Tuesday, November 30, 2004

I'm so screwed!!!

Holy crap! It's freakin 4am, and I've barely started my paper! And you know why??? Frickin Rex Navarrete! That guy is frickin hilarious!

And now I can see myself listening to this guy for like the entire night! I'm laughing my ass off!

And it all started because I started listening to some Andrew E., gots me into remembering that old Maritess vs. The Superfriends comedy thing I was so into in grade 10...so I went to the Rex Navarrete website and found it, and as a plus, there was a hilarious introduction! You gotta hear this! (RealPlayer)

And now I downloaded a whole bunch of his stuff, and I'm listening to that instead of doing my work! That sucks! You know what else sucks? I've got school at 10! Stupid having to give my homework!

But you know, whatever...I've figured it out, even if I get 60% on this paper, I'm still able to pull off an A if I do well on my last test...and here I am, wasting time justifying my lack of conviction towards doing my homework, once again...haha...

Man, I'm actually starting to get tired...and yet I still procrastinate...lol

Well, I'm gonna at least stop writing in my blog, get at least one distraction out of the way...

Until next time, I guess...

--> As told through the mind of an introverted extrovert.


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