Today was CRAZY.
I woke up to a call from the co-op office, saying that I have the job for sure, and that they were told my security clearance passed already and the CRA wants me to work tomorrow! WOW, what a wakeup call...
[also, it took the other co-op student a month and a half before cleared, but took me only a DAY! Haha, is my life that boring??]
A few minutes later, I got a call from the CRA confirming this, and that I was to come in for work tomorrow! WOW...
Now, finally getting a co-op job is AWESOME. However, there are a few reasons it kinda sucks to work so quickly. First off, it's my BIRTHDAY, lol. No lazing about all day, no going home to delicious Charissa-made strawberry cake, etc etc. Also, I was planning on having two weeks of vacation! All the plans of "relaxation", GONE! Haha...
Good definitely outweighs the sucks though, for sure...
Anyways, continuing the day, I was planning on going directly to broadway/cambie to get those danged cleats for the game tonight. But then my uncle phones me right as I get out of the shower, says he's 2mins away and wants to take me to lunch... I'm thinking, man cutting it close for time, but w/e, food is food... so we end up eating at Cafe de Fruits, crazy awesome french bistro thing on 7th, near granville. I had salmon. With POUTINE. hahaha...
Anyways, walked up to broadway, took the 99 to gaiaultimate. But when I finally get there, I realize they're in the middle of a freaking renovation, or a move, or SOMETHING. So no cleat buying in that store...
It was getting rather late, i.e. 3pm-ish, and I was worried about being late for ultimate (which starts at 6pm, but we were supposed to come early and orient w/ new teammates, etc etc). So yeah, point is, it was getting late. So I decided to skytrain it to metrotown, haha...
So I wander around metrotown, remembering why I dislike shopping so, and this one perfect pair of cleats from sportchek is not in my size! DAMMIT! So I wander around more, and finally settle on a pair of ugly red too-small pair of cleats from Athlete's world. I got a deal, so no biggie. Oh, but I did get suckered into buying and extra pack of socks. Stupid me...
Anyways, it's still late, but I realize I might as well buy the collar-shirt needed for my job (as I only have one, with my suit, and I haven't washed it in like two months...), so yeah. I walk into one suit store, ask for ANYTHING in my size. He says sorry, and directs me to the International Clothiers, or something. But yeah, turns out, I'm the same size as a really big kid! 18/20, hahaha... but yeah, I FINALLY FOUND MY SIZE!! SWEEEET! Now I can just order cheapo clothes online, heh...
Anyways, I skytrain back, it's superlate, get back to my apartment by almost-six, meet my sister who gives me pants from home plus other things (incl. bday presents, nice!), and got a ride to UBC, where ultimate was to be played.
And dang, although it was sunny, it was FREAKING WINDY AS HELL! Not only was it hard to play, but I didn't bring enough clothes to keep me warm on the sideline! So I was superchilled the entire time... and what makes it worse, is that cold air makes my asthma worse, AND I FORGOT MY FRIGGIN INHALER. So it was quite the struggle. Also, I'm starting to take a liking to my ugly too-small cleats. Perhaps one day, I shall even grow fond of 'em.
We lost both games, but they were relatively close, so no worries. But yeah, WAS COLD AS HELL out there. And yes, I understand that doesn't make sense, haha.
Anyways, bussed back to my place, but decided I was rather hungry, and that I might as well buy some milk for cereal tomorrow. Then, of course, it turns into buying groceries for the next two weeks or so. Hah.
And then I went home, everyone's here (Mohsin/Alan), almost two hours pass, and I'm still blogging instead of sleeping. I have to wake up in, oh, six hours. I still havent showered, heh...
So yeah, stop blog NOW.
Today was truly inconceivable. However, it IS conceivable that these boring posts will soon die down in frequency and length. For SURE, I don't wanna be the guy who writes about what he did at work. Especially since it could possibly be illegal for me to do so, lol...
...okay, so yeah, blog stops NOW now...
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