Tuesday, November 16, 2004


Okay, this is gonna be a quick post, because I still gots to study for tomorrow's psych exam, and I barely even touched on the 3 chapters it's gonna be on! Haha...

But moving right along...

I have realized over the past few weeks that I am really self-centered. Not that I'm selfish self-centered, but more in the ways that I think that everything that anyone says or does is about me, either directly or indirectly, and it's kinda been bugging me...

For example, when I got the giants tickets from my friend, I couldn't help but wonder if it's because there's something more...which is rediculous, because I know how she feels, and I know how I feel, and we're just friends, and that's how we both want it to be...but nevertheless, I still wondered...

Maybe that's what's bugging me, all my wondering...I can't just assume that people are talking about or doing things because of me...

This reminds me of another example...I remember when I was walking on the beach in vancouver one night, I saw a girl check me out, and I was like "wow, a girl checked me out! that's awesome!" But did she really check me out? I just don't know...but because I think that everything's about me, I thought that she did, and I felt awesome!

Which leads me to another thing: what I imagine people saying about me is greately dependent upon my mood. So maybe that girl on the beach really did check me out...but was it fair to assume that she thought I looked good? Maybe she was just staring because I was so ugly, like staring at roadkill or something...But because I was in a good mood, I assumed that she thought I was hot! lol! Looking back, that just seems rediculous...

But anyways, the point of all this is that I always think that things are about me...and most of the time, they're not. I'm just hoping that this doesn't lead to any embarrassing situations...or even worse, misinterpretations...

Then again, maybe this is all just in my head...I should just relax more, lol

Man I'm tired...but I gotsta study...maybe I'll do my "sleep now and wake up at 5ish and study" routine...or maybe I should just stop procrastinating on my blog and actually get some freakin work done! Hahaha...

Until next time, I guess...

--> As told throught the mind of an introverted extrovert.


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