Friday, September 30, 2005

Stoooooopid me...

Well, it's quarter to 2am, and once again I've yet to complete my marks...

Finding topics from about 10-12, setting everything up for about half an hour...then decided to take a "break", as in eat some sorbet watch some tv and surf the net...bad decision, 'cause I still have tons of work to do.

Okay, maybe not tons, but at 2am it's still a crapload more 'til I'm finished.

It's not like it's for that many marks though. It's worth 20% of a 1 credit course, so technically it's like 6.67 %. So, I shouldn't be worried over a crappy little thing.

Also, tomorrow I have a "presentation" tomorrow, of describing an ad I saw, for 1.5-2mins in length...I've decided to use the "my sock, my bone" commercial, just 'cause it's so friggin' awesome. Woo me and my doing other work to distract my main work...

In conclusion, procrastination sucks. Well, when you absolutely have to do work, it sure as hell does...

Until next time, I guess...


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