Thursday, May 10, 2007


I'd talk about work, but 1) it's confidential (SERIOUSLY), and 2) NO TIME!!

Instead, I'll just ramble about the crazy next few days.

Friday, work, then skytrain/bus home, then straight to church, practice reader's theatre/skit, help w/ children's church prep, practice praise team (drums?), practice friggin' VIOLIN for last-minute concert Winston asked me to be in [WHY CAN'T I SAY NO?!?], bus back, GET AS MUCH SLEEP AS POSSIBLE.

Wake up early, get to church early to help out w/ mother's day waffle breakfast thing. Praise team. Reader's theatre/skit. Childrens church (perhaps not...). Hopefully, HOPEFULLY, have enough time to bus back to my place before bussing to surrey... hmmm... probably not back to my apartment... so, bus from church to surrey church, do friggin' VIOLIN SOLO, which I haven't even done in, like, SIX YEARS. And I'm sure something I'm forgetting to be done on Saturday night. CRAP, why can't I remember...

Then sunday = mother's day. GOTTA FIGURE OUT WHAT TO DO...

Anyways... one thing's for sure:


I'm going to bed.

[p.s. - Valen, tomorrow @ church, remind me to find music to play for Winston's concert thing!]

[Edit - forgot to mention, thanks for the bday wishes everyone! Went back to family home last night, was nice!]


Anonymous Anonymous said...

i knew you'd say yes. haha. =)
ps, if i'm feeling better, i'll come with you!!

8:57 a.m.  
Blogger m said...

Oops, happy birthday justin!

5:32 p.m.  

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