...heh...
4. Alcoholic beverage is: Alcohol tastes like junk...I can't even gargle listerine!
5. Food is: Mashed potatoes and gravy, or Sinagang...

And there you have it! Now that was a good way to waste half an hour! Ha! And although I really should be getting to my english paper, it's kinda already 2:30am, and I'm gettin tired...and I've gotta be up in 8 hours! Man!

Until next time, I guess...

--> As told through the mind of an introverted extrovert.


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