Thursday, September 15, 2005

What a night...

Well, it's been quite eventful since last I blogged, only a mere 8 hrs ago...

I spent a good hour w/ the yahoo hockey pool thing I'm in, then I actually finished my accounting hw due monday (woo!), and by that time it was time to go to Ninjutsu...

And yes, it is what you're thinking, for Ninjas are practicioners of Ninjutsu...however, today's class was incredibly opposite to tuesday's hapkido, in that it seemed far too informal...also, this guys focus is on self defence, so no fancy summersaults or anything like that. One thing that I thought was pretty cool, lots of the moves he showed us were pretty much the same as Hapkido...if not inferior versions, if I may be so biased, lol...but really, it seemed nice, but I'd rather stick to my Hapkido in richmond...

Also of note, I was partnered up w/ this tall blonde girl, who was skinny (but not stick skinny), but had rather large breasts. Now, unlike most of you horn dogs out there, I didn't really care all too much for all this (isn't really my type), but it did make me rather uncomfortable. Especially, ESPECIALLY since it was mostly grappling, which basically meant grabbing your opponent's shirt. Not only that, but when you grabbed your opponents hand (which is grabbing onto your shirt), you twist their arm around such that it's locked w/ your arm, in which you then grab their shirt. In all this, you pretty much have to reach around their chest, so needless to say I felt like I was freakin' groping her all the time...quite unnerving and akward...I tried my best not to, but it was hilarious when the instructor demonstrated the move w/ her, and he just didn't care about any of that and just reached, she was quite surprised...

Anyways, I just thought that was kinda funny...and that wasn't even the half of my evening...

So after Ninjutsu it was 6, which meant it was time for that single participant meeting for ultimate. But actually, all it was was this sign-up paper thing, and just asking the guy questions. Turns out ultimate's on sat. & sun., so I'm gonna have to tell my team that I'm not available on saturdays...nuts.

Well, after this fiasco (& after staying for about 15mins longer than I wanted), I decided to go to this free dinner thing w/ some christian club. Sounded interesting, and free food is always good...or so I thought. When I got there, I was freakin' starving, but as I got closer too the food, I realized something. There was this chinese curry thing that looked really good, but lo and behold, it was made w/ frickin' pork...stupid everything. So, next on the menu was this potato salad, which didn't look that appetizing, but at this point I was starved, so I'd eat anything. Well, I guess not anything, since the freakin' potato salad was made with freakin' shrimp! The only things left were rice and gai-lan, so I took what I could and ate...sooooo not good. I told the girls at the door that I had to leave, gave my explanation (w/ being a sevy), and left. Told them I'd do bible study / small group thing, so they didn't seem to mind. And yes, I didn't check those boxes off just to get away, I really wouldn't mind going...

So, after this, I decided to just bus home. Well, the last 480 had just gone, and there were no 41's around a la Reuben's suggestion, so I took the 99 once again. Now, it seemed like any other busride, but w/ the night I was having, of course it wasn't. Who other do I see than Yoyo, from McNair! I haven't talked to the guy in ages...Which reminds me also, I saw Manveer this morning on the bus to UBC! Ah, 'tis a small world inside the UBC bubble...

Anyways, Yoyo and I went on the 98 into richmond...but this is where the really crazy thing happens. Now, we were talking about UBC, and this girl started talking to us, about how we're all in UBC, which busses are best for turns out that she went to McRoberts, which is pretty cool I I believe is Genie, or Ginny, or something...anyways, she's in 1st year commerce...

So, the bus driver does the whole "move to the back please" thing, so we all move to the back, or so I thought, 'cause it turns out Yoyo just stayed where he was, leaving me and Ginny to talk by ourselves for a bit (which is when I found out her name, etc). But MAN, I never just talk to people on the bus, out of the blue! That's just crazy! Plus, she started talking w/ her other friends that coincidently was also on the bus, so it was this whole conversation thing...pretty cool.

So, I might as well answer the question that'll inevitably be raised...So, is she hot? Well, here's the story. While waiting for the bus stop, I saw her waiting too. However, she's this really young-looking asian, so I thought that she was still in high school or something, but since there's no highschools around, I thought she could be in university...but, at that time, she seem waaaay younger than university...anyways, after the whole moving-to-the-back and started talking, I found out she went to ubc, then BANG!!! Instant physical attractiveness...not to mention having a complete conversation, which basically never happens...ability to talk to, major points w/ me...not to mention how I love asian girls who speak clearly...anyways, she's in commerce and hangs around the CG lounge a lot, so I'll probably end up seeing her again...not that I'd wanna date her though, since I don't see myself going out w/ such an outgoing person...I'm afraid I'll get waaay to jealous...but I'm rambling...

Oh yeah! In all this commotion, I forgot to mention that I saw Jined too! Yeah, we ended up talking for a bit too until we all got off at Richmond Center. Needless to say, this was the craziest awesome busride ever...

So, after I got off at Richmond center, everyone basically went away...I could've gone w/ Jined, 'cause his bus goes by 4 and williams, but I didn't feel like taking the chance...however, after he left for the other bay, I realized that I should've, since the 404 wouldn't come for another 25 mins. So, realizing my folly, I decided to be a little more adventurous, taking the 403 to 4 and, in my infinite wisdom, I just thought I'd take the 404 down to my place...stupid me, I'd have to wait another 20 mins for, I said screw it, I'll just after walking down 4 road, through my old school, through the darkened field to the back alleyway through the sidestreets, I was home. Beautiful night for a walk though...and man, what a night it was...

Anyways, in conclusion to this crazy night, I have realized something quite grand: when good things happen to me, I blog. Like crazy. Like today. Man, I wrote way too much...

Until next time, I guess...


Blogger Gautam said...

The whole bit about the "tall blonde girl" was dangerously close to Softcore smut literature--good job. But I hear you on getting jealous over the overly extroverted chicks, that totally happens to me too--dunno why.

12:43 a.m.  
Blogger Rohbit said...

Because we realize that there's way more competition than we're willing to handle.

12:05 a.m.  
Blogger Gautam said...

It's not even the competition of other guys. I just get jealous at the fact that they're receiving attention from other places when there's so little time left for fellatio. No but serioulsy, I do get jealous over shit like that.

1:12 a.m.  

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