Oh, the pain...
Heheh, just kidding...the freezing hasn't worn off quite yet, so I still feel perfectly fine. Well, besides the fact that I'm still spitting blood into a bucket, I'm perfectly fine.
So yeah, got my tooth pulled out, and man it wasn't bad at all. No pain at all. Well, that's not exactly true, 'cause it did kinda feel like she was stretching all the skin off of my face while putting in the plyers. Curse my non-stretchy lips, heheh...
It did end up taking quite a while though, apparently 'cause my tooth is messed up or something. And man, when it came out, it was frickin' scary lookin'. I mean, it wasn't like one of those normal double-pronged root things like you see in the commercials. My tooth was "dancing". To give you an idea, think of a raging fire. Imagine all the flames dancing around in every which way, swirling all over the place. That's what my tooth looked like. Scary.
But yeah, I'm surprised how well it went. I mean, it wasn't even as bad as a normal checkup at the dentist. You know, besides the spitting blood part. But, again, I don't think the freezing's gone away yet. Still doesn't hurt. The icepack they said I should use is pretty cold though...
As for painkillers, alls I got was advil. No complaints here. My dad wanted me to take what sounded like horse tranquilizers. I'm not gonna risk that. I'll just grin n' bare it. Unless it really does start to hurt, heheh...
Now, as for the party tonight, I doubt that I'm gonna go. Unless this bleeding subsides substantially, I won't even consider going. On the plus side, since I've got no funny pills, I'll probably be able to drive. So, at the very least, I'll probably be able to pick them up and see everyone for a bit.
I wonder when it's actually gonna start hurting though. I've heard some horror stories of people who were hurting for days upon days, but I've also seen people feel absolutely fine the next day. As long as I'm able to eat my turkey dinner, then it's all good.
Yeah, not much else to do, really. I'm gonna go surf the net a bit.
Until next time, I guess...
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