Thursday, September 08, 2005


Well, after the past few days of longness, today seems to have made up for it...

Went to class at 10. Ended at 10:30. I'm done for today...

Now alls I gotta do is get my Certificate 2 to prove to the loaners that I've gots school...and, I gotta find out how to get myself a locker in Angus...and to get a free agenda...

Hmm, but now I've got a decision to make...should I stay at UBC, get ahead in my readings and what not, then watch the hockey game? Or, perhaps I should just go home, then come back later to watch it? Or should I even go to the game??

Oh isn't turning out to be a good day, had to get off of the comfy 480, where I was reading in the back w/ 2 seats to myself, onto this crowded-as-hell bus where I had to stand 'til I got to UBC. This was at the 70th. Booo...

Anyways, I'm off to get something done, instead of wasting all my time on addictinggames or something...

Until next time, I guess...

[Edit, 8:19pm - Well, didn't go to the game...on the 480 back to richmond, it went past Kwantlen. So I said what the hell, why not go visit, and so I did...saw a bunch of people, ended up eating AYCE Japanese good, but so expensive, although I still feel like I'm bursting from the seams 5 hrs later...and it seems like I've got absolutely no work done. Don't think I can go to Kwantlen anymore...]


Blogger Rohbit said...

I learnt that the hard way.

9:40 p.m.  

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