Thursday, January 12, 2006

Wow, old Karmacanix Song

Heheh, found an old Karmacanix cover of Plush, with me on vocals. All things considered, it wasn't nearly as bad as I previously thought. I'd still rate it a 3/10, but all in all not bad.

Don't know how they'd like me posting it on the web, but meh, here's our cover of Plush.

Oh, and some excuses for my less than stellar vocals:

- Did it all in one or two takes.
- Didn't really warm up before recording.
- Had to sing with only the tracks, with like 10 people around me watching. Awkward...
- No monitor, therefore couldn't correct myself.

There's more, but I've complained enough. I actually kinda like it, heheh. Can't wait to start doing this stuff again...

Until next time, I guess...


Blogger Jamieson said...

Haha, that was pretty cool man. And y'know that's the first time I've actually heard you sing too. Cool stuff.

4:02 p.m.  

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